Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Re: Take that, fandom! With love, Nation A anonymous February 9 2010, 22:20:36 UTC
D-dear Hetalia fans,

let me write this really... really quickly before R-Russia comes back from his meeting. He'd get really a-angry if he knew I'm communicating with the outside world. I've recently found this site, and couldn't help but notice that many people pair me with R...R...you know who. But trust me, he doesn't like me like that, he only likes p-push down on my head with his hand, and that's about it. Also I doubt we'd have sex, ever, because... B...Belarus would probably kill me a-and Russia is too busy running away from her anyways.

Speaking of s... this... subject, I also noticed that... some of you see me as a slut. I can assure you that I am not one, or at least I hope so... also I'm not dating Sealand! We're just friends! Even though that navy uniform he always wears really is cute Yes, I do very much enjoy his company, but he's more like a little brother to me ( ... )


Letter from Latvia anonymous February 9 2010, 22:21:56 UTC
In fact, I fail so much I forgot to put a subject line.


Re: Take that, fandom! With love, Nation A anonymous February 10 2010, 00:55:03 UTC
Thank you, Latvia, thank you! I had never liked these rapefics or shota stories ever!!


OP anonymous February 12 2010, 08:06:16 UTC
awww, the stuttering! so cute!!!
I feel bad for liking that, it's a continuation of bullied!Latvia kink ^^U

You're still kept in Soviet isolationism? my poor dear.
Also, Belarus is really the one wearing the pants, right?XD

Sealand! You like his company and his uniform. Brother feelings? Those tend to change betwene you nations, my dear. Look England and America, France and Canada, the American bros, the Italies, the German bros, Russia and his sisters, China and some of his brothers, UK bros, France and England...need I go on? Well, it depends on what fics you read, and so far, by the nations themselves here, only the Belarus-->Russia, USUK, Franada, FrUS and FrUK incests have been confirmedXD
damn, but France gets aroundXD
Some of them have been disproved by the other couple, but you know, tsunderes. Though you're more of a yandere, right? scaaaaary

and that nobody has raped me yet

I'm still horrible, but this made me LOL


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