Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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From Taiwan's Dell laptop. anonymous February 9 2010, 22:07:30 UTC
Hello, fandom!

Okay, okay. I know you don't write me or draw me as often as others, but fanwork about me does exist so I do have words about it. So let me start...

* China. URGH, don't pair me up with the bastard. He's got 1000+ missiles pointing at my land and he know how to use them well, and it's thanks to him and his bosses that I'm not recognized as a nation! How do you guys think it would go? If you absolutely have to pair me up with him, it wouldn't be as sweet as a dish of baobing.

* Again, on the subject of China. It will sound odd to have me defending him, but he'd think twice about raping me. Try searching for another way to portray the Chinese domination or the years after Japan's colonization than him being a psycho who raped me for what you call "the evulz". Things were far more complex and they still are, even if President Ma is currently trying to make things smoother ( ... )


Re: From Taiwan's Dell laptop. anonymous February 9 2010, 22:18:16 UTC
*big round of applause*

Bravo! This is everything I've ever wanted to say about Taiwan, and I dearly hope that when she does make her official appearance in the comics, she's as lively and independent-minded as she is in this letter and more concerned with her own people and culture than being anyone's trophy girlfriend.


OP! anonymous February 10 2010, 14:12:43 UTC
Well, thanks! I wasn't really sure if I was doing it right, but seeing comments like these are reassuring. :)


Re: From Taiwan's Dell laptop. anonymous February 9 2010, 23:11:03 UTC
walking vaginas destined to stop the slash

Thank you.


Re: From Taiwan's Dell laptop. anonymous February 10 2010, 14:15:49 UTC
That has always bothered me in Hetalia fandom, and not only in the case of Taiwan. I like France/Seychelles, Austria/Hungary, Russia/Belarus, Liechtenstein/Switzerland and Taiwan/HK as much as many fangirls, but I don't want them to be used as author avatars or to tell yaoi fans (like me) "fuck you, they're not gay and this is the reason why". It flattens the roles of the Hetalia girls horribly and reduces them to tools against slash or something. =(

Thank you!


Re: From Taiwan's Dell laptop. anonymous February 10 2010, 01:02:00 UTC
Epic win! I think you Taiwan had just won the internet! And I had never considered you as Japan's doormat, that's just wrong!


Re: From Taiwan's Dell laptop. anonymous February 10 2010, 14:20:02 UTC
Thank you so much for the compliments and encouragement! =D


Re: From Taiwan's Dell laptop. anonymous February 10 2010, 09:54:38 UTC

Bu-but.. Acer is the Tiwanese brand

Dell is from Texas

(this anon is a fan of Acer laptops)


OP anonymous February 10 2010, 11:18:25 UTC
I noticed my error later and couldn't fix it. Damn anonimity. -.-

Still, thanks! ^^


Re: From Taiwan's Dell laptop. anonymous February 10 2010, 17:30:12 UTC
I thought this was a wonderful fanwork manifesto for Taiwan! It did feel a little bit like your own voice was competing with the Taiwan-voice, but that might just be a matter of differing characterizations. I'm curious -- have you written anything else with her?


Re: From Taiwan's Dell laptop. anonymous February 12 2010, 18:31:46 UTC
I liked Tawain's manifesto.
And I don't see the Hetalia's female character as walking vaginas or a Het or Yuri counterpoint to all the Yaoi pairings in the serie.

Can someone make a letter with Vietnam? I would love to see her reaction with the AmericaVietnam pairing.


OP anonymous February 12 2010, 07:53:53 UTC
Fuck yeah, feminist letter FTW ♥

OP doesn't know much or even reads much fic about Taiwan; since she knows next to nothing about her, she usually can't get into fics that don't bother to teach me anything about her either. here's to hoping this prompt has served, among other things, to show the fandom what people crave ^^

Taiwan seems to be affected with "stop the yaoi" more than any other female in the series. Curiously, Belarus is usually adored by it for the reasons one would normally expect a fandom to hate her. Hetalia fandom is weird like that. Hungary and lately Ukraine (with the rising-in-popularity ship of Ukraine/Canada) get paired off for themselves, and not as token females. Liech, I'm not sure. Seychelles suffers from token female, but less "stop the yaoi" and more "let's pair off France too, we don't have available any of the guys he's close with, so Sey". Which is just as sad.
So thank you for this defense of the female characters! I wanna see more of them. Even OCs!

we're quite LBGT-friendlyOH, GOD, I NEED FEMALE ( ... )


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