Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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A Darker School AU anonymous February 18 2010, 01:25:21 UTC
Arthur and Alfred are roommates. They don't get along and really dislike each other. Well Arthur doesn't like Alfred...Alfred is rather clueless about the whole thing though he gets his digs in when necessary. Alfred is everything that Arthur can't stand, jock, BMOC, happy-go-lucky, gets good grades without seeming to have to study, seems to have everything in the world handed to him on a silver platter ect. But then as the year progresses Alfred's personality starts to change drastically he becomes much more withdrawn, shies away from being touched, doesn't seem to want to go anywhere or see anyone especially be alone with anyone, his grades start to slide and his performance in his activities falter as well. People are worried but Arthur just thinks he's being a drama queen and treats him even more harshly. Then one evening after a student council meeting he takes a short cut to the dorms through the gym and as he's passing the head coach (for whatever sports Alfred is big into) Rome's quarters he spots through a crack in the ( ... )


Seconded! anonymous February 18 2010, 04:17:17 UTC
seconding! I think this is a really interesting twist on what we normally see for school AU's. may fill, but I've already got other fics going on ><

question for OP!anon
How exactly has Rome convinced Alfred to do this? Can he take away Alfred's scholarship, or somehow make him feel worse for being a scholarship student, or is this all up to the author!anon?


Untitled (for now) [1/?] anonymous February 22 2010, 00:27:29 UTC
The very first day Arthur Kirkland meets his roommate, Alfred Jones, he is sure they’re not going to get along. Even before, when he enters the dorm room, he can see just how different they really are. Posters of rock bands, all black and gloom and angst, sports icons in action poses, glittering teeth and shining eyes. Even a few (completely vulgar, of course) posters of bikini-clad models, best come hither expressions firmly in place.

He unpacks the aspirin first, just in case.

Arthur looks around, but, sensing no one, opens his luggage, stroking the covers of his favorite books as if they were his children. It’s only once his half of the room is completely organized, his copy of Shakespeare’s Complete Works prominent on the bookcase, when the door slams open.

The carefully positioned books come crashing down.

Not cool.

He takes a deep breath, clenches his fists, and slowly turns to face the intruder.

“Hey, you bloody idiot,” He spits, marching forward. “What do you think you’re doing, crashing in here like that? You’ve ( ... )


Untitled (for now) [2/?] anonymous February 22 2010, 00:37:05 UTC
“Arthur?” Alfred plops down on the Englishman’s bed, twiddling his thumbs and looking down. “Hey, did I come on too strong this morning?” He’s chewing his bottom lip, looking truly concerned. “Listen, sorry about that, people always tell me I’m too forward and I was really hoping to have a good time with my roomie… I mean, it’s not everyday you get into the most prestigious high school in the world, y’know? I was just excited…”

And he looks so pitiful, just like a puppy in the rain, that Arthur simply has to sigh and say “No, it’s alright. I was a little harsh, I suppose.”

The sparkle in his eyes and those perfect teeth are back.

Well, that certainly didn’t take long, Arthur thinks, and turns back to the book in his hands ( ... )


First author!anon :) anonymous February 22 2010, 01:32:26 UTC
wow, the beginnings of our stories are nearly identical (especially that one line, "Arthur," he replied curtly. "Arthur Kirkland.")

I'm hoping our fills don't come out the same since this is such a specific storyline the OP has presented

but other than that, I like what you've written so far <3

reCaptcha: hippies only... I guess Captcha only wants hippies reading this fill :'D


OP anonymous February 22 2010, 01:57:47 UTC
Great start Author #2. Eager to see where yours will lead... :-)

Either Anon feel free to diverge as much from the original prompt as you feel necessary I swear I don't mind...I'm rather horrible at writing overly specific prompts though I don't mean them to be... *sighs*


Re: OP anonymous February 22 2010, 02:05:39 UTC
author!anon #1 here~

ah, I've already outlined the whole story and besides, I love specific prompts, so this was actually perfect for me xD so I don't think I'll diverge from the original prompt. it's all up to you, author #2 :D

I reread author #2's again...I was going to use a football scholarship TT_TT


Re: OP anonymous February 22 2010, 02:10:18 UTC
Well...that was the type of scholarship that I was thinking of when I wrote it as making the most sense for him so...great minds thinks alike I guess... ;-)


Re: OP anonymous February 22 2010, 02:10:49 UTC
That should be when I wrote the prompt. Orz.


Re: OP anonymous February 22 2010, 22:18:14 UTC
second author here!
Gah! Sorry! Haha, I just thought football and Alfred went together well. And don't worry, I'mma veer off from the prompt a teeny bit. Nothing major, I swear, the story will still be the same, I just didn't want us to be writing the exact same thing.


Untitled (for now) [3/?] anonymous February 22 2010, 22:36:08 UTC
As the days progress, his opinion does not change in the slightest.
His roommate is always making snide comments. Oh Gawd, Arthur, why do you read those boring books? Here, lemme show you this comic I found… Even your stuffy, proper self can appreciate it.

Seriously Arthur, you’re studying again? I get good grades easy, no studying required. Besides, you’d think with the amount you read you’d be getting perfect scores on everything.

Lighten up, man. You’re so stiff. I didn’t mean to knock over your lamp. Just because you spend all your time in here…

Hey, since I’m taller, d’you want me to help you out fixing the shelves? I mean, I could reach further up.

Alfred is so infuriating. Every smile, every touch, every word, making his heart beat that much faster ( ... )


Untitled (for now) [4/?] anonymous February 22 2010, 22:40:08 UTC
Couldn't fit it all into one post, so here ya go.The bleachers are cold and hard, chilled in the cool autumn air. Whistles screech, pounding sharp notes into his ears. Arthur had never understood what was so great about sports. That is, until he saw Alfred play. His body, covered in all that bulky padding, still lithe and graceful as he twists and turns across the field. So determined, so muscular ( ... )


OP anonymous February 22 2010, 23:46:17 UTC
Oh more plot unfolding and the first glimpse at the coach... *whimpers*



Still Untitled >.> [5/?] anonymous February 23 2010, 02:12:27 UTC
It’s later when Alfred returns, bouncing up and down like a Chihuahua on speed. “Didja see me, Arthur?” he practically shouts, eyes wild and lit up. “Didja see me? Wasn’t I awesome! Everyone tells me I’m gonna be some sort of hero! It’ll be awesome.”

He doesn’t ask (Alfred never does), and plops himself down on Arthur’s bed, causing the latter’s teeth to clack together painfully.

“Ow, you git,” Arthur hisses, rubbing his now-sore jaw with one hand, and setting down his book with the other. “Be a little more careful, would you? And get off.”

One hard shove sends Alfred sprawling on the floor, and he glowers through clear glasses. “Hmph, fine. Don’t be happy for me.”

“Don’t you have your team for that?”

He pauses, taken aback, but Arthur seems set in his belief, so Alfred simply sighs and changes the subject. “You reading again? God, Arthur, do you ever stop? There are other things besides books, y’know ( ... )


Still Untitled >.> [6/?] anonymous February 23 2010, 02:16:32 UTC
Once again, it’s evening before things get patched up. Arthur returns to the dorm, chatting uncharacteristically with one of his newfound friends, a sweet Lithuanian boy names Toris. Toris, despite his small size and stature, appears well learned and very mature. Arthur laments on how he would have much preferred him as a roommate, especially as the poor boy seems terrified of his own ( ... )


OP anonymous February 23 2010, 02:28:23 UTC
Oh the use of that book is a very interesting and good choice! Oh Rome you sly bastard nice way to reel him in... *shakes head*

Very nice anon, very nice!


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