Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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A Thousand Ways to Say... 4a/? anonymous February 18 2010, 11:20:48 UTC
England was rather pleased to find, when he awoke the next morning, that during the night America had apparently rolled over to pull England into his arms and otherwise entangle their limbs. A small smile spread across his face as he reached out to tenderly cup America’s face in his hands. He ran his thumb over his cheeks, watching him sleep and marveling at how defenseless he looked, and then peeked over America’s shoulder at the clock. It was still a bit early, but England was feeling selfish, especially since he’d missed out on quality time with America the night before. He leaned forward and started kissing America over and over, hoping the gesture would rouse the sleeping nation. England’s eyes softened when America stirred and groaned ( ... )


A Thousand Ways to Say... 4b/? anonymous February 18 2010, 11:23:15 UTC
England received quite the lecture from Germany when he ran back in nearly an hour late, looking disheveled and harried, but he’d had a jolly old time asking for directions back, receiving multiple wrong directions, and getting an impromptu tour of Manhattan he hadn’t wanted. He ignored the questioning look America was giving him and sat in his chair with his chin held high. He was a gentleman, damn it, and so he wasn’t going to explain why he was late, just that he was ( ... )


Re: A Thousand Ways to Say... 4b/? anonymous February 18 2010, 12:39:02 UTC
“I love you,” America said with an intense, almost pleading look on his face when he finally broke away from England.

“And I want you so badly right now I could scream,” England replied

Oh England, don't you know that's the wrong answer...no wonder America is insecure.

Still, I hope England succeeds, if only because the language kink is hot.

capcha: were ugandan (a hint for the next language??)


Re: A Thousand Ways to Say... 4b/? anonymous February 18 2010, 14:03:52 UTC
Oh, America. *wibbles* So needy, so uncertain. England, you fool. After the previous debacle, where you learned America was so desperate for your approval he'd change himself, he'd give up the Superbowl...and you're still trying to change him? Yes, way to make that "you're perfect the way you are!" stick.

Also, ahahah, I feel sorry for poor Japan caught up in this.


Re: A Thousand Ways to Say... 4b/? anonymous February 18 2010, 17:32:18 UTC
Oh England... *weary sigh*

And America..you know he's probably positive that England is cheating on him and yet he's still trying so hard to make England love him... *wibbles*

These two are going to be the death of me I just know it...


Re: A Thousand Ways to Say... 4b/? anonymous February 19 2010, 04:01:41 UTC
Oh, poor Alfred and stupid Arthur


Re: A Thousand Ways to Say... 4b/? [OP] anonymous February 21 2010, 07:22:13 UTC
OP returns to find that OP just missed the update before leaving for the weekend. D:

And OP joins the choruses of "Oh, England..." and yet I love him anyway. Foolish, foolish boys...


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