Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Touchy Feely Alfred Request anonymous February 5 2010, 23:01:02 UTC
In hopes of re-establishing their platonic, brotherly love relationship, Arthur makes a potion and gives it to Alfred. Alfred drinks it. The problem? Alfred is now ridiculously flirtatious and touchy-feely towards Arthur to the point that Alfred is probably worse than Francis. Whether it's onmomom-ing on Arthur's sweater vest to groping Arthur's rump, Alfred just can't keep his hands off of him. Arthur is confused as all hell as to what went wrong and what to do.

Now here's the challenge: NO SMUT. That's right writer!anons. No smut or allusions to smut. I just want some US->UK fun. Let's have something different for a change. :D

Pairing: US->UK then eventual USUK
Other characters: writer!anon can include as many as he or she wishes. Human names please though.
Bonus: If Arthur wakes up to find a sleeping Alfred on his chest. The fu- how did the git get into my hotel room?! LOL. U KNOW IT'LL BE AWESOME. >8D
Super Bonus: If this is a multi-fill. 8D


And now I need to find something to fill lol.


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 4b/? anonymous March 6 2010, 14:05:58 UTC
Oh, anon...

My heart. It is positively aching at the sweetness, and the tenderness, and America's earnest little doofiness. <3 And at the same time, I can't stop laughing at just HOW in-denial England really is...


"I love you," Arthur murmured, the words falling from his lips of their own accord,


and this anon knows she wants more of this delightful fic


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 4b/? anonymous March 6 2010, 15:52:00 UTC
But then Alfred decided that just sitting next to Arthur just wasn’t enough and, in a move that brought the entire meeting to an abrupt halt, stood up and then crawled into Arthur’s lap and draped himself over the Englishman. Oh god, the mental pictures of everyone's FACES! XD And Arthur's denial is amazing, lol.


OP LUVS U anonymous March 7 2010, 02:46:18 UTC

Arthur's denial is simply amazing. XD LOL. But I laughed at the mental image of everyone's reactions to Alfred sitting on Arthur's lap at the meeting. Ah, I would kill to see that! Too funny.

Please update soon~! I can't get enough of this fill~! <3


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 4b/? anonymous March 7 2010, 05:28:25 UTC
New reader who will now be keeping an eye out for updates. I love what you've done with the fill so far, it's fantastic <3


Be Careful What You Wish For 5a/? anonymous March 15 2010, 05:10:05 UTC
He woke up to blue. Endless, beautiful blue like the sky. For a moment he thought he might be dead, or perhaps he’d returned to a time when parts of the world were still new, and he could lay out in endless green fields staring up at the sky. A small hand in his, delighted laughter ringing out from a brilliant smile, making the troubles of the world drift away as long as they were together ( ... )


Be Careful What You Wish For 5b/? anonymous March 15 2010, 05:10:33 UTC
Alfred shoved his hands in his pockets and trudged dejectedly towards the door, giving Arthur a desperate look that was ignored, and sighed as he walked over the threshold. Arthur sighed, as well, but before he could close the door behind Alfred, the younger nation had thrown himself at Arthur, clutching him tightly and burying his face in his neck.

“Please, Arthur,” he murmured desperately, “I have to be with you.”

Arthur’s heart pounded in his ears at the feeling of Alfred’s arms so tightly around him, his lips moving against his neck, and how sincerely desperate he was to stay close to him. How could he say no? Even so, he gently pried Alfred away and waved a finger at him.

“Just for today. Tomorrow I must speak with Germany on my own.”

“Fuck yeah!” Alfred whooped and picked Arthur up to spin him around while laughing delightedly. Arthur scolded him for his language, but Alfred just beamed and grabbed his hand.

He couldn’t help the traitorous thoughts that he sincerely enjoyed being wanted by Alfred, even when it was ( ... )


OP anonymous March 15 2010, 06:47:51 UTC

OP has been checkin this daily- not gonna lie. This is so good and cute and LOL UST much? XD Ah, plz update soon! In the meantime I will check out your other fills. <3


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 5b/? anonymous March 15 2010, 21:53:28 UTC
I hope Arthur realizes what he's done sooner or later. Poor Alfred! Poor both of them! And what's Alfred going to do when (if) he's turned normal again? Will he remember all this?

Great fill, anon! I'm still eagerly reading.


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 5b/? anonymous March 17 2010, 15:34:37 UTC
Anon has a feeling that this would turn out quite sad if the Author!Anon doesn't twist it into a happy ending :<

The potion HAS to wear out sooner or later, Arthur HAS to realize what he had done and feeling guilty. It's going to be cruel either Alfred remember this or not after the potion wears off =/


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 5b/? anonymous November 28 2010, 14:31:07 UTC
Alfred was so cute! Can I keep him? I love this story so much; it's really good seeing these two interact in a cute, caring way.


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