Hetalia Kink meme part 12 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 15:19

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 12



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Re: Sweden and Denmark and dealing with death anonymous May 14 2010, 03:28:21 UTC
He got growls then too, but he has always preferred the growls he gets from Sweden when the other is aroused, especially the sharp low one when he tenses and there is a wet, incriminating heat against Denmark's hip. It's the one kind of salt he doesn't mind at all.
Tino and Sealand, or Peter isn't it? Doesn't matter, Denmark's never acknowledged him before so had no need to know his name, cope with brine smell and the presence of death remarkably well, even Sealand can sense the feeling in the air and doesn't complain too much as he helps Berwald and Tino hang out the daily washed sheets in the yard, Denmark propped up on plastic made pillows out on the sun warmed, ~dry~ grass. Yes Sealand...perhaps he does not complain because he already stinks of brine and rust, the true smell of the ocean clinging to that ridiculous sailor suit even when it's been dry cleaned. Soon Denmark wonders if it will be the little child country that will begin to drip sea water everywhere and slowly waste away into a pillar of salt next.. though it seems strangely unlikely even if Sealand is not really a country and stands above the greedy ocean on trembling metal legs. That's just the thing though, that metal can be replaced, made taller, made stronger, resisting the rust and decay so long as they're quick and catch onto it. Sealand is stronger then him, it's galling to this King of Northern Europe to see the little twit stand tall and defeat what has brought Denmark low.
More months pass. The pillows he rests on in the garden are made by Kiku and sent as a free trial, a new design, apparently water resistant without sacrificing too much comfort. It's a nice gesture from the island nation who has his own issues regarding the aggressive hungry sea. Denmark spends as much time as he can in the garden, where the earth is still fertile and the smell of life drowns out the smell of brine, and he spends as much time as he can with Swiss, greedily stealing him away from his "wife" to bask in the warm presence of the Conqueror of the Baltic sea just one more time... just one more time... each time feels like the last. Sweden is careful with him, each passing day the salt grows and his body shrivels even more yet Berwald does not move rooms, or sleep in another bed, putting up with the salt and the sea water, each morning gently working in a whole bottle of moisturiser in a attempt to stop more of the cracking and breaking of formerly strong skin which is now as fragile as tissue paper.
The end, is inevitable but still shocking. The news papers scream of the last quarter mile of Denmarks land finally having been consumed by in rushing water. The country is no longer a country, more a massive gouge in Europe which is filling higher and higher with seawater, its dirks defeated, it's land dead, it's people fled to the surrounding countries who in turn have watched this with horror, unable to stop it no matter what aide they sent.
Sweden had hopped, perhaps, when Denmark died, like a fairytale, he would be returned to how he was before it began, strong and mighty in his last repose. Or at the very least, his body be there, shrunken to smaller then Peter, hands like claws the way the dried skin pulled his fingers in painfully, skin wrinkled, eyes closed against the injustice of nature and of mankind's ruin of mother Pangea. But no, he wakes to dry sheets that are gritty beneath his hands, sea water all across the floor but the bed strangely dry, salt everywhere, nearly breaking the bed with how much of it is pooled on the sheets. As the world cries out for the loss of a country, finally confronts once and for all the horror that they have brought upon this world, Sweden cries out in grief for a old friend, old conqueror, his lover that has disappeared and will not be known to the world again.

The King of Northern Europe is Dead, there is no other to replace him.

(Captcha: Merely that)


Not!OP anonymous May 14 2010, 03:52:28 UTC
Wow I really enjoyed that! I especially liked the comparison to Sealand. Nice work!
Just for the future- you've mixed up Swiss with Swede :D


Re: Not!OP anonymous May 14 2010, 04:43:14 UTC
; ; I'm sorry!!! I didn't know! Forgive this uneducated New Zealander!

I must remember that!


no worries mate XD anonymous May 14 2010, 04:53:43 UTC
From Aussie Not!OP to Kiwi!Anon :DDD Sweet as, bro!


Re: no worries mate XD anonymous May 14 2010, 05:52:55 UTC
8D Kiora mate! How's things over the ditch? (and you guys have a hetalia character! How does that feel?)


Re: no worries mate XD anonymous May 14 2010, 07:20:30 UTC
8DDDD Things are good! I LOVE the design we got but I wish he got more love from the fandom D:
I'm dying for a proper strip with him and for a NZ character! Cos I think they'd be bros having friendly arguments but also fuck buddies XDDDD


Re: no worries mate XD anonymous May 14 2010, 07:45:08 UTC

I got this scene in my head of a cartoon style fight cloud, you know with fists and boots coming out of it and cuss words, and UK is all "now now chaps, no fighting"

And the cloud clears and OZ and NZ are clearly... not...fighting...


OH SHI- anonymous May 14 2010, 08:52:30 UTC
Do you want to write that???? Because I would SO request that!! fuck yes


Re: OH SHI- anonymous May 14 2010, 09:20:18 UTC
haha sure XD though it would probably only be a small, crackish scene. But you request it and link it here and I'll try and get it done in between writing my assignments this weekend XD

(Captcha: Editor Asimov.. sounds like the sort of guy you don't want to be late handing into)


Re: OH SHI- anonymous May 14 2010, 10:59:07 UTC
That would be totally awesome, and here's the request:


(my captcha says tomahawk in.... in where? in the face? in the butt? D:


Re: OH SHI- anonymous May 14 2010, 22:32:50 UTC
do we really want to know where that tomahawk goes?

Done! It's not great but I enjoyed it more then my assignment!


Oh... anonymous May 14 2010, 04:17:04 UTC
Out of all the gutwrenching in here, there are two things that really kill me. First, the whole Sealand business.

And then, the thing that really gets me: he died alone. *sob* I know there's that saying that even when others are with us, we die alone... But he was completely alone.

Do you have any idea how IRONIC it is that 'Keep Holding On' (the Glee version) was playing as I finished reading this? Oh gods... And then followed imediatlg by 'Fields of Hope'. Aiya... Gonna go have a good cry now.


Re: Oh... anonymous May 14 2010, 04:49:29 UTC
I might have bawled my eyes out once or twice writing this... but then I was reading poetry about death right before I got online ( the poetry is for class, honest, I am convinced the lecturer is determined to drive at least one of us into severe depression with her topics this year)


Re: Oh... anonymous May 14 2010, 19:00:40 UTC
I might be almost bawling my eyes out again just thinking about it. And death poetry is some of the best, even if it murders your soul.


Re: Sweden and Denmark and dealing with death anonymous May 14 2010, 06:42:43 UTC
Hetalia!Geology is a severe kink of mine. OTL

I love what you've done with this prompt, even if DenSu isn't completely my cup of tea. Very nice fill. And I wish it weren't so, well, plausible, dammit.


Re: Sweden and Denmark and dealing with death anonymous May 14 2010, 08:14:39 UTC
writeranon here! Thank you! DenSu isn't my cup of tea either but I couldn't leave the idea alone

(Captcha: the gott ..... the god? )


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