Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Unexpected {1/?} anonymous February 24 2010, 05:18:25 UTC

Cold cold cold col-coldcoldcoldcold-

No. No, no!

Wondering how many languages he could say it in before he was understood, the words spewed on and around the shadowed beings about him.

Somewhere along the line, he had done something terribly, terribly foolish. Idiotic, even ( ... )


Re: Unexpected {1/?} anonymous February 24 2010, 15:30:57 UTC
Oh, no, poor Spain! Auugh! And the mention of the noises made my stomach twist, too. So short, but with everything in it's right place.

Did you forgot to put this in the fill list? Or I missed it?


Authoranon anonymous February 24 2010, 21:40:39 UTC
I'm actually waiting until I finish to Post to the fill list! There will be at least one more part.

Thanks for the comment! :)


Re: Authoranon anonymous February 24 2010, 23:15:58 UTC
Ah, I see, dumb me that didn't notice the 1/?. I don't know if I'm glad that there's another part, I mean... On one hand, your writing style is fascinating, and it fits the subject matter very well, vivid without being excessive, so I'm sure I'll enjoy this... On the other hand, poor Antonio.

Captcha: 'doubters have'. Mind reading Captcha is mind reading - watch out that the Inquisition doesn't accuse you of withcraft, Captcha!


Re: Authoranon anonymous February 25 2010, 05:59:56 UTC
Fascinating writing style, eh? I've had my writing been called many things on this meme, but never fascinating. that makes me very, very happy, anon. Thank you!


Unexpected {2/2} anonymous February 25 2010, 05:48:33 UTC
A numb heat rolled across his body. He didn't know how long it had been. He didn't know how short it had been.

With a tired face, his mind slipped. They asked him over and over about the boy, the one, but his lips wouldn't work. They asked what kind of sin he'd indulged in ( ... )


Re: Unexpected {2/2} anonymous February 25 2010, 06:10:49 UTC
Not just yet. He wouldn't allow his love to be someone else's death.

"Sorry... For what?" Antonio croaked, in so much pain that he wished he could cease to breathe.

These two lines fucking define this character for me.


Re: Unexpected {2/2} anonymous February 25 2010, 07:00:54 UTC
O-oh my God...
I feel absolutely horrible for wanting to reread this already, but WOW. You really succeeded in tugging at my heartstrings, writernon, especially since Antonio is one of my favourite characters, and you write him so WELL. Just... whew.

Torture has always fascinated this anon, even though it makes me feel like a sick bastard to openly admit it. And Antonio holding out through the hell for the sake of love, and the scene with Romano at the end... Sob. Somehow I can't imagine it ending well at all - like there's even more to come at them - and that thought makes me so sad. ;__;

Horrible. So horrible. And yet I loved it like I don't even know.
I love you, writernon.


Re: Unexpected {2/2} anonymous February 25 2010, 07:21:58 UTC
This is so sad, yet also poignant and so, so beautiful. The description of Antonio's torture is so vivid, and while it's awful, his love for Lovino is just so obvious and so sweet. :) Good job.


Re: Unexpected {2/2} anonymous February 25 2010, 07:31:19 UTC


OP anonymous February 25 2010, 12:55:55 UTC
Spanish Inquisition.

On Spain.

Must resist Monty Python joke.

So much beauty in this fill at the same time as it being absolutely horrifying.


Not!Op or Author!non anonymous March 30 2010, 04:58:24 UTC
No one expects the Spanish Inquesition! *shot and brick'd repeatedly* I am a bad person for that.

So, extreamly inappropriate jokes aside, this fill is an evil kind of love and I am going to hell.

'Said tosses'. Try 'tossers', Captcha.


Re: Unexpected {2/2} anonymous February 25 2010, 14:08:28 UTC
Above anon who commented. Aaaagghh, I knew this was going to break my heart. Poor Antonio, such a romantic. I agree with what all above anons have said, including the lone little heart, and I repeat what I said about your writing style. You keep it simple, and so you avoid to slide into pathetic or gorey while still packing a mean emotional punch. So yeah. Short but so lovely.


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