Past-Part Fills Part 3 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:34

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The Companion [7.6/?] anonymous May 19 2010, 17:27:54 UTC
‭"Hey, guess what time it is? Time to tell me what's going on ( ... )


Re: The Companion [8.11/?] anonymous May 31 2010, 23:11:42 UTC
Shit, I think my heart stopped beating for a moment there at the last line.

(shivers) Oh America, stay on your toes.


The Companion [9.1/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 05:15:08 UTC
‬Unwilling to dwell on how he'd filled out puzzles without being in possession of them,‭ ‬America hid his book under the pillow.‭ ‬He'd worry about it later.‭ ‬Or maybe not at all.‭ ‬Russia had said he had a soft heart,‭ ‬maybe his mind was leaning on the soft side as well.‭ ‬It‭ ‬made a strange sort of sense to him,‭ ‬stay long enough in a madman's house,‭ ‬and you'd join his company ( ... )


The Companion [9.2/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 05:16:23 UTC
He found an uncovered coat at the end of the line,‭ ‬unhooking the hanger and pulling it to him to judge its quality.‭ ‬It was a tad on the long side,‭ ‬but not unmanageable.‭ ‬It's coloring was deep beige,‭ ‬with dark strips‭ ‬skirting along the hem and making small appearances throughout the coat.‭ ‬America shook it out and ran his eyes over‭ ‬it‭ ‬several times in confusion,‭ ‬even going so far as to turn the light on and off to make sure he wasn't seeing things ( ... )


The Companion [9.3/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 05:21:52 UTC
He propped‭ ‬his elbows on the table,‭ ‬his cheek resting against the palm of his hand as he watched Russia,‭ ‬or at least,‭ ‬Russia's back.‭ ‬Russia worked at‭ ‬a‭ ‬refined,‭ ‬practiced pace,‭ ‬though his movements were delicate in the way that a scientist handles his chemicals with the utmost care,‭ ‬safely avoiding disaster ( ... )


The Companion [9.4/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 05:23:06 UTC
"‬And I always thought you were so excitable.‭" ‬A gruff laugh rumbled in Russia's chest ( ... )


The Companion [9.5/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 05:24:32 UTC
"I would not want your delicate little hands to be cold.‭" ‬Russia was already lacing up his boots.‭ ‬America joined him,‭ ‬the two of them hunched over‭ ‬as their laces snaked in and out of brass eyelets.‭ ‬Russia finished before America and took the opportunity to help his captive tie his shoes.‭ ‬When they both stood,‭ ‬Russia gave him a quick brush down with his hands and glossed over the rumpled bits of the‭ ‬coat ( ... )


The Companion [9.6/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 05:27:11 UTC
‬Russia slowly pulled out,‭ ‬looking as casual as a man driving the most mundane of cars.‭ ‬The window was rolled down on his side,‭ ‬his forearm resting halfway out of the cab of the car,‭ ‬lifting only to crook momentarily in a beckoning motion.‭ ‬America scurried around the passenger side and hauled himself up into the seat ( ... )


The Companion [9.7/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 05:29:01 UTC
‬Russia slowly pulled out,‭ ‬looking as casual as a man driving the most mundane of cars.‭ ‬The window was rolled down on his side,‭ ‬his forearm resting halfway out of the cab of the car,‭ ‬lifting only to crook momentarily in a beckoning motion.‭ ‬America scurried around the passenger side and hauled himself up into the seat ( ... )


The Companion [9.8/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 05:35:09 UTC
The truck was picking‭ ‬up speed again,‭ ‬climbing with every word America said.‭ ‬He checked his seat belt for the seventh time since he had buckled himself in.‭ ‬Russia hadn't bothered to put his on to begin with.‭ ‬America decided Russia's leaden foot was a direct result of him speaking,‭ ‬and promptly shut his mouth as his fingernails gripped his seat,‭ ‬the snowy landscape whipping past in a blur ( ... )


The Companion [9.9/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 05:36:15 UTC
America just sat there,‭ ‬staring blankly at the shop front,‭ ‬with its foreign words and drawings of food.‭ ‬Was this really it‭? ‬Was he about to finally get his chance‭? ‬He nervously smoothed his coat and petted his hair,‭ ‬trying to tame any wayward strands.‭ ‬His heart fluttered weakly in his chest ( ... )


The Companion [9.10/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 05:40:56 UTC
A red hot blush curled around America's neck,‭ ‬his hands rearranging the fur trim of his collar to hide it.‭ ‬His gaze focused on everything but Russia,‭ ‬rolling across row after row of packaged food.‭ ‬They settled on a small tin of what appeared to be cookies,‭ ‬a‭ ‬delicate gold trim looping around the red,‭ ‬cylindrical container ( ... )


The Companion [9.11/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 05:42:12 UTC
"Would I‭? ‬Would I‭?‬" America echoed himself in a disbelieving tone.

‭"‬Yes,‭ ‬would you‭?"

"It was a rhetorical question,‭ ‬stooge.‭ ‬Of course I want to watch movies.‭ ‬I haven‭'‬t had anything to do beyond stare at the ceiling and go crazy since I started staying at your pad.‭" ‬A concerned frown flitted across Russia's face.‭ "‬I don't mean like,‭ ‬real‭ ‬crazy.‭ ‬Bored crazy,‭ ‬that's what I'm talking about ( ... )


The Companion [9.12/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 05:43:41 UTC
‬After that,‭ ‬every time the girl would direct a question at America,‭ ‬or somehow try to fish him back into the conversation,‭ ‬Russia would find a way to block her,‭ ‬answering on America's behalf,‭ ‬cutting him off whenever he made to open his mouth.‭ ‬Eventually,‭ ‬both America and the girl,‭ ‬tired of trying to work their way around their middleman, gave up.‭ ‬Russia was positively grinning at their silence as he paid the bill.‭ ‬America grumbled under his breath as he helped‭ ‬carry the bags back to the behemoth mobile ( ... )


The Companion [9.13/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 05:47:21 UTC
America breathed a bittersweet sigh at the sight.‭ ‬He loved their simple emotions and their simple reactions,‭ ‬he loved to watch their puppyish love in action as they planted big kisses and thanks and comfort on one another's cheeks.‭ ‬He wanted to jump right out of the truck and scoop them up in his arms,‭ ‬but most of all,‭ ‬he wanted that affection.‭ ‬Such thoughtless amounts of love,‭ ‬receiving kindness for the smallest of problems,‭ ‬as simple to obtain as turning on a tap and watching water pour out.

‭ ‬The children skipped off together hand in hand as America quietly pined,‭ ‬his heart aching to reenact what he had witnessed.‭ ‬Every since he had come to live with Russia he had lived a life nearly devoid of physical and verbal affections.‭ ‬Sure,‭ ‬Russia gave the odd hug or bizarre compliment,‭ ‬but that wasn't‭ ‬enough.‭ ‬Nothing was ever enough for America ( ... )


Re: The Companion [9.13/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 06:56:02 UTC
I think reading this is slowly driving me insane. I keep waiting for America or Russia or both to do something and for crazy things to happen.

And with how this part ended, I am suspecting these things are, in fact, going down. *nervous anitcipation goes here*

I laughed at the horse power joke, by the way. I thought it was brilliant. *epic fail*


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