Past-Part Fills Part 4--closed

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[Part 10] America/Thirteen Colonies Thirteen Voices Raised 0/13 anonymous October 19 2010, 18:09:27 UTC
Original Request:

"The said states hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defense, the security of their Liberties, and their mutual and general welfare."
Articles of Confederation

before.Most of the time, America doesn’t think about life before England. He remembers hunger and pain and fear, which is enough to keep him from digging too deeply into before. This, though, he does remember ( ... )


Re: OP anonymous November 4 2010, 14:43:02 UTC
thanks, it's actually a bit different than my usual writing voice though i do love abusing parenthesis. Once this is finished (4 more parts + epilogue) i'm going to post the civil war piece under anything-goes-historical


Re: OP anonymous November 4 2010, 19:43:19 UTC
NotOP Would love to have the link to the Civil War piece when you start it!


Thirteen Voices Raised 8a/13 anonymous November 4 2010, 14:32:54 UTC

It could not be said that the colonies - states now and wasn’t that strange - exactly shared his happiness with France’s arrival, or at least they had one specific problem. “Why did you just kiss him like that?” Massachusetts moans. “Who just randomly kisses someone out of the blue?” They are sitting in New York’s kitchen drinking ale and eating some of the good, thick bread New Jersey had baked to celebrate his latest victory.

“Well you did,” America points out, quite logically he feels, “and Pennsylvania and New York and, well, most of you guys actually.” Massachusetts tugs at his hair but blushes slightly ( ... )


Thirteen Voices Raised 8b/13 anonymous November 4 2010, 14:34:36 UTC
America is standing with New York and Penn when the country marches up to them (and it most definitely is a march). “So, your America,” he says, “I’ve heard about you from my big bro ( ... )


Re: Thirteen Voices Raised 8b/13 anonymous November 4 2010, 19:40:31 UTC
w00t! Another update!
Okay, I was wondering how the states were seeing all the affection between them. Apparently America is the only oblivious one.
I'm kinda surprised France hasn't made a move on America (or at least one that made it through America's naivete) but the way he treats him makes me think that maybe he reminds him of Canada so he treats him like a son. Altho I totally want him to walk in on one of the States night. I'm sure he would extremely amused by it.
And, aw Washington.


OP anonymous November 5 2010, 01:28:12 UTC
Loves! Seriously it continues to make me happy to see this keep popping up in my inbox. <3


Thirteen Voices Raised 9a/13 anonymous November 5 2010, 15:20:25 UTC

America thinks he’s starting to lose track of time. He’s strong and disciplined and no longer wants to hit Prussia in the face quite as much and its shown in the battles he’s fought but the old feeling of endless time during battles is gone. Now it’s like time is racing away from him. He’s the best he’s ever been and he has to win now before he falls back down that endless slope to the monsters of despair that lurk below. Between fights the time moves even faster. It’s like he blinks his eyes and two years have passed of wonderful victories and freezing winters and he knows now where he is needed. The north is free. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, all of them are free or doing well enough. England has left them behind to strike at a different target and he must follow. Plus, he hasn’t seen South Carolina since the second congress ( ... )


Thirteen Voices Raised 9b/13 anonymous November 5 2010, 15:27:42 UTC
The first, and last, time he had seen he had been under British control and she had been a babe in arms. He had poked at her once, slightly awed by the sight of a baby colony, before going back to his play. Now she looked almost as old as Maryland with England green eyes that reminded America painfully of his own long ago childhood. The other is a boy he’s never seen before with a darkness of features reminiscent of Spain and those same eyes. It makes America’s heart hurt to see them ( ... )


Re: Thirteen Voices Raised 9b/13 anonymous November 6 2010, 21:43:18 UTC
England, I don't know what you thought that dinner would do, but it clearly failed. It's a little too late for that.
This chapter made me feel kind of bad for Arthur because he's all trying to emphasize that they're family. But at the same time I'm not sure how much of it is just him trying to manipulate America and the colonies. And, again, England if you wanted to work this out peacefully you should have tried a whole lot earlier when the colonies were trying to talk to you.
Anyways, wow, we're getting close to done aren't we? I will be sad when I don't see the updates for this anymore.


Thirteen Voices Raised 10a/13 anonymous November 7 2010, 14:20:24 UTC

America’s glee at England’s loss of face in front of his loyal colonies (and it was a loss of face even if America was the only one who saw the anger) doesn’t last long. He’s gotten used to winning battles, or losing but causing damage and running. Waxhaws is hard. He dies two times that day. The first he is trampled under the hooves of the cavalry horses (and, oh, how he hates fighting men on horseback). His neck shatters. He wakes in Virginia’s arms. She’s covered in blood, quite a lot of it hers. The second time comes mere minutes later when he is stabbed through the stomach as he lies there aching. Next time he wakes it’s in a makeshift hospital with Virginia holding his hand ( ... )


Thirteen Voices Raised 10b/13 anonymous November 7 2010, 14:49:57 UTC
Kings Mount is glorious in every way that Waxhaws wad dreadful. They are in charge from the beginning of the battle. America doesn’t see Virginia or North Carolina but he senses them there around him as they charge, screaming, up the hill. He shoots and his bullets hit their mark with a speed that even Prussia wouldn’t be too disappointed in. he moves in his unit, as he knows units all over the hill are doing, with one purpose: to get the Loyalists, those who are his by birth and English by choice (he feels no connection to them now). The battle is won swiftly and he reigns in his urge shoot those who have surrendered, to give them back Waxhaws, but his officers are going forward and he doesn’t shoot. He is better ( ... )


Thirteen Voices Raised 11/13 anonymous November 9 2010, 21:10:09 UTC
xi.As it turns out, everyone is there. America can’t hold back his gasp of astonishment as Virginia displays them, looking especially smug as she points out where Georgia is standing quietly next to North and South Carolina, who were arguing cheerfully after their week separation. Virginia was soon joined by Maryland and Delaware who seemed intent, America thought, on filling her in on every bit of gossip she might have missed by being too busy fighting a war. New York and Pennsylvania sat back to back, a plate of food on Penn’s knees and New Jersey on York’s. New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island (who had managed to keep his ridicules hate despite years of fighting) were wildly waving for him to join them ( ... )


Re: Thirteen Voices Raised 11/13 anonymous November 9 2010, 22:21:35 UTC
Ah! We're almost done! I'm so sad!
It's interesting that some of the states are jealous and some aren't. And France has been hitting on the states, I'm surprised but I shouldn't be


OP anonymous November 10 2010, 02:33:18 UTC
Oh anon this is still all sorts of awesome. I'm sad this main story is almost at an end even though I know there's more to look forward to.

Thank you! :-)


Thirteen Voices Raised 12/13 anonymous November 12 2010, 15:48:55 UTC
viiIt didn’t last. Independence did. Independence was wonderful and beautiful and he couldn’t remember how he had ever breathed before it became all the air he needed. America wanted to trumpet his findings from the highest mountain tops and would laugh at England’s hurt expression a million times to keep it. It was a true light of joy that kept him going when things went wrong. They were all going wrong. First there was Franklin and North Carolina’s very pointed looks. Then there was Hopewell which wasn’t really bad but was his first real meeting as his own country with foreign ones. Then, just as he was wiping the sweat of his palms, there was Shay’s Rebellion ( ... )


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