Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



New fills for this part go HERE.
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SKÅL! 1/? anonymous March 3 2010, 09:14:00 UTC
(uff da names were confusing in this ( ... )


Re: SKÅL! 1/? anonymous March 3 2010, 12:10:51 UTC
you made me menthos fist pump... and it's 7 am so good job anon, good job.

rc states lobbies
this fill has nothing todo with America or his states


Re: SKÅL! 1/? anonymous March 3 2010, 14:58:50 UTC
Yay! I was really excited for this request to be filled! Nice intro, and I'll be waiting to see where you take this!

ReCaptha: erector his ... is this where this fill is going???


Re: SKÅL! 1/? anonymous March 3 2010, 22:01:43 UTC
Of course it'd be Norways who'd be all cool about it. xDb So different... yet somehow still similar.


Re: SKÅL! 1/? anonymous March 3 2010, 22:18:31 UTC
xD Oh, heck yes. I was just introduced to SatW a few days ago and I am now officially stalking this fill.

ReCaptcha: formal monocles
Is SatW!England gonna make an appearance, Captcha?


SKÅL! 2/? anonymous March 4 2010, 08:24:19 UTC
Part 2: The More Finns Change...

" ...So you're this world's Finland?"

"Yep," Tino replied.

The three newly arrived nations just didn't know what to make of the petit blonde in front of them. He smiled sweetly at them with large violet eyes as they waited in the cafeteria. They had been quickly introduced to the Finnish personification and left there so their respective doppelgangers could call up their bosses.

" ...And you talk?"

"Quite a bit. Especially if you compare me to Su-san."


"Oh sorry! That's just a nickname I use for our Sweden."

This just couldn't be right. He was too nice, too normal. He didn't even smell like beer!

" ...And you don't spend your time threatening people with a knife?"

"Of course not!" the Finn exclaimed.

"Sniper rifles are much more efficient." he continued, still smiling sweetly as the three other nations slowly inched away.

Yep... he was a Finland.


A flailing OPanon anonymous March 4 2010, 14:05:01 UTC
This is soo cute! And exactly what I envisioned! Thank you so much! I'm abusing exclimation marks! It's better than caps lock!


Re: A flailing OPanon anonymous March 4 2010, 17:08:07 UTC
SKÅL!anon Is so glad you like it!


Re: SKÅL! 2/? anonymous March 9 2010, 10:26:26 UTC
All I can do now is cackle in glee. I do hope Sister Sweden pops up somewhere because Hetalia!Sweden and Hetalia!Denmark's reactions would be just precious!


Re: SKÅL! 3/? anonymous March 13 2010, 08:24:46 UTC
Part 3: Scandinavia to Start the Morning ( ... )


Re: SKÅL! 3/? anonymous July 2 2011, 04:26:15 UTC
So. Much. Love.


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