Past-Part Fills Part 4--closed

Feb 27, 2011 12:28

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Thirteen Voices Raised 2b/13 anonymous October 20 2010, 03:59:25 UTC
He soon wishes he had an excuse to leave his home again. Britain was not pleased to returned to find him gone, much less so when he learned where he’d been. He paces back and forth (just like Massachusetts and that’s a comparison he’s never going to mention) sometimes spitting out a sentence fragment. The duality is back and half of America wants to curl up and apologize because he knows that Britain didn’t want him meeting with the colonies who’ve grown so fast and unruly and yet he did. The other half wants to shout that its none of England’s damn business if he meets his own colonies who aren’t even fighting against England who really is a controlling bastard. Again, he chooses neither path, instead just leaves for his room. The next morning Britain gives him a cold goodbye as he will be gone for a few weeks visiting Canada. America is left alone with his thoughts ( ... )


OP anonymous October 26 2010, 09:20:01 UTC
So sorry it's taken me so long to reply to this again and having missed so many chapters. Life has been a bit of a mess lately. Still loving this a lot. The interplay between the states and America and how America keeps growing stronger. Love the inclusion of HRE very nice. Can't wait to see if other nations (like France or Prussia) will make an appearance and the state's reaction to them.

Really am enjoying this, thank you!


Authon glass_pudding October 26 2010, 19:29:00 UTC
Its fine, I'm glad you still like it. I was actually wondering if after this is done you would like to read America's (+ the states) fighting in the Civil War


Re: Authon anonymous October 26 2010, 19:33:45 UTC
I think you accidentally deanoned...


Thirteen Voices Raised 7/13 anonymous November 3 2010, 05:15:49 UTC
vii.They’ve won a battle and win the next one and the one after that too. New Jersey spins into America’s arms and whispers ‘he’s gone,’ through their kiss. America has become used to the colonies constant touches (though he still wonders about them sometimes, it really shows they weren’t raised by England) and he laughs and dances with him. New Jersey and Pennsylvania go together to harass the British and come back laughing with many tales to tell around the campfire. America is happy; he hopes the tide is turning. The war doesn’t stop for small victories nor change for hopes ( ... )


Thirteen Voices Raised 7b/13 anonymous November 3 2010, 05:18:27 UTC
Then there is Saratoga. Saratoga is war at every level and it thrills him despite himself. He wants to hate war and he does, sometimes. America’s sure he used to hate it back when it shook him and he didn’t understand but he fights now and it gives him a power that nothing else does. He’s exhilarated and terrified by turns and both of them are like a drug or drink and pull him on while numbing his senses. He sees them all together England, Canada and Holy Roman Empire. Brothers and Stranger, all of them enemies. He doesn’t care ( ... )


Re: Thirteen Voices Raised 7b/13 anonymous November 3 2010, 14:43:07 UTC
Have I told you lately that I love you?
The relationship dynamics in this are really fascinating.
lol I kind of wonder what France thought of that kiss. It strikes me that even though America is going around kissing a bunch of people, the way that he does it, or thinks about it, is kind of innocent. Kind of makes me wonder how European powers treat relationships, or alliances or whatever.
Oh and battles are starting to hurt him! You're getting there America!
Oh dear, Valley Forge. Not pleasant.


OP anonymous November 4 2010, 01:07:40 UTC
Still loving this anon. Love the voice you use it's just very different and works really well. Oh Valley Forge...can't wait for that... <3

And I don't think I ever replied back (bad OP bad) but I would love to see a follow up with the states and the Civil War.



Re: OP anonymous November 4 2010, 14:43:02 UTC
thanks, it's actually a bit different than my usual writing voice though i do love abusing parenthesis. Once this is finished (4 more parts + epilogue) i'm going to post the civil war piece under anything-goes-historical


Re: OP anonymous November 4 2010, 19:43:19 UTC
NotOP Would love to have the link to the Civil War piece when you start it!


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