Hetalia kink meme part 21

Jun 03, 2012 14:52

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 21



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Past FrUK + Present USUK - Talking to the ex anonymous October 30 2011, 23:59:19 UTC
America and France being trapped/alone somewhere (a lift, a meeting room, a car, whatever) and talking about England. Jealousy, awkwardness, competitiveness... let it all out.

Bonus 1: America is somewhat insecure about his sex life with England
Bonus 2: France still have feelings for him


Re: Past FrUK + Present USUK - Talking to the ex anonymous November 5 2011, 18:19:35 UTC
I do believe I'll try to fill this. <3 Might take a few days because of school and NaNoWriMo.


Re: Past FrUK + Present USUK - Talking to the ex anonymous November 5 2011, 19:37:16 UTC

I'm forever grateful that you are even considering it. Thank you so much.


Somewhere between the 3rd and 4th Floor [1a/1] anonymous November 7 2011, 17:53:55 UTC
Alfred F. Jones could not look at one certain Arthur Kirkland without total adoration, though he was often matched by a fierce scowl from the other. It was a strange relationship-a new relationship-though Alfred had come to terms with the irascible Briton’s behavior centuries ago. The two were complete opposites. Alfred tended to be overzealous, over-energetic, overconfident, while Arthur took the quieter side of things, preferring relaxing evenings with books or embroidery rather than screaming over football games. He tended to be more dry, more biting, yet more easily flustered ( ... )


Re: Somewhere between the 3rd and 4th Floor [1b/1] anonymous November 7 2011, 17:56:25 UTC
Alfred shrugged. “Yeah, well, what can ya do. But they know the party can’t start without the hero ( ... )


Re: Somewhere between the 3rd and 4th Floor [1c/1] anonymous November 7 2011, 17:58:47 UTC
“Well he was with the best…” Francis muttered ( ... )


Re: Somewhere between the 3rd and 4th Floor [1d/1] anonymous November 7 2011, 18:00:48 UTC
Francis only managed a half smile and beckoned him first off the elevator when it opened to the lobby. He lagged behind, still lost in memories of better days that he could never get back ( ... )


Re: Somewhere between the 3rd and 4th Floor [1d/1] anonymous November 8 2011, 00:58:46 UTC
Oh dear, I did some editing (ie changed some dialogue etc) and am not quite sure how to fix it on the meme. I wonder if it wouldn't be too much of a pain to post it here? There's just a part in 1c that needs to be replaced ( ... )


Re: Somewhere between the 3rd and 4th Floor [1d/1] anonymous November 8 2011, 13:45:25 UTC
What is this? No comments yet?!

Beautiful fill anon! <3 I found it very believable and quite touching really. Just what I needed. Loved it!


Re: Somewhere between the 3rd and 4th Floor [1d/1] anonymous November 9 2011, 04:21:56 UTC
I love reading this. I'll have to write a longer comment when I have more time.


Re: Somewhere between the 3rd and 4th Floor [1d/1] anonymous November 10 2011, 23:43:35 UTC
Cute enough.


Re: Somewhere between the 3rd and 4th Floor [1d/1] anonymous November 28 2011, 23:13:02 UTC
.Hey love, it's me. Yeah, you know who I'm talking about. I found you. Be afraid~

Hon, you already know I love your work, and I can't reiterate it enough. America's uncertainty and France's bitterness worked so well together, and you have such a wonderful muse for serious!France, even if you don't think so..

Honestly, I do like the rewritten section better than the original. Not that it was bad at first, but it does give a better glimpse at both Iggy's problems and sheds a bit of light on all the resentment that France is trying so hard to hide. I know I threw fits and flipped shit at first, but it really does add to the story. And it's so nice to see an author who's willing to take a critique and actually work with it rather than pitching a fit and condemning poor reviewer!anon to hell. It's not a skill I excel in, so at least one of is isn't a total bitch. XD HOWEVER. HOWEVER, HOWEVER, HOWEVER ( ... )


Passerby Anon anonymous November 29 2011, 00:41:47 UTC
Whut. 0.0

I totally agree about the mpreg Lietpol thing, but I have to contest the dick!rape notion. In section 10, paragraph 3 of Hetalia!Fanon volume 2 it states that "In times of depression, angst, or seriousness Francis Bonnefoy's dick becomes under-enthused and avoids contact anyone who is not of English nationality, this includes masturbation." Please actually /read/ the rules before randomly throwing out critique like that. You sound uneducated and uninformed, and a!anon doesn't deserve that.

As for the hamburger thing, if a!anon paid Alfred in hamburgers following the writing of the fill, that is also an acceptable interpretation of said contract for using his likeness in any literary work.

All that aside--seriously, some people shouldn't be allowed near keyboards, sheesh--I'd like to say that I enjoyed the fill. Reminded me of my childhoo--wait. But seriously, nice job.


/diff anon anonymous December 18 2011, 14:18:47 UTC

You are now my favorite anon.


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