Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



New fills for this part go HERE.
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Mulan!! anonymous March 4 2010, 19:57:20 UTC
inspired by another request... I'm craving a fic in a setting similar to the film Mulan. this isn't an excuse to see more Nyotalia, absolutely not
As for pairings, I'd love it with Japan and female!China (for Asia-ness), Russia and female!America (for the lulz), America and female!England (snarkiness :D), or Germany and female!Italy (aaaawww that'd be so cute.).
p-pretty please? ;_;


Reflection - Prologue anonymous March 10 2010, 09:16:54 UTC
Note: Putting out some feelers for this, as I’m not sure how you all will like it. The pairing for this is (eventual) UK/fem!US, but since this is AU (with slight fantasy influences), there will also be many cameos of other characters too (Russia, Germany, Italy… to name a few). I’ll be using human names only (Alice for Fem!America, Alfred for when she becomes a soldier). Writer-anon will do her best to keep everyone as in character as possible. (Despite it being AU)




It was something Alice only heard from vast distances, something that happened to other countries. Something whispered in the markets, spoken at the Inns and discussed among the elders. It never happened to the Kingdom. It never affected her village. The once distant prospect was now a very grim reality.

Matthew stuffed his draft papers into her hand, his mouth a thin line, his unbelieving eyes speaking volumes.

“You’re doing the right thing,” she clutched the paper to her chest. “I will take your place, and tell them you are unfit to serve.”

You ( ... )


OP anonymous March 10 2010, 15:18:14 UTC
holy God anon, my name's Alice! this is such a strange coincidence! :D

and this is such a promising beginning! I think I'm in love with your writing style and your female!US characterization... ♥ now I'm really curious about how you're going to develop the story. thank you so much! :D

why don't you list your fill at the kink meme index? :)


Re: OP anonymous March 10 2010, 16:37:39 UTC
Awesome~! I just saw the new Alice in Wonderland movie so that kind of inspired me in the name department:D I'm so happy you like this so far!

I thought it might be better to wait until I get chapter one posted so when I list it, readers will have more to read? ^^;;


Re: OP anonymous March 10 2010, 20:13:19 UTC
...and just in case this part maxes out before I'm able to get the next chapter up, I'll move this to the past-parts fill 2 section(?) and add it to the fills index :) -goes back to writing-


Reflection - Chapter 1.1 anonymous March 11 2010, 19:29:30 UTC
Note: This chapter is mostly exposition, as I’m setting everything up. Apologies if this is dry! Writeranon promises it will get better!

Chapter 1 - 1


Winter was ending, and the last of the snow fall remained in patches and muddy wagon roads. The strong frozen bite to the air was finally receding, leaving a dull chill behind. Alice stopped her horse at the crest of the hill and stared at the meadow below. White tents of all shapes and sizes were staked and spread over every available area, leaving only pockets of space for small fireside gatherings and narrow walkways. Surrounding the expansive camp was a makeshift fence of thin wooden logs lashed or nailed together in a haphazard fashion. Thin plumes of smoke arose from large tents or tiny tent-side firepits.

Alice glanced to the sky; the sun had only just crested the eastern horizon. It’s still early… I have time to turn around.

Cursing the bubbling nervousness that settled into her stomach, she stared at the forest and let her mind wander. Last night she had felt so sure, so ( ... )


Reflection - Chapter 1.2 anonymous March 11 2010, 19:32:30 UTC
I have to find Gilbert… whoever that is… Eyeing a group of young men sitting round a fire, she marched up to them. Keep the voice low, but don’t force it. Walk casually…

“Excuse me, but I’m looking for-“

“Up three tents, make a right, look for tent larger than the others with a black eagle on it. Make sure you inform him of his camp duties… he’s in charge of supplies.” There was a snort, and one of the men brought a tin cup to his lips, blowing the steam off before taking a hesitant sip. Alice raised an eyebrow in response, but quickly forced a smile to her face.

“How’d you know who-?”

“You’re the third one this morning asking for him. More draftees coming in from the outlying villages…”

“Right… well…” Alice stared at them awkwardly and silently wondered it would be too girly to say goodbye. Feeling their stares, she quickly settled for the casual approach. “See you around.”

Their only response was more staring. Biting her tongue, she turned and stalked up the narrow walkway. Well that went well. Maybe I should just nod and leave ( ... )


Re: Reflection - Chapter 1.3 anonymous March 11 2010, 19:35:45 UTC
She swung around and stalked to the wall where the canvas tent supplies were stacked. Securing a bundle under her arm and plastering a neutral mask in place, she stormed out of the tent. The heavy footfalls came from behind, and it seemed the tall man had no trouble in keeping up with her furious pace.

It’s him… Ivan. Alice chewed the inside of her cheek and pressed her lips together. Of all the people to run into, it had to be him. The one person she knew from her village who was drafted, the one person who was familiar with her brother… the two went on annual hunting expeditions in the dead of winter, leaving his sisters with Alice… the only people, whom Alice knew, to actually enjoy and tolerate the winter months.

Around the new year, Matthew and Ivan left to go hunting and inspect the lands they owned, making sure to kick out any squatters who settled on their land. Alice, Yekatrina and Natalia would remain behind. Alice wanted to go with them, wishing to prove to her brother she was a far better shot than him. …if only it ( ... )


Re: Reflection - Chapter 1.4 anonymous March 11 2010, 19:39:16 UTC
Alice decided it would be best to keep her mouth shut and worked with Ivan to finish setting the tent. Opting to ignore Ivan’s presence for the time being, knelt and opened the brown bag Gilbert flung at her earlier. Inside were two blankets, one thicker and denser than the other, a leather cartridge pouch, an empty haversack and knapsack, two tin cups, one larger than the other, flint, and other essential supplies. Setting the various objects around, she lay the thicker blanket on the ground on the right side and rolled the other up in the far corner of the tent. Shoving the tin cups, flint and other essentials in the smaller haversack, and putting the leather cartridge pouch in the knapsack, she shoved everything else in the corner.

“You may look like my old friend… but you certainly do not act like him.”

Alice froze, breathed, and forced herself to respond. “Just because I look like him, doesn’t mean I am him.”


Ivan moved inside the tent and laid his own bedroll on the opposite side of the tent. Alice couldn’t help but ( ... )


Re: Reflection - Chapter 1.4 anonymous March 11 2010, 22:49:51 UTC
This anon is now late for work and it is all your fault filler!anon.


And seriously, if you didn't already say it was going to be UKUS, I would totally be rooting for RusxUS (both are my OTPs though so it's hard to choose NGGH).

I will be stalking this fill like BURNING.


Re: Reflection - Chapter 1.4 anonymous March 12 2010, 01:37:08 UTC


Highlands Yung. Captcha certainly is getting into the spirit of this fill. :D


late!op is late anonymous March 12 2010, 11:31:01 UTC
this is so damn good! oh authornon, you surely like to spoil me ♥ oh your Russia is wonderful-- he already knows. :D I'm pretty sure Russia knows everything about everyone.
and I love how you pointed out the differences between America and his brother :)

now I'm even more curious than before-- :( damn it.

crew batman captcha? they're soldiers, not superheroes.


Reflection - Chapter 2.1 anonymous March 14 2010, 07:24:47 UTC
Note: In this, Peter and Arthur are not related and the “invaders” are referred to as “the north” or the “northerners”. Apologies to those who were expecting some in depth training details/chapters, but since this is UK/US, I want to get to the meat and potatoes of the story :)


“Pinch of sulfer.”

Footsteps pounded into the wooden floorboard, the sound of a clattering glass lid and a pointed, heaving gasp flooded the air.

“…Pinch of sulfer-“


A pause; only the sounds of the boiling water; each heated bubble emitting colored gases, smelling of sweet roses and rotten eggs.

“One cat whisker.”

More footsteps and heavy breathing. Several glass lids clattered together, one hitting the floor with a solid thunk.

“…One…cat whisker-“


The whisker was thrown into the cauldron. There was a hiss, a flash of light, and the boiling water exploded. Screams and yells erupted, and the door to the room was thrown open. Black smoke belched from the doorway, filling the hall and exiting out an open window. Coughing and hacking ( ... )


Re: Reflection - Chapter 2.2 anonymous March 14 2010, 07:26:08 UTC
The shorter man smiled, faint amusement twinkling in his eyes. “Really? He hasn’t been too much trouble?”

Arthur moved aside, allowing Peter’s guardian to walk in and shut the door behind him. “…About the same. Have you come to check in on his progress?”

“That… and the war. Have you heard?”

Arthur took Tino’s coat from him and hung it on the peg in the entryway. “Yes… the north took Vertfield. To think they have already come that far inland…” The two walked down the hall, Arthur leading him to the sitting room. “I’m actually glad you have come. I haven’t told Peter yet but… I’ve received a draft summons.”

Tino found an empty seat in one of the plush, red velvet chairs. “I was wondering when they would start targeting wizards. In fact-“

Peter stormed into the room, setting the teapot on the table, along with two cups and saucers. “Tino~!” The boy threw his arms around the older man. “It’s been forever since you last came!”

“It’s only been two weeks,” Arthur corrected; he leaned forward from his seat opposite of Tino and poured the ( ... )


Re: Reflection - Chapter 2.3 anonymous March 14 2010, 07:27:28 UTC

Three Weeks After Arriving

“Ludwig is only looking out for you. I doubt he’d want you eating really rich food right before training...”

Alice held her metal bowl out at the mess personnel working the kitchens. The man spooned a watery mixture of beef, more fat than lean meat, and potatoes into the bowl.

“Onesto! Non posso vivere con questo cibo cattivo~…” (2)

Alice left the crowed mess tent, disliking sitting within a large group of men in fear of being caught, and found an empty grassy spot. “English, Feliciano.”

Feliciano stared at the soupy mess in his bowl and whimpered. “This food has no taste… I…I wish he would let me make pasta...”

Alice watched Feliciano take a seat beside her and speared a potato with her fork. Three weeks had come and gone since she first arrived, and still no one knew her secret. Smiling, she bit the potato off the fork, chewed and swallowed quickly, feeling proud of herself for keeping her secret hidden for so long. Granted, she had to sneak cold sponge baths at night and wake up before Ivan to ( ... )


Re: Reflection - Chapter 2.4 anonymous March 14 2010, 07:29:45 UTC
“Ah- fuck… wait-wait…” Alice gasped, stopping in the middle of the run and leaning over, pressing her hands to her knees. “Damnit…”

Ivan slowed to a stop and twisted around, faint annoyance crossing his pale features. “The enemy won’t wait for you to catch your breath.”

“I know!” Alice wheezed, saliva dripping from her lips. “It’s just… you’re so fucking tall…”

With each gasping breath, the cloth wrapped and folded around her cut into her chest, forcing herself to take shallow breaths. Heated, weightless touches surrounded her head and face. Alice clenched her knees and silently ordered herself not to faint from hyperventilating due to her disguise.

Ivan stared at her, his face calm, but his violet eyes story. “Your heavy breathing, clumsy feet, and loud voice would have already alerted the enemy to our presence long ago.”

Prying her hands from her knees, Alice stood straight, sucked in as deep a breath as she could manage, and glared at Ivan. Brilliant blue meeting stormy violet.

He thinks he can get a rise out of me… saying such ( ... )


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