Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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You can't rape the willing anonymous April 27 2009, 17:51:05 UTC
Anon is in a rather foul mood, so, I'd like to see France getting brutally raped. And the other countries make light of this, because 'c'mon, it's France', 'he's always asking for it anyway', 'you can't rape the willing', 'oh, he was a slut anyway', 'it was only a matter of time', 'I bet he enjoyed it' etc.

And then I want to see him break down with at least one other country as witness. How it all ends is up to anon to decide; just make me cry, either from angst or from sheer heartwarming or, if you can somehow manage it, from laughing too hard. Anything.


Unexpected circumstances [1/?] anonymous April 30 2009, 06:27:54 UTC
Will I finish this one? Hopefully it won't suck...

"Arret! Arret!!" Screams echoed but no ears turned to hear. Even if they had they'd think it a joke or some other 'form of entertainment' for the French man who's lips spilled the pleas.

"No one will hear you and even if they did no one would care." the only voice answered, cruel and sharp in Francis' ear. It made the cries silent but the tears rolling down lily white cheeks only increased in measure as the words cruel thorns sunk deep into his heart.


Unexpected circumstances [2/?] anonymous April 30 2009, 06:33:08 UTC
Author!anon had to rewrite this in order for it to go the way they wished instead of the way it went. I hope I'm getting everyone in character and also that there are not to many spelling mistakes.They were all talking to one another, save a few of the more reserved, about how the usually flirtatious French nation started acting depressed. A few of them were whispering rumors, others just coming to the usual conclusions but at least a few were concerned ( ... )


Re: Unexpected circumstances [2/?] anonymous April 30 2009, 06:34:38 UTC
"What do you think is wrong?" Matt whispered to the others gathered at the table ( ... )


above is part 3 anonymous April 30 2009, 06:36:21 UTC
I'm just a moron


Re: above is part 3 anonymous April 30 2009, 08:00:30 UTC
Anon is not a moron. Anon is great! Please continue!!


Unexpected circumstances [4/?] anonymous April 30 2009, 16:41:00 UTC
"Do you see? You'll only ever be a slut to them. I could rape you, brutal and hard, right in front of them all and they'd think you wanted it." another thrust came, cruel and hard, forcing the French man's hips against the unforgiving sink painfully. "I can have you as long and as often as I want and no one will lift a finger, raise their voice in protest."

Moans of pain and protest quietly flittered through the tiled room as the thrusts became more erratic. His captor came with a shiver, holding completely still as his fluids filled the other. "You're only a toy to me and only a fool to them." he venomously whispered into his captive's ear and pulled away, quickly putting himself away and leaving the whimpering collapsed man on the floor.


OP is interested anonymous April 30 2009, 18:16:01 UTC


Author anon feels shamed. anonymous April 30 2009, 18:47:36 UTC
Author anon only seems to have skill writing rape >>


OP anonymous April 30 2009, 19:15:32 UTC
It's alright. I asked for it. >D Tasty, tasty rape.


Unexpected circumstances [5/?] anonymous April 30 2009, 19:46:13 UTC
He was alone now in the meeting room. Not that it matter even if someone were there since they'd all chosen to ignore him after the lunch break. Even when someone had looked at him it was only filled with contempt, some even mouthing the word 'slut' to him. He felt disgusting and dirty, used and a bit betrayed. Not that he could blame them, really.

But still...

He hadn't noticed the tears even as they made light sounds when the hit the table, to caught up in his pain to pay them notice.

No one had even asked who...no one had cared.

The sobs came after that, Francis burying his head in his arms and just letting himself cry. Shortly the sobs became bellows of pain and agony as the words that man...that horrible creature said echoed again and again in his mind. He wished he could just loose himself to unconsciousness or maybe wine like Arthur tended to.

Was he that big of a slut, so much that they thought him getting...getting raped was his version of a good time? Did they think he was that desperate? That worthless? Had that man ( ... )


Unexpected circumstances [6/?] anonymous April 30 2009, 19:48:14 UTC
That's likely when it clicked in Ludwig's mind what was wrong and how stupid he felt for not realizing...or not believing. "It's...true then? What you said ( ... )


Re: Unexpected circumstances [6/?] anonymous May 2 2009, 08:49:36 UTC
I like the concept (mmh Germany/France in bonus) but I couldn't help bursting into laughter when the rapist is revealed to be S. Italy
I can't wait for the next part!


Re: Unexpected circumstances [6/?] anonymous May 2 2009, 16:52:22 UTC
(That's N.Italy, I think?)...yeah that's what England did too. Originally I thought of it being Russia but then I was like, no to obvious. Then I thought someone no one would suspect. Then Tino came to mind but I figured that'd been done. So finally I picked Italy! lol...

(Next part? I figured there wouldn't even be a this part. >> I don't think I'm that good of a writer no matter how hard I try.)


Not the same anon from before anonymous May 3 2009, 03:08:36 UTC
What do you mean no next part?? No! You have to finish it! Please! OTLOTLOTL


author!anon also has a request anonymous May 3 2009, 16:39:45 UTC
Ah I suppose I could do one...since you asked nicely. Maybe though you could point out what I did wrong here first so I can do better?


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