Jan 26, 2011 08:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 3



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Yamato Damashii 5/6 anonymous April 10 2009, 08:42:10 UTC
England had apparently caught the hints in Japan's response, because when he came out on the veranda, he looked extremely sheepish and the promised alcohol was nowhere to be seen. Hong Kong trailed behind him, looking extremely amused.

"Sorry, I just thought we'd pop by and have a drink- of, of tea, of course," said England, only remembering to bow after noticing Hong Kong do so. "Didn't realise you already had company over. We'll just be going now-"

"Who're you?" Domon asked, giving them his very best death glare. Japan coughed loudly.

On that particular day, England gave off the impression of a small, nervous, possibly somewhat hungover man, but there had been a period in history when his mere name made young colonies piss their pants, and he had not exactly forgotten the proper way to smack someone with a wooden cane. Being a rude child in his vicinity when he was already irritated was only slightly less dangerous than asking a python for a hug. Hong Kong, who could certainly attest to this if anyone could, took several steps backwards out of reflex.

"Oh, we're just old friends of Honda," said England, very slowly and calmly and- and pleasantly. "Could tell you all manner of stories, I'm sure. I'm betting he's never mentioned the guinea pigs?"

"Arthur," snapped Japan, almost unthinkingly. "That is not an appropriate subject for discussion at present, thank you very much."

That phrase, of course, has never worked on anyone in the entire history of mankind.

"What about guinea pigs?" Domon asked, quite promptly. Japan immediately buried his face in his hands; England grinned evilly.

"Well, he'd gotten this guinea pig as a special gift from Italy," said England, "and of course he just had to have more, you know how Honda gets about anything little and cute-"

"What, really?" asked Domon, turning back to a horrified Japan. "He usually seems so stuffy."

"Yes, it's like his entire character changes around cute things," Hong Kong agreed. "I was quite surprised when I saw his collection of hug-pillows." Japan let out an indignant squawk, but his reaction only made the situation worse.

"Anyway, he turned into a total guinea pig maniac, so he ended up with about a million of them," said England. "And he didn't want to get rid of even a single one, either!"

"T-that was years ago," said Japan, flushing. "Anyway, Arthur, what about that time that you couldn't even keep that pair of laptops in the right country? I seem to recall that you filled pretty much every living person in the entire United Kingdom with righteous fury?"

"That was not my fault, as I've told you!" England, who would usually launch into a string of tsundere red-faced profanity at times like these, just half-smiled in a self-conscious way, making a vaguely dismissive gesture. "There were extenuating circumstances."

"When it comes to anecdotes, I'm more fond of that time when Arthur started piercing everything and ranting about 'the Establishment'," said Hong Kong. Japan blinked; there was none of the expected vitriol behind Hong Kong's words, no resentment, just...a slightly wicked smirk?

"Well then, I suppose you've forgotten the time when you apparently thought 'do not want' was an acceptable translation for 'no'," said England, giving Hong Kong a friendly slap across the shoulders. Hong Kong flushed slightly. "Alfred's never let you live that one down, I'll warrant."

"Oh, I see how that happened," Domon said seriously, nodding.

That day, England honestly relaxed, Hong Kong reminisced without malice, and Domon didn't get bored or impatient or saunter into a corner to pout. Old embarrassments weren't ammunition for arguments, but for good-natured banter. Even through the haze brought on by England's present, that evening, Japan couldn't help but hope for more such tranquil days.


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