Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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Re: Unexpected circumstances [2/?] anonymous April 30 2009, 06:34:38 UTC
"What do you think is wrong?" Matt whispered to the others gathered at the table.

"I don't know, think what the other's are saying is true? Some fucked up relationship?" Al whispered back.

"No I don't think so," Ludwig said a slightly thoughtful gaze on his face, "that is not the usual way he acts if he's ever rejected..." blushing lightly when the others turned their attention to him, wanting to know how he knew that. Once again he never got to explain himself as the doors were slammed open and an irritated Arthur stomped in nearly slamming the doors on a panicked Francis' face. He didn't stop till he was back at their table, sitting down harshly, an embarrassed blush marking his face.

"Whoa Art! What happened!?" Al asked looking worried. Did Francis try to molest him?

"That idiot, it's just like the rumors say; he didn't like the sexual position or something like that." he growled and pointedly ignored the French man who now stood by the door pale as a sheet. "He was going on about how someone 'forced him' in bed."

"What?" Matt exclaimed, clearly upset.

"That bloody toad is a horny bastard, he just didn't like getting dominated instead of dominating." Arthur said irritably, waving his hand dismissively.

Sighing Kiku just agreed with Arthur while Al shrugged and went back to eating. Matt was concerned, standing when Francis turned about face and walked out, but a tug on his arm from Arthur made him sit back down.

"Don't, it's just wounded pride, he'll get over it." Arthur sighed.

"Bu-But you said..." Matt said wide eyed and upset.

"He's lying...or making it seem way more that it is. That fool is a drama queen." Arthur explained feeling sorry for the Canadian who's heart was sometimes bigger than his brain.

"I wouldn't worry." Austria agreed, just a table over. "He's had 'bad flings' before he'll likely have dozens more."

"Ve, big brother has always managed to bounce back! He's very good with romance!" Feliciano agreed and also began munching at his lunch happily.

"I...I see." Matt said and stared down at his lunch not really feeling hungry.

"Matthew, I will go and speak with him later...so do try not to feel concerned." Ludwig promised giving what he hoped was a some-what comforting smile to the usually happy Canadian. Matt gave him a weak smile and for the most part the rest of the meal was eaten in peace.


above is part 3 anonymous April 30 2009, 06:36:21 UTC
I'm just a moron


Re: above is part 3 anonymous April 30 2009, 08:00:30 UTC
Anon is not a moron. Anon is great! Please continue!!


Unexpected circumstances [4/?] anonymous April 30 2009, 16:41:00 UTC
"Do you see? You'll only ever be a slut to them. I could rape you, brutal and hard, right in front of them all and they'd think you wanted it." another thrust came, cruel and hard, forcing the French man's hips against the unforgiving sink painfully. "I can have you as long and as often as I want and no one will lift a finger, raise their voice in protest."

Moans of pain and protest quietly flittered through the tiled room as the thrusts became more erratic. His captor came with a shiver, holding completely still as his fluids filled the other. "You're only a toy to me and only a fool to them." he venomously whispered into his captive's ear and pulled away, quickly putting himself away and leaving the whimpering collapsed man on the floor.


OP is interested anonymous April 30 2009, 18:16:01 UTC


Author anon feels shamed. anonymous April 30 2009, 18:47:36 UTC
Author anon only seems to have skill writing rape >>


OP anonymous April 30 2009, 19:15:32 UTC
It's alright. I asked for it. >D Tasty, tasty rape.


Unexpected circumstances [5/?] anonymous April 30 2009, 19:46:13 UTC
He was alone now in the meeting room. Not that it matter even if someone were there since they'd all chosen to ignore him after the lunch break. Even when someone had looked at him it was only filled with contempt, some even mouthing the word 'slut' to him. He felt disgusting and dirty, used and a bit betrayed. Not that he could blame them, really.

But still...

He hadn't noticed the tears even as they made light sounds when the hit the table, to caught up in his pain to pay them notice.

No one had even asked who...no one had cared.

The sobs came after that, Francis burying his head in his arms and just letting himself cry. Shortly the sobs became bellows of pain and agony as the words that man...that horrible creature said echoed again and again in his mind. He wished he could just loose himself to unconsciousness or maybe wine like Arthur tended to.

Was he that big of a slut, so much that they thought him getting...getting raped was his version of a good time? Did they think he was that desperate? That worthless? Had that man been completely right? That man's voice mocked and laughed in his mind making his body ache and wither.

"I might as well go home." he thought slowly forcing himself to stand, "there's no one here for me. No one will be worried and no one will be waiting for me..." he walked, eyes to the floor, all but dragging himself along. Till he ran smack into someone.

His entire body stiffened and panic and terror filled him. Slowly he looked up fully expecting to see his tormentor come in for another attack, to strike down the nails on his coffin. What he didn't expect to see was the worried and shocked face of a German who looked incredibly uncomfortable yet unable to flee.

What should have been somewhat reassuring turned out to be more terrifying and before he knew it he was screaming in terror and pushing the other away while trying to run across the room.

The German gave his own startled shout at being shoved but quickly recovered looking over to Francis with a look that Francis couldn't quite distinguish as pity or sadness. Perhaps sympathy? No, none of them had sympathy, not for him.

"Francis...it's me." Ludwig said simply, identifying himself with his hands held up in a peaceful gesture, "I came...to see you since you hadn't ...returned home yet."

"Wh-Why? Why are you here?!" and Francis, no matter how hard he tried, couldn't manage to keep the hysteria out of his voice. He was pressed up against the far wall, eyes wide and looking at the German as though he was looking at the Nazi Germany who conquered him more than half a decade ago.


Unexpected circumstances [6/?] anonymous April 30 2009, 19:48:14 UTC
That's likely when it clicked in Ludwig's mind what was wrong and how stupid he felt for not realizing...or not believing. "It's...true then? What you said?"

"What I said?" Francis echoed still looking like a deer in the headlights. He was shaking and the German knew that it was taking everything the other had not to collapse onto the ground.

"You were raped." Ludwig replied and stood not a foot away from the Frenchman, gauging the other's face for confirmation. The new tears were enough. Swiftly he had the other man in his arms and was holding his still shaking body in his arms, petting his hair and whispering, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Francis whispered so quiet Ludwig barely heard it. He sounded so confused as though he couldn't grasp why the German would ever apologize to him.

"I'm sorry I...that I didn't do something sooner to help," Ludwig answered quietly but still far louder than Francis had. "I should have realized, I'm sorry."

"Isn't that better?" Francis whispered crying again, hot tears falling onto Ludwig's shoulders "Isn't that better...?" his voice choked again and he fell limp into the other's strong arms, sobbing anew.

"Nein, who did this to you?" Ludwig asked and his voice...he sounded so angry like he was really ready to kill whoever hurt him...like he'd actually defend his honour. His honour...

Now Francis was smiling because he didn't think he could cry louder and because he tired of crying all together. How could misery and joy mix so beautifully?

"Francis...who did this to you? Who?" Ludwig asked again and pulled away confused by the other's smile. Tentatively he brushed the tears away, his other hand still supporting the Frenchman.

"Will you believe me...if I tell you?" Francis asked, suddenly shy and withdrawn. As though he knew how Ludwig would react.

"I'll keep an open mind." Ludwig promised, kissing the other's cheek.

"...Italy..." Francis said and covered his face as though he knew, knew the other would strike him. He was crying again too, trembling and shaking in pain.

"Ita-which one?" Ludwig asked also going pale and starting to shake.

"...Feliciano," Francis cried, "Ludwig I'm sorry! I...I..."

"Why?" Ludwig asked but Francis knew it wasn't directed at him. Knew that Ludwig was asking his friend though the other was no where near there. "Why would he do such a thing...why would he hurt you?"

"I...I don't know...I think...he was angry at me...I don't know...I'm sorry..." Francis cried and shook clinging to the other like a life line. When he'd told Arthur that English bastard...had burst out laughing! But Ludwig was...Ludwig was so upset and now Francis felt like an ass because he'd gone and hurt his friend too...

"Francis I'm sorry," Ludwig said at length and pulled him into a tighter embrace, "I should have..done something, should have realized. Forgive me..."

"N-Non..." Francis muttered into Ludwig's coat, "I...I am the one who...I am the one..."

"Nein Francis, nein." Ludwig said and began stroking the other's hair, "you're not at fault and soon I will deal with the one who is."

"Non! You can't, Francis you can't possibly...!" Francis shouted, horror filling his eyes.

"And why not? Regardless of his and my relationship he shouldn't think he's allowed to ...do that to you, to anyone!" the self-richous fury in Ludwig's eyes burned brighter than the sun. Francis started to tremble again and soon Ludwig lifted him into his arms bridal form and was carrying him out the door. "I'll get you home first...and we'll talk." he told the Frenchman tenderly.

"Merci...thank you for believing me..." Francis whispered, crying silent tears all the way back home.

Do you know my computer can read back the fic to me? That is so fucking awesome and will make my life oh so much easier


Re: Unexpected circumstances [6/?] anonymous May 2 2009, 08:49:36 UTC
I like the concept (mmh Germany/France in bonus) but I couldn't help bursting into laughter when the rapist is revealed to be S. Italy
I can't wait for the next part!


Re: Unexpected circumstances [6/?] anonymous May 2 2009, 16:52:22 UTC
(That's N.Italy, I think?)...yeah that's what England did too. Originally I thought of it being Russia but then I was like, no to obvious. Then I thought someone no one would suspect. Then Tino came to mind but I figured that'd been done. So finally I picked Italy! lol...

(Next part? I figured there wouldn't even be a this part. >> I don't think I'm that good of a writer no matter how hard I try.)


Not the same anon from before anonymous May 3 2009, 03:08:36 UTC
What do you mean no next part?? No! You have to finish it! Please! OTLOTLOTL


author!anon also has a request anonymous May 3 2009, 16:39:45 UTC
Ah I suppose I could do one...since you asked nicely. Maybe though you could point out what I did wrong here first so I can do better?


Re: author!anon also has a request anonymous May 4 2009, 05:10:49 UTC
I didn't think there was anything really wrong with it! The rapist being N Italy was certainly a surprise and possibly OOC, but I like it and am really interested in reading the rest! And I thought you got the other nations's reactions spot on!


anon from above anonymous May 3 2009, 07:51:21 UTC
I just can't imagine being so evil haha what a surprise XDD

Oh, please, write a next part, please. I would love to read it.


author!anon anonymous May 3 2009, 16:40:41 UTC
I will see if I can


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