Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



New fills for this part go HERE.
Get information at the News Post HERE.

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Evgeni Plushenko is actually Russia anonymous February 17 2010, 05:33:46 UTC
I know you all were thinking it. Russia has made up an elaborate persona and has just about everyone convinced that the similarities between them are pure coincidence (because he wouldn't be allowed to compete otherwise, or because he doesn't want the other countries to know he skates or whatever other reason you can think of for why he would keep this a secret.)

But somehow, someone finds out the truth.

Run with it. Russia offering sexual favors to keep that someone's mouth shut is perfectly acceptable.


Fill (Part 1) anonymous February 21 2010, 19:51:34 UTC
A/N: I had to throw in my OTP for this - the dynamic just works. (Also there is a lack of Russia/England on this meme and I felt the need to remedy that.) Short first chapter is short, but the others will be longer, I promise ( ... )


Re: Fill (Part 1) anonymous February 21 2010, 19:58:19 UTC
This sounds promising... Eagerly awaiting next part!


Re: Fill (Part 1) anonymous February 21 2010, 20:06:34 UTC
I can just imagine Russia skating as Plushenko. And blowing kisses. And pelvic thrusts. And picking up a cheburashka. And anything else you plan on adding here. This has so much potential for awesome. And I'm looking forward to the Rus/UK.

Captcha: Almost results
Even captcha is excited for the results~


Re: Fill (Part 1) anonymous February 21 2010, 20:41:47 UTC
Rus/UK???? I've been waiting for this!


Re: Fill (Part 1) anonymous February 21 2010, 20:53:31 UTC
omg, yes. I'm so in love with this idea! can't wait for more :D


Re: Fill (Part 1) anonymous February 21 2010, 20:56:11 UTC
rarepairing is rare...and appreciated!
notOP anon enjoyed herself like a child; I even squealed at times, lol. The picture of Russia skating like Plushenko and blowing kisses and taking plushies...oh, and this

And - well.

The pelvic thrusts probably help.

Half a chapter till we reached pervertedness, England. I'm proudXD

can't wait for more!


Re: Fill (Part 1) anonymous February 21 2010, 20:58:40 UTC
A-authornon, you have absolutely no idea how happy you've made me by making this Russia/England...! Completely agree with you that it's a crying shame at sheer the lack of it on the meme - especially when their dynamic is so interesting. Haha, makes me want to go hunt down prompts and fix that~

Anyways, I'm eager to see where this goes and hope you update soon~


Re: Fill (Part 1) anonymous February 21 2010, 21:00:34 UTC


Fill (Part 2) anonymous February 21 2010, 22:26:36 UTC
A/N: WOW, thanks for the Rus/Eng love. I'M NOT ALONE! Here, have another chapter. :D ( ... )


Re: Fill (Part 2) anonymous February 22 2010, 01:15:46 UTC
Oh, England.

And damn straight you're not alone! I'm sure there's a couple of us lurking around, ready to ponce on such fabulous fills. ;D

Looking forward to more! o/


Re: Fill (Part 2) anonymous February 22 2010, 04:58:36 UTC
I definitely did the exact same thing England just did, but with no alcohol and more manic giggling. THIS FILL IS MAKING MY LIFE BETTER.


Re: Fill (Part 2) anonymous February 22 2010, 07:10:55 UTC
Oh god yes, this fill. And Russia/England unf.


Authornon has midterms anonymous February 23 2010, 21:51:12 UTC
Gah. OTL OTL I'm really sorry, but due to the sheer amount of tests and papers I have, expect sporadic (if any) updates for the next week-and-a-half or so. I hope you people will still like the Olympics by that time...


Re: Authornon has midterms anonymous February 24 2010, 02:24:52 UTC
I hope you people will still like the Olympics by that time...

Hell yes we will! Especially if it's Russia/England! ♥

Good luck with your midterms, anon~!

... ReCaptcha says "avast ahead" ... but somehow I don't think pirate!England is on the horizon, Captcha.


Re: Fill (Part 3) anonymous February 28 2010, 00:47:21 UTC
A/N: Thanks for waiting, guys. OTL Slipping this chapter in before the shit hits the fan over here - Hell Week coming up. At least this provides a brief respite from studying. (Each chapter brings you closer to fun times ( ... )


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