Jan 26, 2011 08:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 3



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anonymous March 17 2009, 04:42:01 UTC
Hetalia/G Gundam crossover. Anon can't be the only one that thought of this...


Yamato Damashii 1/6 anonymous April 9 2009, 08:13:34 UTC
OK, this? It's probably loaded with Unfortunate Implications, but since it combines what amounts to a very long and awesome toy commercial with a comic that is pretty much made of potential offence, I do not think there was any delicate way to write this. Sorry. I ended up going with "GGundam!Japan haets foreigners, but yay cultural blending; imperialism and war are not fun times." Given the way G Gundam progresses, GGundam!Countries do not necessarily equal RealLife!Countries, mind.

"Forgive me for saying this, but do you mean that I am no longer needed?"

Japan's boss shook his head vigorously. "Of course not! Where did you get that idea? A number of people will still continue to live on Earth. The old laws and borders still apply as much as they ever did. No matter what happens, you're still our Japan."

"Nevertheless, you named it New Japan," said Japan, emphasising the last two words. "Does that not imply that I am being replaced?"

"It means that it's an extension of you. Our...your population is growing very quickly ( ... )


Yamato Damashii 2/6 anonymous April 9 2009, 08:19:41 UTC
The child- and he was only a child, to be frank- was gangly, brash, temperamental, and thoroughly, obnoxiously un-Japanese.

Domon. Honestly. Where did a name like that even come from? It was always written in katakana, too. When he actually spoke, he mumbled so quietly that he might as well have been silent, and the words themselves were always rude. He seemed locked in a perpetual sulk, interested in nothing but fighting and swords, and apparently completely unaware of how to properly hold a chopstick.

But oh, he'd grown up so isolated, and he'd been through ever so much suffering, and by the way would you mind teaching him to love his country before he embarrasses us in front of the whole solar system?

The new prime minister had smiled weakly about it, and Japan had sighed and said "understood" without any more complaining. Now he was regretting that very deeply.

"Look," he said. "I've brought this for you today."

Domon glanced over the scroll and shrugged. "Wazzat, hanzi?"

Japan gritted his teeth. "Kanji," he said, ( ... )


Yamato Damashii 3/6 anonymous April 10 2009, 08:33:46 UTC
He couldn't really call them meetings, because they didn't include neckties or uncomfortable chairs or cold coffee, but he wasn't entirely sure what they were.

It was strange to see England in anything that wasn't starched and pressed, but he had a tendency to show up at odd hours, in casual clothes with his hair messed up. America's colour was starting to come back, yet he hadn't started eating fast food again, and spent a surprising portion of these times sipping at his drink, just listening to the others chattering. They all comforted China after his Fighter accidentally broke a 2000-year-old statuette in a bo practise mishap, and they made an admirable effort to explain the magical girl genre to a very befuddled-looking Sweden on one memorable occasion. (America had somehow gotten entirely the wrong idea about that, and resolutely refused to be convinced otherwise.)

"Is it not good?" Hong Kong asked suddenly. Japan glanced up, confused. "Your baozi."

Ah, the nikuman Hong Kong had prepared as a teatime snack. Japan had been ( ... )


Yamato Damashii 4/6 anonymous April 10 2009, 08:38:20 UTC
"A sword is not just a weapon. It's an extension of yourself."

Domon watched in rapt attention, leaning forward as Japan unlocked the box. The katana was ancient and not particularly high-quality, but had been cared for exceptionally lovingly.

"And what did Munenori say about swords?" Japan asked, and it took Domon a moment to register that it was a question.

"They're...for protecting good," he said. "And destroying evil. Not killing people, more like helping them fix what's wrong with them. He said swords are for giving life."

That was an exaggeration, certainly- Yagyu Munenori was somewhat unique in his time for only wanting to kill evil people- but Japan was not inclined to correct that particular mistake today.

"Indeed." Japan rose and slid the sword out of the sheath, sliding into stances that were no less familiar after two hundred years. Domon was transfixed to the point of barely breathing. "A sword is no different from an arm or a leg. It has no mind of its own; all it can do is what you guide it to do. For good ( ... )


Yamato Damashii 5/6 anonymous April 10 2009, 08:42:10 UTC
England had apparently caught the hints in Japan's response, because when he came out on the veranda, he looked extremely sheepish and the promised alcohol was nowhere to be seen. Hong Kong trailed behind him, looking extremely amused.

"Sorry, I just thought we'd pop by and have a drink- of, of tea, of course," said England, only remembering to bow after noticing Hong Kong do so. "Didn't realise you already had company over. We'll just be going now-"

"Who're you?" Domon asked, giving them his very best death glare. Japan coughed loudly.

On that particular day, England gave off the impression of a small, nervous, possibly somewhat hungover man, but there had been a period in history when his mere name made young colonies piss their pants, and he had not exactly forgotten the proper way to smack someone with a wooden cane. Being a rude child in his vicinity when he was already irritated was only slightly less dangerous than asking a python for a hug. Hong Kong, who could certainly attest to this if anyone could, took several ( ... )


Yamato Damashii 6/6 anonymous April 10 2009, 08:46:27 UTC
My attempt to avoid spoilers through vagueness resulted in interesting ambiguity! Who'd've thunk it?

"Are you really content with what Kasshu's won? Four years, and then back to the bottom of the heap? Think about it."

"No." Japan had an impulse to draw his sword, even if only for symbolism, but it was locked firmly in the chest at home. "No."

"Don't you ever long for the past, Japan? Don't you ever remember what it felt like to be an empire? Think about what you used to be!"

Japan remembered China's warm blood soaking him, the sound of Korea's sobbing, America's utterly shattered expression, Germany's silent back.

-Yamato, I'm going to make you big, you understand? With me at the top, you will grow to be greater than anyone else in the world!-

"It is because I remember what I used to be," he said, "that I tell you this. I will never do what you are asking."


"I truly like an unguarded England-san, and a gently smiling America-san, and...and also, the taste of Hong Kong-san's barbecue baozi. If growing into an ( ... )


Re: Yamato Damashii 6/6 anonymous April 10 2009, 18:48:28 UTC
O-Oh my god. This prompt was amazing, I'd forgotten how many countries were involved with the Gundam fight, and you just took it and made it even more sljfldjf parts 5 and 6 just slew me, and I'm not normally a fan of Japan. What a wonderful fill--I love your Japan, and I love how far he's come (and then ;;). Thanks so much for writing this for us. ♥


Author!Anon provides artfill omake! anonymous April 16 2009, 07:29:44 UTC
Thank you very much for your kind response to the fic; I was actually quite worried it wouldn't go over well...

Anyway, Author!Anon is also an Artist!Anon as of late, so here is a pair of magic mystery omake comic strips I produced a little after I was done with the fic. (I may submit this to theOtaku as well once I work out the dimensions.) It originally featured some homemade digital tone, but that screwed up the resizing, so b&w will have to do for the moment.

(Both are around 500x1333px. ImageShack because I hate URL truncation.)




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