Past-Part Fills Part 5 [Closed]

Feb 27, 2011 12:29

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anonymous January 1 2011, 04:15:47 UTC
General RelativityBased on this request: Alfred as Mr. Jones, the bizarre new teacher at World Academy who's maybe a little too enthusiastic with his space and physics lessons, but somehow still manages to make people learn. Student A's blossoming crush and ensuing pursuit of a relationship with the oblivious teacher (preferably successful, and with some kinky student-topping-teacher sexytiems in the classroom ( ... )


anonymous January 1 2011, 12:45:09 UTC


anonymous January 1 2011, 16:31:18 UTC
not closing this tab (*u*)

(ó㉨ò )...i've been on this beautiful story for months now and i just realized now that Kumakichi isn't in this story. hehe.

(^3^)♥ i love General Relativity. i love everything about this story. i melt every time i read a part of this story.


anonymous January 1 2011, 17:02:29 UTC
Kumajirou did get a mention in the story once when Mattie was detailing his childhood.
Just throwing that out there.


anonymous January 1 2011, 18:43:15 UTC
I love how some followers are so into the story they remember all the tiny details. ♥


anonymous January 2 2011, 03:02:50 UTC

Ϭ(ᴑuᴑ) (ó㉨ò ) oh yeah now i remember.


General Relativity (168/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 17:21:33 UTC
CSLXXVIII. It Rotates Exceedingly Slowly in the Plane of the Orbit and in the Sense of the Orbital Motion In middle school, Matthew started having slightly weird dreams about Kiku’s older brother, who was both prettier than most girls and prone to laughing at how cute Matthew was in curls. Matthew wanted to wrap his fingers in his hair. He wanted to kiss him like the way his parents did when they thought no one was looking ( ... )


General Relativity (169-170/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 17:28:27 UTC
CSLXXIX. 43 Seconds of Arc per Century

It was Saturday morning.

“How bad is it?” Matthew asked.

Kiku didn’t take his time in answering, which meant it was bad. He was a person that thought a response should be thoroughly contemplated before reaching the gullet. “You must come back here. It’s spread like a wildfire-first the dorm, then the co-eds, and I’m fairly certain it has already reached the girls’ dorm, as well. If you wait until Monday to start combating it, the damage will already be done. Are you with Mr. Jones? No, don’t answer that,” he added just as quickly. “Feign confusion. Do not act in fury. A furious man is one that appears guilty ( ... )


General Relativity (171-172/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 17:34:51 UTC
CSLXXXI. Light Produced in an Analogous Manner Terrestrially (i.e., by the Same Kind of Molecule)

It was Sunday night too soon.

“We deny it.”

“We deny it,” repeated Alfred, bright eyes stark against the ashen gray of his cheeks. He hadn’t regained color yet; he hadn’t smiled, either. It was more than a little frightening to Matthew, who was used to his irrepressible positivity. The fear thinned him through and through until he was little more than rice paper.

Matthew rubbed his hands, trying to be reassuring. “Yong Soo saw us kissing, sort of. But everything else is supposition. We deny it.”


“You need to call the Dean. You need to tell him what Yong Soo thought he saw and relay your concerns. If you broach him with it first, it sounds better. Tell him that we’re close, but only as friends, and that’s an easy thing to mistake at times. We weren’t doing anything wrong. I was out staying with a friend and when I came back to campus, I heard the rumor, gave you a call, and let you know what was going on ( ... )


General Relativity (173-174/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 17:43:09 UTC
CSLXXXIII. An Attenuated Swarm of Fixed Stars

Matthew thought that his voice would quiver when he lied. It didn’t. He thought maybe his cheeks would redden when questioned by even the most well-meaning student. They barely colored. He was worried that, the first time someone hooted at him on the stairwell, he’d snap and ram them up against the cement-block walls. Instead, he looked them in the eyes when he said that’s bogus, he wrinkled his nose as if the idea disgusting him, he rolled his eyes and flipped off anyone who dared to whistle.

“What, Yong Soo said that?” he remarked, disbelieving.

“You know how he exaggerates.”

And when that didn’t work, “He’s such a damn liar. You can’t believe anything he says anymore. I don’t know where my friend’s gone ( ... )


General Relativity (175-176/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 17:50:02 UTC
CSLXXXV. An Infinite Region of Emptiness When the assistant to the Dean called the dorm and asked Matthew to come directly to the Office of Campus Life, it was strange. Matthew felt completely calm for the first time since Yong Soo opened a door on Friday night. He smiled in resignation at Kiku-his friend seemed more alarmed than Matthew-and shrugged on a jacket ( ... )


General Relativity (177/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 18:06:56 UTC
CSLXXXVII. The Force of Attraction Between Two Masses Diminishes More Rapidly Than Would Result From the Inverse Square Law

“Spare me,” the Dean groaned.

“You’re acting like we’re in trouble,” Matthew said, aware that his insides were twisting into a knotted mess but his voice, thank god and every religion on the planet, was steadfast. “But we’re two consenting adults in a committed relationship. There’s no abuse of power here. We didn’t seduce each other, there’s been no sex. I stay over because our time together is pretty short with the last of the term approaching.”

Alfred didn’t sound like he was breathing. He gripped Matthew’s fingers after a long hesitation, and it almost hurt.

“I don’t give a damn about whether or not you’ve had sex!” The Dean slammed his palm down on the table with a jarring, hollow thud. “It is professional misconduct for any educator to have even consensual relations with his students-”

“Only if they have academic responsibility for them! I’ve looked up the ban here; I know it front to ( ... )


General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 18:16:36 UTC
CSLXXXVIII. Infinitely Large Gravitational Fields Being Produced

Kiku looked up at the near-inaudible click of the door. “What happened?” he asked, scanning Matthew’s face in trepidation.

Matthew took off his jacket. He wasn’t sure what to do with it, so he set it on the floor and then took off his shoes. He crawled into his bed, curling up under the blankets where it was safe.


His lips felt anesthetized, deadened. It was difficult to speak. “I’ll finish my independent study with Mr. Braginski. Apparently he knows a little something about astronomy, sort of a hobby. I can graduate with the other students.”

“Oh,” said Kiku. “Mr. Jones?”

The density of existing was too heavy. “Gone for a while,” said Matthew, rolling over to face the wall. “You’ll hear about it in class tomorrow.”

skljadls, this update was so crap, I’m sorry. And so late! I’ve been really bogged down with graduate school applications, but those are all out come Monday, and so I tried to buckle down and finish this update. ( ... )


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 18:26:11 UTC
I am too emotionally invested in this for my own good ; o;
y-you keep on rockin' this is amazing and you are amazing. tears down my face ♥♥


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 18:34:20 UTC

god. I love this. and...this made my day. It's so amazing and I love your writing and god. You can have my first child and my heart in a glass jar. ;3; I love you.


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 18:42:34 UTC
*sob* freaking....wahhhhhh
(i have freaking amazing timing, tho. dayum)


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