Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



New fills for this part go HERE.
Get information at the News Post HERE.

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In Flight Self Service 1/? anonymous March 11 2010, 23:12:43 UTC
(Anon apologizes for being a n00b in advance. D ( ... )


Re: In Flight Self Service 2/? anonymous March 11 2010, 23:17:09 UTC
France jiggled the doorknob impatiently ( ... )


Re: In Flight Self Service 3/? anonymous March 11 2010, 23:20:54 UTC
There was no way the bastard couldn’t have noticed. He opened his mouth to say something, anything, but France turned away ( ... )


Re: In Flight Self Service 4/4 anonymous March 11 2010, 23:23:30 UTC
England leaned over the toilet, his forearm pressing against the wall to support him as he gripped himself firmly. He didn’t need Francis to get off. Except that he felt nothing now that he was touching himself. He tried for a few minutes, but the most he got was a throbbing, quivering member that was beginning to hurt ( ... )


Re: In Flight Self Service 4/4 anonymous March 12 2010, 00:27:08 UTC

Oh Anon, you are no where near a N00b. I loved this fill to bits! Poor Arthur just can't get a day off can he? XD

And that last liner killed me XD *adds to memories*


Not OP, but ... anonymous March 12 2010, 00:30:59 UTC
... best ending ever! I enjoyed the whole fill, but that ending was the icing on the cake. ... I just hope no one asks why I'm laughing crazily. <3

I'll have more intelligent words later, because this had some surprisingly good wording, but for now? This was the best use of alliteration I've ever seen: He rubbed himself red. He stroked his member sticky. He fingered himself frantically.


Re: In Flight Self Service 4/4 anonymous March 12 2010, 01:37:47 UTC
Oh, Authornon. O__O

I can't decide whether to laugh or moan. They are SO in-character, I love it! Iggy's frustration, France being an insufferable, sneaky, horny, devious bastard. ILU SO MUCH, ANON. (God willing, you shall write more for this meme! ...Please? Pretty please?)

captcha: available Nonzero. That's a pretty accurate description of France "lending a hand", captchizzle.


Flattered Author Anon is Flattered! anonymous March 13 2010, 08:12:08 UTC
Author Anon is extremely flattered by the happy comments! ; W ;

She is glad that it was enjoyed! Thank you for the kind comments. :)


And stunned reader anon is stunned... anonymous April 13 2010, 04:55:57 UTC
By author!anon's jaw-dropping skillz.

Totally second the anon above me: 1) I have no idea whether to snicker or nosebleed all over my keyboard. Mayhap both? and 2) PLEASE WRITE MORE FOR THIS MEME, especially FrUK (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE *stalks you*). This fill is so ridiculously IC and utterly hawt, and making me fan myself as I lean back, panting, in my seat.

Iggy is so fucking adorable, here; maybe I'm just a sadist, but his tears of frustration somehow made me laugh upped the sensuality in this--Francis, too, was amazing. God, fills like these somehow make me love Dover more than ever--and that's an incredible feat, I'll say ;)


Re: In Flight Self Service 4/4 anonymous April 12 2010, 23:46:44 UTC
Linked here from the discussion post and just wants you to know that this might have been the most shiningly IC FrUK fic I have ever read ♥


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