Past-Part Fills Part 5 [Closed]

Feb 27, 2011 12:29

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anonymous January 1 2011, 04:15:47 UTC
General RelativityBased on this request: Alfred as Mr. Jones, the bizarre new teacher at World Academy who's maybe a little too enthusiastic with his space and physics lessons, but somehow still manages to make people learn. Student A's blossoming crush and ensuing pursuit of a relationship with the oblivious teacher (preferably successful, and with some kinky student-topping-teacher sexytiems in the classroom ( ... )


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 3 2011, 12:54:57 UTC
Utterly lovely and sad and leaving me aching for the next part (and praying things will work out for them somehow).


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 3 2011, 22:05:36 UTC



Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 4 2011, 05:31:23 UTC
G-Goddamnit, I'm crying again. ;; I loveloveloveloveloveLOVE this fic, and it was an amazing present on my first day back in class, but... oh man, I can't even stand it.

Also, I don't think you need to worry about people leaving this fic- it's too amazing to drop, especially not before the epic finale. Even when you write "crap", my dear author, you succeed in tearing our heartstrings.

I'll be waiting for the next one! ♥


anon is interested in putting this story in eBook/PDF format? :D anonymous January 4 2011, 22:59:19 UTC
hullo, amazing author!anon~ I was wondering if you'd be interested if I put General Relativity into a downloadable eBook/PDF/however-you-want-it format. I recently got a Nook for Christmas and this is one of my all-time favourite stories ~ever~ and I was thinking of collecting all the parts and putting it on my Nook and then I thought what the hey maybe some other people would like to download it too! and so here I am, humbly requesting your help/permission. ;v; I'd really love to do this even with the daunting task of formatting 178+ chapters and it would be a pleasure to work with you to make it something that's author!approved, so... if you could give it a thought !! ヾ(  ・ω・)ノ

also I would squee/scream over this latest batch of chapters but I already did it up there, so~ *SQUEES/SCREAMS*


Re: anon is interested in putting this story in eBook/PDF format? :D anonymous January 5 2011, 03:10:06 UTC
I already have most of this story in PDF form if you want that...


Re: anon is interested in putting this story in eBook/PDF format? :D anonymous January 5 2011, 07:48:47 UTC
aww, thanks for offering but putting it in PDF format was kind of a second thought to what I was originally going to put it in (ePUB) since whenever I try to load PDF documents on my nook it just ends up in unscrollable images. But thank you anyways! n____n


Writer!anon <3 anonymous January 5 2011, 04:14:04 UTC

Yeah, if you want to, I wouldn't mind at all. M'honored you'd like it in that kind of format, too. I guess it'd make it easier at this ridiculous length. /flustered

It never even occurred to me, LOL.You've got my permission and all the help you want! ♥ I hope I can make it a little easier for you. I mean, if you'd like, I can give you the Word document and help with any formatting if we work out how to get it done. Umm, the only thing I can think of... well, the fic will be done in another three updates or so, I think. At that point, I'll be finishing a rewrite that I've already started. (Nothing extensive, just some added/merged stuff and easier transitions, fixed errors, that sort of thing.) That's the version I plan to archive on my LJ. Would it be better to give you the rewrite as I finish it or do you want it as-is ( ... )


Re: Writer!anon <3 anonymous January 5 2011, 07:56:31 UTC
ahhhhh, thanks for replying! I was a little worried that you wouldn't since some other times with epic-long stories I've also asked other authors for their help but they don't reply. ;_____; i guess it's kind of creepy in a way especially if it's been a while since they've finished hahahaha /awkward

ADSJFLKASJDF THANK YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I have no words with which to thank you with if you send me the Word document. like, none at all. ♥♥♥♥ I'll send you the details later; my email is fruity-stars at hotmail dot com so expect an email from me... sometime later this day, I think xD;; I'd send it right now but I have school in about six hours ;v; yeeeee, thank you so much again. ♥♥


Re: Writer!anon <3 anonymous January 14 2011, 23:52:00 UTC
Could you pretty please post the link or what-have-you here when it's finished? To the document, I mean, since an ePUB thing was mentioned. That would be truly fantastic. And if you could just update us when you're done...I for one would absolutely go crazy if I could have this in some sort of PDF or other document. That would be amazing; and I know there are bunches of other anons that would love to see it too. <3 Though if this isn't cool with anyone, I understand. I just feel that with the FSTs that have been mentioned before, this should be fine.


Thank you sooo much, either way~


Re: Writer!anon <3 anonymous January 19 2011, 02:33:32 UTC
Sure thing! I'll make sure to post at the end of the story on here with links to any ePUB or PDF collections. ♥ I know some people don't watch the comms or anything.

Thank you so much for being interested. /hug :D


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 7 2011, 00:17:07 UTC
I'm gripped ;A; Oh the dramas... ILU for updating <3 <3 <3


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 8 2011, 14:33:32 UTC
...I'm just going to say..

I hate you and love you at the same time.

My God! I was so angry that you would leave it right there..

So. Angry.

Buuut, I guess that's how you end up making every one of your readers stay.


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 9 2011, 03:14:23 UTC
Your words, Author!Anon.

Your words make me heartsick.

This is beautiful. The emotions are tangible.

It's wonderful, Author!Anon, truly. Also, I'm way too attached to this story for my own good. I don't think I've ever cried so much from such heartache from just words.

Awaiting the next update! Oh, and be sure to take care of yourself first. We will wait for you.
I hope your best day of 2010 is your worst day of 2011. Have a wonderful new year!


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 11 2011, 18:40:52 UTC
Damn it,woman(?)!Author anon you're making me cry with this.This anon suspects that there is going to be no happy ending for Alfred and Matt.At least it would seem more realistic if there was no happy ending.


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 13 2011, 00:27:00 UTC

*scrabbles around* going to be honest this is probably the worse feeling ever. I know just what the dean is going through, just how risky this is but...

;3; I just want them to be okay


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