Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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I'll do it! anonymous March 4 2010, 23:28:40 UTC
This sounds positively adorable and I'd really love to write it if that's okay. I'll start right away and have it up soon. ^^


Wait...oh dear! (1/1) anonymous March 5 2010, 02:32:48 UTC
Maybe Finland wasn't the stickiest wicket in the...widget. That was alright. It didn't mean he was stupid--Sweden had to admit that barring Estonia and Norway, Finland was the smartest neighbor he'd had, and the smaller nation was very, very proud of his education system.

But he was just... scrambled and scattered. Like the eggs he'd eaten that morning, which he'd had on half a cucumber cut lengthwise. The mind boggled. He'd spent mid-morning of that day on the kink meme, letting himself blush and titter as soon as Sweden had left the house. At least Finland remembered to delete his history.


The Franco-Mongol alliance is one of the most... mismatched would-be alliances in history. In the mid-13th century, King Louis IX of France, a very devout and probably ridiculously optimistic monarch, had a plan to ally with the Mongols against the Muslim forces controlling the Holy Land. This mostly involved Louis writing lots of letters saying how totally cool it would be if the Mongols would become good Catholics and help him beat the ( ... )


Re: Wait...oh dear! (1/1) anonymous March 5 2010, 02:54:40 UTC
Awesome, anon!!!

There are request like that???? Adorabe indeed XDDD


Re: Wait...oh dear! (1/1) anonymous March 5 2010, 03:09:15 UTC
Hahaha!!! Finland! He's as cute as his idea of the prompt! I wants to huggle him ^__^

And YES Finland's educational system! I've been wanting to request it, but I currently have an imbalance of fills to requests so I'll hold off until I can fill some. Apparently, kids don't enter school until they're 7 and can go about in socks and have recess for a quarter of every hour, but still manage to outscore 31 other countries. ^__^

Citation: Pg. 204-205 Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv (Sorry, but I felt since I was taking the information straight from the book, if people recognized it, they would know why.)

But fuwegvjeajsknfb FINLAND WHY SO ADORABLE?

Recaptcha says has downtime - yes recaptcha, Finland's schools have lots of downtime =D


Finn!Anon is amused anonymous March 6 2010, 11:36:09 UTC
Lol, oh I always forget that our school system is ~*~speshul~*~. :D It seems totally normal for me.

... How CAN you concentrate all through the school day anyway if you don't have breaks between lessons? :O And besides, here it's common logic that you only wear shoes outside so you don't get dirt on the floor! And don't your feet get smelly if you wear shoes all the time?


Fillernon anonymous March 6 2010, 16:11:03 UTC
...I am now convinced that every culture does that except for the US and other former British colonies.

No srsly. I lived in the US all my life, and whenever I tried taking my shoes off in school the staff was all KEEP YOUR FUCKING SHOES ON. And then I went to a friends' house and tried taking them off she was all WTH are you doing?

In case anyone is wondering, I'm Asian.


US!anon anonymous March 17 2010, 03:46:27 UTC
In case anyone is wondering, I'm Asian.

Well, see, that's your problem.

Haha, I kid, I kid. I'm from Hawaii and, while we don't take shoes off in school (that would be a waste of money. Spend fifty bucks on shoes, I'm gonna wear them, dammit) it's customary to take one's shoes off when you enter a house. Unless you're me, and refuse to give up your mainland traits and wear your Chuck Taylors proudly through the house. Hawaii, as you may or may not know, borrows a good chunk of its culture from Asia.

My old place in Cali was too cold to not wear shoes in the house. But I'm just sayin...


Re: US!anon anonymous October 7 2011, 21:21:21 UTC
It's too cold to not wear shoes in Cali? I have honestly never even heard that, it's both awesome and boggeling to my northern Canadian mind. It's extremely rude to just waltz through someone's house with shoes on where I live, especially when it's winter. You'll track dirt and slush everywhere!

(But it's still required to wear shoes at school for some reason.)


Re: Wait...oh dear! (1/1) anonymous March 5 2010, 15:23:35 UTC
You evil thing, now you made me ship Mongolia/France.

And squee so hard I deanoned. '^_^ Deanon on a misfire fill, how pathetic is that?


Re: Wait...oh dear! (1/1) anonymous March 6 2010, 12:36:00 UTC
misfirefill!anon, you should have left a link to that request seeing how it seemed to have sparked interested!

wonderful misfire fill though XD


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