Past-Part Fills Part 3 -- CLOSED

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Close Every Door anonymous May 22 2010, 18:14:19 UTC
A placeholder for all chapters of Close Every Door.


Close Every Door [1/6] anonymous May 22 2010, 18:25:51 UTC
... This is the hardest thing I've had to write ever, because of the utter lack of love and fluff. ;A;


'Close every door to me, hide all the world from me, bar all the windows and shut out the light.'The room is old but dustless, the normally cluttered area straightened out and tidied. The different knick-knacks and souvenirs of the past, both painfully and lovingly acquired, are arranged in neat rows and stacks on the sides of the badly stripped walls. A single naked bulb hangs by a thin wire, flickering and casting eerie shadows against the objects in the room. The air is stale and quiet ( ... )


Re: Close Every Door [1b/6] anonymous May 22 2010, 18:27:17 UTC
France hummed a little tune as he unlocked England's door, an old English folk song that he couldn't quite recall the title of. He grinned to himself as he thought about the trick he would play on his favourite rival today- hopefully he would be surprised to death.

Closing the door behind him, he looked around in confusion. The house was oddly silent- usually England would be blaring out some sort of punk rock cacophony from his stereo as he read Shakespeare.

But the rocking chair by the window was empty. France goes to check the kitchen- God help him if he would find England there- when he noticed something out of place. The bookshelf labeled 'S' was in disarray. Granted, there was only one extra book that was lying on top of the others, but France knew England was meticulous, borderline obsessive, about the order of his books. Everything was alphabetised, everything had a place, and most importantly, everything fit.

Curious, he picked up the book that was lying horizontally and checked the
title. Titus Andronicus. He checked the ( ... )


Re: Close Every Door [1c/6] anonymous May 22 2010, 18:28:38 UTC
"Hello Prussia," France said, trying to keep the confusion out of his voice.

There was a fumbling on the other end of the line. "Aw, shit, it's you- look, dude, we're best buds and all, but I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't always ask for phone sex in the afternoon, because that's just wei-"

"No, no, no. Have you seen England around lately? He appears to be missing."

Prussia gave a small 'hmm'. "Nope. Fuck if I know where he is. He didn't turn up for our drinking contest last night, and he was talking about it for weeks!"

"He keeps to his schedules all the time, doesn't he?" France was beginning to grow a little suspicious. "I'm in his house right now and he-"

"Dude, that's fucking scary. You broke into his house when he wasn't there? Good God, man, what are you, Pedo Bear? Didn't you used to take care of him or something ( ... )


Re: Close Every Door [1c/6] anonymous May 22 2010, 19:31:44 UTC
How can you just leave like that, Francis?
I do know it is natural, but still....
More, anon..


OP anonymous May 23 2010, 02:42:18 UTC
This OP is really happy when you filled! There's nothing that can describe this OP's happiness when she read this. The spacing is not a problem, but it's still a good thing. She can't even think coherently to make a good comment for Author!non. She hopes that you will update as fast as you can~ =D


Re: Close Every Door [1c/6] anonymous May 23 2010, 02:51:58 UTC
I really like the way Francis notices something is off with England's house, this way it's obvious those two has known each other to certain degree for a loooong time. And even with that Francis manages to talk his mind out of it, old rivalry is strange huh?

Anyway, this anon is looking for more<3 :D


Re: Close Every Door [1c/6] anonymous May 23 2010, 04:15:40 UTC
Oh man! I love that movie! Donny was soooo handsome in that! Lmao! I was actually humming one of the songs earlier today.

Anyways, I am loving the start of this story! But poor Arthur! ;_; Omgosh is Alfred a sadist or what!? o_o


Re: Close Every Door [1c/6] anonymous May 23 2010, 04:20:20 UTC
usually England would be blaring out some sort of punk rock cacophony from his stereo as he read Shakespeare.

Only England could do this. Yeah, only him...

Anyway, moar Anon!!


Re: Close Every Door [1c/6] anonymous May 25 2010, 01:59:43 UTC
God damn you, getting showtunes stuck in my head. *but I know the answers lie faaar from this wooooooorld...*

Erm, right.

That's some effective violence, there. There was a sexual edge, yes? Creepy. It worked out very well.
I know we're in for more darkness, but France's too-personal insights were interesting and amusing and completely fitting, and Prussia's dialogue made me snort.


Re: Close Every Door [1c/6] anonymous May 25 2010, 02:01:28 UTC
... just discovered two sections had already been posted while I got around to reading this bit. Yay!


Re: Close Every Door [2a/6] anonymous May 23 2010, 18:51:14 UTC
'Do what you want with me, hate me and laugh at me, darken my daytime and torture my nights.'England awakens from a nightmare he cannot remember ( ... )


Re: Close Every Door [2b/6] anonymous May 23 2010, 18:52:46 UTC
The sound that leaves his mouth is not a scream, but it is more than a cry, so it seems to be enough for America as his eyes darken in excitement and his grin widens until England thinks hazily that he will split his face in two. The food is still held away, so England digs his fingers further, scissoring and stretching the flesh until he is sobbing with agony, toes curled and lip bitten all the way through.

He heard the sound of a zipper being undone, and suddenly America was breathing harshly. "Yeah, baby," he panted. "Just like that."

England feels his teeth clack together through his torn lip and pulls his fingers out with a whimper, staring in horror at America. The other nation continues stroking himself languidly, gazing with half-lidded eyes at England, motioning for him to continue.

"You... You sick bastard," England chokes out, averting his burning face. "You're insane"Keep going, darling," America says lowly, threateningly, and England reluctantly obeys ( ... )


Re: Close Every Door [2c/6] anonymous May 23 2010, 18:53:51 UTC
The meeting was more subdued than any they had ever had before, and Japan was worried. It had been a week and two days since anyone had last seen England, and in desperation they had called an emergency meeting after reporting him as missing to Interpol ( ... )


Re: Close Every Door [2c/6] anonymous May 23 2010, 19:35:32 UTC
Oh Anon... My heart. It is breaking. ;___; ♥


Re: Close Every Door [2c/6] anonymous May 23 2010, 19:52:58 UTC
Oh god, this is is intense. I didn't know I could be that sadistic but god, do I like that. *off to burning in hell* ; ;


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