Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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The Cuss Jar anonymous March 1 2010, 18:01:45 UTC
After watching this commercial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJJL5dxgVaM), this anon had to post a request. X3

After nation A's brilliant idea, the world nations decide to play a game. The game is whoever cusses/swears (in ANY language) has to put money in the cuss jar. A tally will be kept. Whoever swears the LEAST gets to keep all of the cuss jar money. Of course, this results in shenanigans. Nations start nagging and bothering each other to get people to say a few cuss words. XD

If you want to change something, I'm opening to compromising too~!

- Someone unexpected wins the game.
- Many nations are included.
- Cuss words/phrases in other languages. (It's good to know what NOT to say in another language. And learning with hetalia is fun!)
- Arthur tries his hardest to not swear-like-a-sailor, but cannot help himself when Francis is present.
- Nation A is NOT Alfred.

This anon wants a good laugh. <3 ( ... )


@#$% 1/? anonymous March 4 2010, 08:24:31 UTC
(This is my first fill here ever. I don't really write fanfics, but I usually do fanart so hopefully this doesn't suck too much. I don't know how long I'd be able to keep this up because my swear-word collection isn't that vast. If you can suggest any swears from you nations, please do. :D AuthorAnon really needs help. Of if you'd like to continue this for me, that would be great too.)

***Greece set down a large jar almost the size of his torso at the conference table with a heavy thud. The previously chattering nations quieted down and looked at him curiously. Normally, Greece wouldn’t gather attention to himself like this, but he had no choice; Korea wouldn’t get off his case about constantly sleeping at the UN meetings. Since the young man liked having a classroom atmosphere when he presided the meetings, he treated Greece as a teacher would treat a lazy student-giving extra credit homework, which he was doing now. Korea had asked him to think of a way to make the nations stop fighting. He didn’t really put much thought into it, ( ... )


@#$% 1b/? anonymous March 4 2010, 08:26:13 UTC

Everyone looked at Germany’s direction. Germany was usually the one who championed the plea for better discipline, alongside Austria and Switzerland. His opposition came as a surprise at first, but then it was understandable. Germany had the Eurozone to worry about. If the members lost too much money, everyone would be affected. Then there was also Prussia, who kept sneaking in at the UN meetings, to worry about. Prussia did sport a potty-mouth.

“I am in favour of the suggestion,” said Austria.

“O-Osterreich…” said Germany, dread clear in his voice.

Austria gave him a look that could have been interpreted as a silent apology, but there was also a hint of a smirk. It was the perfect opportunity for Germany and the other Eurozone members exert more effort in keeping Prussia away from the meetings-that is if the German cared enough for his economy and the Eurozone.

“I oppose,” said Italy cheerfully, waving his hand in the air.

Of course. Romano. Although the older Italian skipped the meeting regualrly, like today, he was going to be trouble.

“ ( ... )


@#$% 1c/? anonymous March 4 2010, 08:27:42 UTC

“I’m neutral,” he said quietly.

Japan made a noise of indignation. Everybody expected this. After all, if Switzerland stopped being neutral, the world would end. The rest of Africa followed suit, seeing as they have enough problems of their own without having to worry about a decision to this new policy. Liechtenstein followed her brother.

Finland and Sweden disagreed. The Finn did tend to swear a lot, especially when Russia was nearby.

Latvia shakily raised his hand and disagreed, and so did Lithuania and Estonia. They had just gotten out of the USSR a little less than twenty years ago. They wanted to enjoy the freedom.

Belgium and the Netherlands agreed, if only to see Germany become undone.

The ASEAN members disagreed. They didn’t want to be fined for accidentally swearing, even if it was tempting to agree. Taiwan followed suit.

“I’m in!” shrieked Prussia, climbing in from the window with Sealand in tow. The 17th floor window.

“Germany has already given an answer,” said Greece patiently. “And you are not allowed to vote.”

“What?” asked ( ... )


Re: @#$% 1c/? anonymous March 4 2010, 12:54:27 UTC
I had fun reading it!

I'm interested to see where this would go though!


OP anonymous March 5 2010, 06:14:19 UTC


this is awesome btw and i love your writing style! X3 plz have more confidence! op believes in you~~~~~~~~~!


Re: @#$% 1c/? anonymous March 7 2010, 06:56:36 UTC
Not in the least! I thoroughly enjoyed it! I like seeing the variety of countries, and you kept them all in character!

Make this another person who can't wait for an update!


@#$% 2a/? anonymous March 7 2010, 17:37:10 UTC
(Damn, I screwed up. Q_Q Thank you for the comments, anons! AuthorAnon is touched. <3)

Russia sat in Canada's living room with England on his left and a polar bear nuzzling against his ribs, seemingly fond of the Russian. He had wanted to go home right after the meeting, but he decided to tag along with England. There were more important matters to attend to.

Earlier that day, Greece had proposed a no-swearing policy which escalated into a sort of mini-war between France and England. Now, Russia wouldn't care if those two died by forcing liquor bottles down each other's throats, no (they were going to become one with him anyway). That was until America voiced an alliance with France.

Any other nation would think that Russia's decision was fuelled by America's lousy cheating in the Space Race. No, that zalupa didn't win; that footage was obviously fake. Russia was still the winner, and he deserved to be called the winner. Well, whoever thought that way was partly correct. It wasn't like Russia was insecure about his win. The other reason ( ... )


@#$% 2b/? anonymous March 7 2010, 17:38:27 UTC

"Please, Canada," pleaded England. "You don't understand how dire the consequences are if France wins. We're outnumbered; he already has America and China on his side."

"China?" asked Canada.

"Da," said Russia, nodding his head. "He is with France now."

"Don't worry about him," said England. "I already have a few things planned."

"And why are you helping England?"

The Russian shrugged. "Triple Entente." It was a convenient excuse.

The Canadian looked at him suspiciously before turning to England. "The consequences can't be that bad," he said.

"Y-You don't understand!" England wailed. "The loser has to sing the winner's national anthem naked and have a tattoo of the winner's flag on their..." he trailed off.

Canada cocked an eyebrow. "Their...?"

England flushed a deep red.

"Penis," answered Russia with a smile. He wasn't going to sit there and watch as England made a fool of himself with his substandard negotiation skills.

"WHAT?" Canada stood up in shock, almost spilling his chocolate on his favorite hoodie. "W-Why would you people bet like ( ... )


@#$% 2c/? anonymous March 7 2010, 17:39:30 UTC
"I can't wait to see the bloody pom's face when I put this on his scones," said Australia, snickering, toying with a Sydney Funnel-web spider.

"L'Australie, calm down, s'il te plait. We are not trying to kill 'im."

Australia pouted and sat back down on France's fashionable chair.

"We don't really need this meeting," said America, drinking his soda noisily. "I mean, he already swears when he sees you, France. And nobody's helping him anyway."

"Oui," said France as patiently as he could. "But l'Angleterre is a shrewd one. It eez better to be prepared, non?" China gave him a piece of paper, which the Frenchman read and then sighed again. "Je repete: we are not trying to kill 'im." He massaged the bridge of his nose. Maybe he should not have built an alliance?

"You're no fun," muttered Australia, putting the spider back in the plastic cage.

France slumped into the couch next to China.

"Faguo, you are being paranoid. Just leave it to us, aru," said China, sipping his tea. "We promise not to kill him."

France looked at him. China was a tricky one. ( ... )


Re: @#$% 2c/? anonymous March 7 2010, 18:53:37 UTC
*le gasp* Australia is with France?! :O THIS FILL'S AWESOMENESS JUST SKYROCKETED OVER 9000!!!!!

Author!Anon, this is win ♥


OP is :D! anonymous March 7 2010, 23:23:03 UTC
OP will be waiting for you~! the continuation! X3

I can't think of a team name either.... XD;;; It will probably have "awesome" in it though due to Alfred's insistence, yes?


@#$% 2d/? anonymous March 8 2010, 02:30:32 UTC
(Damn, I can't believe I forgot to put this one in from my draft. By the way, you guys are fast. o___o thank you for the comments <3)"Ah, before I forget," said England, pointing at Canada ( ... )


Re: @#$% 2d/? anonymous March 9 2010, 23:15:58 UTC
*falls over laughing*
Then again, fairies would make very good English spies. :3
Love how Russia actually realized England's intentions. He's very smart, da?
Me looking forward to moar! ^-^

Lol, yea, I do tend to comment fast. I'm a ninja like that. ;D


Re: @#$% 2d/? anonymous March 10 2010, 05:18:41 UTC
OP is waiting for more~! ;D


@#$% 3a/? anonymous March 17 2010, 04:33:57 UTC
(Warning: this is a particularly long chapter, which contains bromance/angst and politically incorrect activities that you should not imitate. You have been warned. Oh, and there are swearwords too. Thanks for putting up with my lame writing this far. <333)

Three days passed before there was another meeting. Before entering the building, the nations were given a small watch each, which was said to help monitor their speech for the cuss jar policy. It was a peculiar thing, black and simple. The design made it difficult to pinpoint which country manufactured it--and maybe that was the point. The other nations didn't seem to know who made them. (If they did, nobody was talking.) The watch was supposed to blink a dim red light whenever the nation swore--so that the nation in question would know when he was fined. There was already a scoreboard as well; Canada looked into it in his handheld as soon as he received the URL and was surprised to see that Germany and Iceland had already been fined €5 and €15 respectively.

Canada yawned ( ... )


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