Past-Part Fills Part 4--closed

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[Part 10] America/Thirteen Colonies Thirteen Voices Raised 0/13 anonymous October 19 2010, 18:09:27 UTC
Original Request:

"The said states hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defense, the security of their Liberties, and their mutual and general welfare."
Articles of Confederation

before.Most of the time, America doesn’t think about life before England. He remembers hunger and pain and fear, which is enough to keep him from digging too deeply into before. This, though, he does remember ( ... )


OP! anonymous October 19 2010, 20:20:34 UTC
Oh wow this was the last thing I was expecting to see at this point. And such an intriguing start. Thank you so much! Can't wait to see where this is headed next!


Re: OP! anonymous October 19 2010, 20:49:27 UTC
glad you like it so far


Thirteen Voices Raised 1a/13 anonymous October 19 2010, 20:36:50 UTC
i.For the first time he can remember America is truly angry at Britain. As a child he had grown used to raising himself, even starting to relish the freedom that came with neglect, only occasionally interrupted by his guardian’s sporadic visits. Yet now that he was almost a man suddenly he was not fit take care of his own land and people. His feet itched to walk his new land, unconstrained by stupid mandates. Still, he wasn’t quite ready to disobey a direct command from Britain leaving his only option pacing, broodingly, through his orchard. That’s where he sees them ( ... )


Thirteen Voices Raised 1b/13 anonymous October 19 2010, 20:40:07 UTC
“That’s not the point. We’ve been trying to talk to you, much to the Lord Bastard’s displeasure I might add.” America sneaked a quick look at Virginia at the use of such language but she seemed unaffected. “It took ages to find where you’ve been stashed and then get here. We’ve been hanging around out there in your trees till we could see you and so get you to agree to sit down and talk.” America decided not to point out that he hadn’t exactly agreed. While he was doubtless stronger than the two colonies, insanity lent its own type strength and there was no polite way he could think of to throw a woman out a window.

He chose the more diplomatic, “Talk about what?”

“Why, the taxes of course! Don’t tell me you’re some sort of lickspittle no-care who doesn’t think of his people! Who didn’t even notice what’s been going on.” New York’s friendliness swung towards rage and he seemed too have risen to his feet by his vehemence alone. He looked surprised enough when Virginia pushed him back down ( ... )


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Author Anon anonymous October 20 2010, 03:29:18 UTC
This is at the time of the stamp act & such. Next part is actually Mass' attempts to seduce America being frequently interrupted by his annoying younger sibling.


Thirteen Voices Raised 2a/13 anonymous October 20 2010, 03:57:59 UTC
ii.Britain had never looked America in the eyes and said that he couldn’t visit the colonies. He advised against it, he told horror stories about them, he asked why America would want to spend the small time they had together with ‘those rowdy brats,’ but he had never forbidden it. Still, America could feel the thrill of disobedience making his heart trill. A deeper joy came from the feeling of taking his destiny in hand. He would not weight to be surprised at his house by Massachusetts or anyone else that might come looking. If they could drop in unannounced then so could he ( ... )


Thirteen Voices Raised 2b/13 anonymous October 20 2010, 03:59:25 UTC
He soon wishes he had an excuse to leave his home again. Britain was not pleased to returned to find him gone, much less so when he learned where he’d been. He paces back and forth (just like Massachusetts and that’s a comparison he’s never going to mention) sometimes spitting out a sentence fragment. The duality is back and half of America wants to curl up and apologize because he knows that Britain didn’t want him meeting with the colonies who’ve grown so fast and unruly and yet he did. The other half wants to shout that its none of England’s damn business if he meets his own colonies who aren’t even fighting against England who really is a controlling bastard. Again, he chooses neither path, instead just leaves for his room. The next morning Britain gives him a cold goodbye as he will be gone for a few weeks visiting Canada. America is left alone with his thoughts ( ... )


Thirteen Voices Raised 2c/13 anonymous October 20 2010, 04:01:23 UTC
“Seemed rather stupid to me,” America admits and suddenly they’re laughing together and then they’re kissing (all together and his brain really likes to think of stupid things in moments of panic). England calls and they break apart (Massachusetts brushes his knuckles and America can feel the heat in his cheeks we’ll meet again) and rejoin the main group. Britain is glaring at Rhode Island who humming under his breath but Connecticut gives them a knowing look and a small wave. Britain was right. America certainly has a lot to think about now.

the historical event that appears in the background of the later part of this chapter is the Gaspee Affair. The song is here: because it amuses me. Next time: tea parties, acts of intolerableness and Pennsylvania (+ others)


OP anonymous October 20 2010, 09:36:39 UTC
Oh the last two parts things are heating up really quickly. I loved the introduction to the colonies (Massachusetts is LOVE) and can't wait to see more of them. Poor America I love how he's confused and just sort of rushing along in a current he can't quite understand right now. It feels very true to the time period and to the character.

Can't wait for more <3


Thirteen Voices Raised 3a/13 anonymous October 20 2010, 16:03:37 UTC
iii.It’s been a long time since America last saw Massachusetts and he’s starting to feel like a coward. They’ve written letters (he’s written so many letters his neat letters are starting slope and glide because he doesn’t have time for neatness when he has to get his thoughts on paper at the very second) but they haven’t met face o face since before England left grumbling about ungrateful colonies. Besides, Boston feels restless (and he can actually feel it now, he’s pretty sure he doesn’t need England to go to where his people are bubbling ( ... )


Thirteen Voices Raised 3b/13 anonymous October 20 2010, 16:04:29 UTC
America smiles, “I think that soon we will prove him wrong. I have heard from Virginia and New York and others. We will meet to fight this threat.” Massachusetts nods, falling back into his chair.

“Thank you, America. You are all I could have hoped and more-”

“Which is rather surprising but then you’ve always been rather over dramatic.” They both turn to see Rhode Island smirking at them from the doorway.

“What are you doing here,” Massachusetts groaned ( ... )


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Author Anon anonymous October 20 2010, 22:55:22 UTC
Both Pennsylvania and Virginia will show up as well as Mass and a few others. For the last three hundred years America has dreamed of getting the colony/states to get work done and stop fighting each other. It's the only time he actually gets thrust into the rule of responsible person.


Re: Thirteen Voices Raised 3b/13 anonymous October 20 2010, 22:58:39 UTC
I have to say that I was pretty much done with Hetalia except for random checks of the meme but you've dragged me back in. The colonies were awesome, America was LOVE and the plotline seemed both historically accurate and well paced. I can't wait to see America interact more with all the other colonies (I admit I have a special love in my heart for NY and VA) and will be constantly checking for an update. A truly great story. Bravo!


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