Hetalia Kink meme part 12 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 15:19

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 12



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Sweden and Denmark and dealing with death anonymous May 13 2010, 15:11:59 UTC
I was researching the effects of global warming and I found quite a few articles talking about Greenland being in danger, and the another website (http://www.wwviews.org/files/wwviews_external_newsletter_july_no1.htm) that had a piece about how vulnerable Denmark's mainland may be to the long term effects of global warming.

"As a low-lying country with many dikes and an extremely long coastline, Denmark is vulnerable to the rising sea level. The inhabitants may expect the coastline to withdraw in some areas and will have to strengthen dikes and groynes in others. Changes in wind directions and storm intensity can cause severe flooding and erosion of the coastlines, as well as problems for harbours, ships, and ferries. Areas that today are used for farming may suffer from flooding and become unsuitable for this purpose in the future."Could I request a future fic where Denmark is slowly succumbing to climate change? Maybe starting off ( ... )


Re: Sweden and Denmark and dealing with death anonymous May 14 2010, 03:25:32 UTC
(Not quite what you wanted OP-Anon but I hope this is a good gap filler till you get a proper fill ( ... )


Re: Sweden and Denmark and dealing with death anonymous May 14 2010, 03:28:21 UTC
He got growls then too, but he has always preferred the growls he gets from Sweden when the other is aroused, especially the sharp low one when he tenses and there is a wet, incriminating heat against Denmark's hip. It's the one kind of salt he doesn't mind at all ( ... )


Not!OP anonymous May 14 2010, 03:52:28 UTC
Wow I really enjoyed that! I especially liked the comparison to Sealand. Nice work!
Just for the future- you've mixed up Swiss with Swede :D


Re: Not!OP anonymous May 14 2010, 04:43:14 UTC
; ; I'm sorry!!! I didn't know! Forgive this uneducated New Zealander!

I must remember that!


no worries mate XD anonymous May 14 2010, 04:53:43 UTC
From Aussie Not!OP to Kiwi!Anon :DDD Sweet as, bro!


Re: no worries mate XD anonymous May 14 2010, 05:52:55 UTC
8D Kiora mate! How's things over the ditch? (and you guys have a hetalia character! How does that feel?)


Re: no worries mate XD anonymous May 14 2010, 07:20:30 UTC
8DDDD Things are good! I LOVE the design we got but I wish he got more love from the fandom D:
I'm dying for a proper strip with him and for a NZ character! Cos I think they'd be bros having friendly arguments but also fuck buddies XDDDD


Re: no worries mate XD anonymous May 14 2010, 07:45:08 UTC

I got this scene in my head of a cartoon style fight cloud, you know with fists and boots coming out of it and cuss words, and UK is all "now now chaps, no fighting"

And the cloud clears and OZ and NZ are clearly... not...fighting...


OH SHI- anonymous May 14 2010, 08:52:30 UTC
Do you want to write that???? Because I would SO request that!! fuck yes


Re: OH SHI- anonymous May 14 2010, 09:20:18 UTC
haha sure XD though it would probably only be a small, crackish scene. But you request it and link it here and I'll try and get it done in between writing my assignments this weekend XD

(Captcha: Editor Asimov.. sounds like the sort of guy you don't want to be late handing into)


Re: OH SHI- anonymous May 14 2010, 10:59:07 UTC
That would be totally awesome, and here's the request:


(my captcha says tomahawk in.... in where? in the face? in the butt? D:


Re: OH SHI- anonymous May 14 2010, 22:32:50 UTC
do we really want to know where that tomahawk goes?

Done! It's not great but I enjoyed it more then my assignment!


Oh... anonymous May 14 2010, 04:17:04 UTC
Out of all the gutwrenching in here, there are two things that really kill me. First, the whole Sealand business.

And then, the thing that really gets me: he died alone. *sob* I know there's that saying that even when others are with us, we die alone... But he was completely alone.

Do you have any idea how IRONIC it is that 'Keep Holding On' (the Glee version) was playing as I finished reading this? Oh gods... And then followed imediatlg by 'Fields of Hope'. Aiya... Gonna go have a good cry now.


Re: Oh... anonymous May 14 2010, 04:49:29 UTC
I might have bawled my eyes out once or twice writing this... but then I was reading poetry about death right before I got online ( the poetry is for class, honest, I am convinced the lecturer is determined to drive at least one of us into severe depression with her topics this year)


Re: Oh... anonymous May 14 2010, 19:00:40 UTC
I might be almost bawling my eyes out again just thinking about it. And death poetry is some of the best, even if it murders your soul.


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