Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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America/Belarus - I Could Have Danced All Night 1/2 anonymous March 2 2010, 21:25:57 UTC
This will probably be the first of many fills (of varying characters/pairings), because seriously. You've done a terrible thing, OP.

The song here is "I Could Have Danced All Night" from My Fair Lady.The door closed with a soft click behind Belarus as she stalked into the hotel suite she was sharing with her siblings, Russia and Ukraine. She had decided earlier in the evening that tonight was going to be the night she’d finally convince her dearest brother to marry her, but then she’d been swept up into the dancing that was still going on in the ballroom downstairs and Russia had gotten away when Lithuania had cheerfully swept her onto the dance floor ( ... )


I Could Have Danced All Night 2/2 anonymous March 2 2010, 21:27:01 UTC
He was infuriatingly earnest, really, and had insisted on carrying on a mostly one-sided conversation where she mostly grunted or hummed replies, asking after her welfare and how she was getting along with Russia and other such pointless pleasantries that were entirely sincere coming from him. He was somewhat clumsy on his feet, but he never stepped on her toes once, and she’d never once taken her eyes off his face, which practically glowed with the way his eyes and smile were so bright. It was about then that her head started to feel funny ( ... )


Re: I Could Have Danced All Night 2/2 anonymous March 3 2010, 01:08:00 UTC

Loved it.


Op is male, dammit! anonymous March 3 2010, 01:59:50 UTC
So please stop making me d'aw like a teenage girl. It's not manly. >.>

I loved it, anon.


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