Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Re: Anything Goes 2: The Musical anonymous March 2 2010, 07:37:43 UTC
I AM going to fill this. I AM.

*Runs off to write multiple fills*

Because I need to up my fill quota


Motor Crazycycle [1/4] anonymous March 2 2010, 20:02:44 UTC
Giving me the ability to write down the countless music-video style ideas that come into my head while listening to music may have been a bad idea. I’ll try to stick to music that has no words so as to fully expand on the images I get. Kuu kuu kuu…

Best read while listening to ‘Motor Crazycycle’ by tefnek, available on OC RemixesThe trucks hummed down the last bits of roadway before reaching the open highway, passing by small houses and cramped buildings that contained businesses of all kinds, harbouring dark alleyways and twisting dead ends shrouded in shadows. People watched them warily, uncertain of how to react. Many simply allowed them to pass without glancing up. Some choose to shoot them dirty looks. The men in the trucks ignored everyone, focused ahead of themselves, anticipating the trip ahead ( ... )


Motor Crazycycle [2/4] anonymous March 2 2010, 20:03:37 UTC
The man on watch cocked his rifle, and fired. The rider simply swerved to the side to avoid the pellets, leather bomber jacket whipping furiously in the wind, star-spangled bandanna around his neck fluttering against their neck with each sudden change in the jet stream. The rider brought the bike back under control effortlessly, the old Indian obeying every subtle command with ease. The rider’s grin widened, stretching lightly freckled cheeks ( ... )


Motor Crazycycle [3/4] anonymous March 2 2010, 20:05:02 UTC
As the truck’s driver panicked, and hit the brakes, sending the truck into a spin that exposed it’s left side, just up ahead on an overpass, another figure was priming their own gun, a sniper rifle this time, and taking very careful aim. Waiting patiently, the sniper focused on their target, calculating exactly where they would need to fire to result in the best carnage. Eyes trained perfectly, hand was steady, breathing was even; the shot was perfect. Locking the crosshairs on the right spot, the sniper took a deep, deep breath, and pulled the trigger ( ... )


Motor Crazycycle [4/4 + AN] anonymous March 2 2010, 20:11:24 UTC
The rider slammed on the handbrakes, and the bike pitched forward onto its front wheel. Using his momentum and the total weight of the riders, he swung it around to face the truck. The driver gasped in surprise, and hit the brakes instinctually. The rider grinned as the bike swung around, and the sniper, with lightning-fast reflexes, had already drawn his gun and levelled it. As the bike slammed to the ground again, the rider threw it into reverse, and the sniper fired as they rocketed backwards. Three well-placed shots hit the gas tank and both front wheels, chain-reacting into another large explosion that took out the last truck ( ... )


OP loves your physics. o.O anonymous March 3 2010, 01:56:18 UTC
Wow, anon- that was just awesome. And I definitely didn't mind the FFVII influence; Advent Children is one of my favorite movies of all time. ^^

The biker seems to most definitely be America, but I can't make up my mind whether the sniper's Canada (logical choice for Al's partner) or Finland (known to be a seriously deadly sniper).


Author!Anon is Glad Someone Does anonymous March 3 2010, 08:57:15 UTC
It was Canada, 'cause I have a serious lady crush on my country liek oh mai gawd.

But now that you mention it, Finland could work too.



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