Past-Part Fills Part 5 [Closed]

Feb 27, 2011 12:29

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anonymous January 1 2011, 04:15:47 UTC
General RelativityBased on this request: Alfred as Mr. Jones, the bizarre new teacher at World Academy who's maybe a little too enthusiastic with his space and physics lessons, but somehow still manages to make people learn. Student A's blossoming crush and ensuing pursuit of a relationship with the oblivious teacher (preferably successful, and with some kinky student-topping-teacher sexytiems in the classroom ( ... )


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 19:00:34 UTC
Oh, God, Writer!Anon, you have no idea what you did to my heart-rate with this update. Just when I thought everything might be okay, it isn't, and then my heart hammers too fast and.. I swear, I'm glad my boy isn't home right now to see me crying over this fanfic again. I emphasize again.

Also -- So you know : I've collected all of your updates to date into one document over 125+ pages long. I've printed them all and keep them in a binder that I bring out and read again when I feel down at my own college...and it always makes me smile and feel better. Alfred's character in this made me feel like my Astronomy obsession wasn't a terrible thing again, and that it's okay to sit outside and stare up at the stars and feel small.

Your story is amazing, and I love every update you make, Writer!Anon. Good luck with your own college work, and remember that real life always comes before this. Take care of yourself and your life -- We'll always be here, and we'll wait forever if we must. ♥


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Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous February 7 2011, 14:16:42 UTC
lol seriously? Cause I totally did the same. I feel so much less stalkerish now. xD


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 20:13:47 UTC
I feel like I'm about to cry right now but I'm too damn happy that we got to see Dean Kirkland! Just uuuh, conflicting emotions, I don't know what to do with them. This is amazing and brilliant and I really love how you really pulled me into this story. I think I'll settle for crying about Mr. Jones omg ;o;

Happy New Year's to you too!! :)


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 20:45:44 UTC
omg, it's the best present fot new year.
i've been waiting all this time.
so now i was like "UPDAAAATE!!" and my mom thought i'm crazy XD
anyway, thank you. really, thank you for all these feelings that I have while reading this. i don't think i'll find fanfiction better than GR. you're genius :D
Happy New Year!!


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 22:03:09 UTC

I have nothing constructive to add.

You are amazing.


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 22:04:22 UTC
Thank you. Just.... my God, you are so awesome. I love this. LOVE THIS~


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 2 2011, 01:41:30 UTC
You are lovely. And so is this. And I'm super happy that this came during the day, even though I was working and didn't even know about it until I came home after 6. Still.

It was everything I had been hoping for and more. I was scrolling really slowly and keeping the paragraph I was reading at the very bottom of my screen so I couldn't read ahead and freak myself out.

Unrelated: Is it weird that I like reading all the reviews you get? There were over 50 for that last update. I also greatly enjoyed all that headcanon you shared on tumblr.


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 2 2011, 04:41:34 UTC

Not like that's anything new, pssh. OHMYGOD this story. this has had me in suspense and waiting since before Christmas so when i saw the continuation link? Yeah heart attack of EPIC proportions. I'm pretty sure i'm scaring my neighbors. TTHHHHHAAANKKK YOUUUU. Then more suspense and drama. This constant fluctuation of emotion and heart rate probably isn't healthy. I don't care. Please keep writing. You are amazing. <3 <3 <3


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 2 2011, 04:50:06 UTC
Q(TT m TT)Q AMAZING! i love you!!!


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 2 2011, 05:56:10 UTC
AMAZING. I am a bit fearful as to what happens to Mr. Jones. Same thing happened in my school, and the teacher got fired. Didn't know what happened to the student.

But then I transfer to another school and I see him there



Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 2 2011, 23:40:12 UTC
The teacher or the student? xD


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 2 2011, 13:56:24 UTC
Oh god, no...


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 2 2011, 15:21:15 UTC
gbjfdkjs oh writer!anon ;w;

Writer anon your words make my heart ache.

Loving this always <3


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 2 2011, 17:10:21 UTC
Oh, hey, thank you for the update-- I hear you've been busy. :) But man, the dean is right-- career suicide. Alfred will have to wonder if it was worth it. He loves teaching and he does it so well. Even if it was All For True Love, this will always be there, having happened. But oh, well, guys so often think with their gonads (though I'll admit guys don't have the monopoly on it). And poor Yong Soo! Nicely done, author-anon, and I look forward to seeing the rest. I appreciate your work in providing us with story! :)


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