Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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And to the last [1/1] anonymous February 11 2010, 20:17:13 UTC
Alright, anon would like to get some things off her chest. Firstly, anon was listening to Moonlight Shadow by Mike Oldfield and Maggie Reilly. It's strangely fitting for this subject, methinks.

Secondly, er, anon tried to make this as historically accurate as possible. That being said, I made HRE a little older than in the original strips where France told Italy HRE wasn't coming back. So, HRE would be around 14-16 in appearance in anon's headcanon.

Lastly, anon hopes OP finds the fill satisfactory.He stands; sun-gold hair matted with blood and dirt, strands whipping in a wind which reeks of battle and death. He knows that this battle will be his last and it fills him with desperation so deep it is like a fire in his marrow. Beside him, Liechtenstein shakes her head in weary resignation. She is as battle-worn and weary as he is, her delicate mouth drawn into a tired grimace and her clothes travel-stained and torn. She is too young to be in this battle, he thinks. She has not yet started blossoming, not like his dearest Italy most ( ... )


And to the last [1/1] Continued anonymous February 11 2010, 20:18:11 UTC
"You came," France taunts, blade red with German and Russian blood and a manic half-smirk on his lips. He doesn't answer, merely draws his own blade and waits. And sure enough, Francis strikes first, movements smooth and serpentine in a way he has not been since Norman days. He twists and shifts, parrying and dodging Francis' attacks wherever possible, but he cannot keep up. "I sent your precious little Austria packing," France sing-songs. "In your place I will make an empire truly worthy of rivalling that of Rome!" he jeers. And all the while, they fight while around them men fall and bleed and die like the frail things they are.

"And I will have Italy. Lovely Italy, mine to ravage. Mine to savour!" He sees red and lunges at France. Time slows. Italy runs, her small skirts swishing as she tries to get away from him. Italy smiles, her hands soft on his own calloused ones as she directs the brush. Italy cries, eyes puffy and red when he tells her that he is leaving. Italy, Italy, Italy. The pain that rips through his abdomen is sharp ( ... )


Re: And to the last [1/1] Continued anonymous February 12 2010, 05:25:42 UTC
/wipes tears away

Bravo. Anon and the nations.... especially anon. This is now bookmarked.


Re: And to the last [1/1] Continued anonymous February 12 2010, 14:28:52 UTC
Bravo, indeed. Good fill, Anon!


Re: And to the last [1/1] Continued anonymous February 13 2010, 18:06:17 UTC

So lovely, anon, I adore the description. Such fantastic character voices, too!

(second author!anon, btw)


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