Past-Part Fills Part 3 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:34

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The Companion [9.8/?] anonymous June 11 2010, 05:35:09 UTC
The truck was picking‭ ‬up speed again,‭ ‬climbing with every word America said.‭ ‬He checked his seat belt for the seventh time since he had buckled himself in.‭ ‬Russia hadn't bothered to put his on to begin with.‭ ‬America decided Russia's leaden foot was a direct result of him speaking,‭ ‬and promptly shut his mouth as his fingernails gripped his seat,‭ ‬the snowy landscape whipping past in a blur.

‭ ‬After what seemed like a forever of silent praying that they wouldn't crash,‭ ‬America spotted a poorly paved road.‭ ‬Russia slowed to a merciful speed as he approached it,‭ ‬but scattered America's recovering nerves‭ ‬by‭ ‬speeding up again once they were on it,‭ ‬every bump and fissure in the pavement painfully apparent as the car jostled with increasing intensity.

‭"‬Would you mind slowing down‭?" ‬America stared at his bone-white knuckles.

‭"‬Ah,‭ ‬but I am speeding on your behalf,‭ ‬America.‭"

"I'm sure town is going to stick around if we slow down some.‭"

"I do not doubt that,‭ ‬but you are in such a hurry to leave,‭ ‬I do not want to make you wait.‭"

"Wait,‭ ‬what‭?" ‬America chanced a peek at Russia.‭ ‬His lips were drawn into a tight,‭ ‬surreal smile,‭ ‬eyes dull and unfocused.‭ "‬You're letting me go‭?"

"No.‭" ‬Russia's lip curled back in a cold sneer.‭ "‬But you will run or draw attention to yourself once we are at the store.‭"

"Don't start acting like a psychic,‭ ‬and a bad one at that.‭ ‬I haven't done anything.‭" ‬Yet.

‭"‬But you are thinking about it.‭"

America was afraid to look at the speedometer now,‭ ‬afraid to look out the window to watch the scenery blend together at increasing speeds.‭ ‬He stared at his lap instead,‭ ‬where his hands lay neatly folded.‭ "‬Russia,‭ ‬you've got to trust me on this.‭ ‬I really want to go to the store,‭ ‬that's all I want to do.‭ ‬I trusted you on all the news stuff,‭ ‬right‭?"

"Right,‭" ‬Russia's voice shifted from icy and unreasonable to something slightly more thoughtful.‭ "‬You did.‭" ‬His foot eased off the gas pedal,‭ ‬if only a fraction.

‭"‬And,‭" ‬America started up,‭ ‬encouraged.‭ "‬Haven't we been having a real nice time together‭? ‬Let me tell you,‭ ‬my Russian buddy,‭ ‬that was a‭ ‬good breakfast.‭" ‬He rubbed his stomach to drive home the point.

‭"‬Did you really think so‭?" ‬The truck's speed dropped even more.

‭"‬Yes,‭ ‬absolutely,‭ ‬delicious stuff‭!" ‬America looked out the window.‭ ‬Things weren't moving nearly as fast‭ ‬as they had been before.‭ "‬You know me,‭ ‬one good meal and I'll keep coming back for more.‭"

"That is true,‭ ‬very true.‭" ‬Russia relaxed,‭ ‬his expression melting into one of easy confidence.‭ "‬And,‭ ‬if you tried telling them your situation,‭ ‬I could pass you off as a mentally disturbed relative.‭"

"Uh,‭ ‬yeah.‭ ‬I guess that's a possibility.‭" ‬America shot a quizzical frown at Russia.‭ "‬Hey,‭ ‬not to change the subject,‭ ‬but I have a question for you.‭"

"Please ask.‭"

"I know I just mentioned the news stuff,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬like,‭ ‬you'll tell me what's going on won't you‭? ‬Not right now,‭ ‬of course.‭ ‬I don't expect that,‭ ‬but eventually.‭"

Russia's fingers tapped rhythmically against the steering wheel.‭ ‬For a long while he didn't answer,‭ ‬instead focusing on the road,‭ ‬on which signs had started to appear.‭ ‬The‭ ‬tic tic tic of the turn signal sounded on and off,‭ ‬hints of civilization trickling by.‭ ‬A phone line here,‭ ‬a sprinkling of houses there,‭ ‬the occasional rickety fence bordering a property sprouting up through the whiteness.

‭"‬One day,‭" ‬Russia assured.‭ ‬He reached over and gave America a placating pat on the thigh,‭ ‬followed by the lightest of squeezes.‭ "‬Now,‭" ‬he brightened.‭ "‬It is time for shopping.‭"

Gravel hissed and popped beneath the tires as Russia steered the‭ ‬truck‭ ‬into a small parking lot,‭ ‬pulling into a space that was three sizes too small for his mechanical beast.‭ ‬The engine gave a heated sigh as it was shut off.


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