Past-Part Fills Part 3 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:34

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part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [12/?] anonymous July 6 2010, 09:00:17 UTC
part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [19/?] anonymous September 13 2010, 06:40:50 UTC
Intrigued and concerned England asks warily, “What is it ( ... )


part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [20/?] anonymous September 13 2010, 06:48:12 UTC
England who he knew the best out of everyone ( ... )


part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [21/?] anonymous September 13 2010, 06:53:56 UTC
And now with England guiltily gazing away from him-

“Look at me!” Frances roars, England’s eyes startled emeralds- does. Looks at France’s agonized expression, regret, pain, remorse, dejection. Sharing bare everything, can be more harmful to the perpetrator than the victim. But France is not the victim; he is for now his substitute. England knows, despite France’s love lust all attitude there is an understanding heart there that knows darkness as well as it knows light. That a person is capable of both while not being swallowed up by either or is miraculous. He’s only a little jealous. Extremes have always gotten the better of England.

“You’re annoying!” England breaks out, a haughty grin treats his lips and suits him fine, go ahead France. Go ahead and appear weak and hurt and empathetic. That won’t change a thing.

“Don’t you get it yet? Or perhaps your stupid beard is blocking out comprehension- you’re not wantedFrance’s starts back, expression switching back to dangerous and promising of violence as it had seconds before. “Oh ( ... )


part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [22/?] anonymous September 13 2010, 06:58:38 UTC
That was love right?

What is love?

What gives you strength.

England hands on him urging him forward, backward, up and down when he says spread them wider when he puts his mouth there when he feeds America sweets from an exotic place through his mouth and holds him too tight America feels he’ll burst when England tells him not to look at nobody but him him him to kiss no one but him and love no one but him and-

America laughs.

It is a horrible, ragged sound.

“You almost got me there France.”

An attack.

The greatest attack.

But if you’re strong and not weak.

There is not one attack, not one person who can defeat you.

England with his face stricken, and face muddled with tears- America seizes him and pulls England against his chest even though it hurts, it hurts, it burns it’s (I don’t like it it’s gross it’s weird it feels funny it’s not right it hurts no no no no no no no-) crushes England there, hands latching onto England as if give me strength“England ( ... )


Re: part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [22/?] anonymous September 13 2010, 07:22:05 UTC
Oh god, you have no idea how happy I was went I saw you updating! :D I waited till you finished, but I was totally refreshing as you posted. XD

Ah, but my heart breaks as much for France as America, here. Perhaps even more for France, in a way, because of his realization: And that is when France truly feels the depth of this deprivation. America is not normal. America can never be normal. To America What England Did was normal. That's such a horrific thing to realize; I can't even imagine how that must feel. And that first sentence after America said "I love you" to England just killed me: France left. That's just so final that it leaves the reader feeling empty.

America's profound physical reaction after that really shakes me, too, which seems really appropriate. And that whole last scene seems very parent-and-child -- though very off, too, of course! -- and that's intensely disturbing on some level. I'm sure that whole dynamic and America's child-like feel in that scene was intentional, and it was really well-done ( ... )


Re: part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [22/?] anonymous September 13 2010, 18:10:17 UTC
Gah. Just found this story and- gah.
I love that line, "America who loves everything. He loves ice cream on hot days and cold days." And then he's thinking about how love is strength and... just... yeah England you seriously screwed that kid over.
But France! Where did you go?!
Makes me kind of wonder tho, how Canada said earlier that America falls in love with everybody, and how does England react to that or has he never seen it before... and will France start noticing things that America does that he just dismissed before but now realizes that they're really screwed up.
I'm really excited for the rest, and I hope that theirs some sort of happy ending, or at least America gets help or something


Re: part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [22/?] anonymous September 13 2010, 20:36:29 UTC
thank you very much! i usually don't reply to comments b/c i don't like taking up the space but since... i think this can be useful reply to others later. i will reply to some topics you addressed. :)

to america love is a means to get strength; it is all he really cares about (since it's served to rationalise what england has been doing and what england does is good for him so...?)

mmm the england now in the present, with the betrayal from the revolution has the understanding of "america isn't his". that and with the distance they have between each other geographically- that is to say england is aware of america's "lovers" and gets jealous but he can't do anything about it now because he doesn't think america loves him (like he did previously, even if that was just self delusion).

&yes france does/will notice as will other nations (some already have, for instance i have a scene planned out with russia)

i really love big brother france, he and canada are not done yet...


Re: part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [22/?] anonymous September 13 2010, 22:32:34 UTC

That toy soldier scene is going to haunt my nightmares, I swear. I think I actually crossed my legs and went "NO" as soon as I realized what England was about to do. Nonetheless, it's a really powerful scene that shows the depths of England's possessiveness, depravity, and sheer desperation to keep America by his side.

Papa!France fills me with so much glee oh my god.

I'd write more about America's reaction and the sheer fucked-upness of his mentality, but I'd basically be repeating the anons above. ROCK ON, WRITER!ANON ♥ I hope there'll be more!


part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [23/?] (first!) anonymous March 28 2011, 06:15:33 UTC
oh shoot. i forgot the first part of part 23, i will just sloppily include it here:Pounding ( ... )


part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [23/?] anonymous March 27 2011, 18:54:59 UTC
After France had left America and England ( ... )


part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [24/?] anonymous March 27 2011, 18:57:37 UTC
Two hundred something years of history apart.

Does not become a tie.

It becomes a wall.

“We have an important announcement to make.”

America started out, chirpy as ever.

England’s hand had moved from America’s fingers to his wrist. As if hushing him, as if telling him abbreviated that he must not rush. America only turned that smile onto England whose whole person stilled, face red to white in mere seconds and while others took it as embarrassment and a bit of mortification, a twinge of that disgust he always showed America right? Canada knew internally England was so happy he might just die on the spot (and deep in his heart, guiltily he could admit to open air, before Kumajiro that then and there and then some he did wish for England to die-)

America continues to smile, a slight nod, he loves the spotlight but he casts it on England who looks almost awkward in it. Yet growing, entirely too pleased as he realises America wants him to say these words, to tell everyone- he continues on. A smile like no one has ever seen ( ... )


part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [24/?] anonymous March 27 2011, 19:02:49 UTC
Seychelles gestures to the simple table, nothing of France's eloquence in high stacked pancakes drenched in butter and maple syrup (Canda might have excessively used it… it’s what always happened when he's stressed, this was a detail he and America shared- more was… better right?) while Seychelles on little plates had hefted grilled, baked, an array of differently cooked fish, big and small. If it would go well with one another they’d not a clue. All they could think was to make the food they love the best, because the food they love the most they made the most. And they want France to have as much love as he can right now ( ... )


Re: part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [24/?] anonymous March 28 2011, 05:47:03 UTC
OMG! You updated! You don't know how fanatasically happy this makes me!
I love your depiction of the characters!


Re: part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [24/?] anonymous April 7 2011, 17:23:13 UTC
I adore this fill, but I have to go to work hella soon, so just:


I feel so bad for almost everyone, but I feel the worst for poor France; he must feel like it's all his fault all over again. :'D

Welcome back, author!anon. <3


Re: part 10 ; Sing Sung Songs [24/?] anonymous November 10 2012, 01:17:38 UTC
This story is so incredibly amazing. Did author!anon peace out, or are there further parts posted elsewhere that I'm missing out on??

Regardless, I'm lovin this fill like crazy. Everything about it is perfect, and America's justification of the abuse is downright heartbreaking.


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