Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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silent&cold [1a/1] anonymous February 8 2010, 20:19:19 UTC
Okay, so, I messed a bit with what a nation can or will feel about their people and incident happening in this thing. My headcanon is… still rather vague about it. I think it’s something unconscious - shows up in dreams, feelings and such, but a nation isn’t always directly involved in what his or her people are doing, even if they somehow feel it. Does it make sense?

Sorry. Doesn’t for me either.

Also, this is not so much history as plain H/C, really. I’m sorry if this is not exactly what anon wanted. This is anon's first fill, so she's kinda nervous... I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Here goes!

silent&coldOn a late night -or very early morning- of September, in 1994, Estonia woke up cold ( ... )


silent&cold [1b/1] anonymous February 8 2010, 20:20:12 UTC
Finland called. The sun was barely up, his own boss hadn’t bothered to contact him yet, but Finland called, all soft voice and sympathetic tones, I’m sorry and Are you alright?He was at Sweden’s house -staying over?- and probably had known what had happened before Estonia even realized it himself ( ... )


silent&cold [1c/1] anonymous February 8 2010, 20:21:26 UTC
The sun set early - too early. Somehow, they found themselves in the living room, on the couch, sitting close. Estonia couldn’t help but feel bad. He should have been home, in Tallinn, with his people. His brothers must have been worried sick - they always were when he didn’t answer his phone, it was so unlike him.

Russia probably called, too, but Estonia wouldn’t call back. Russia had lost a few people as well, but the large nation was just so numb, still even now, that Estonia doubted his sympathies would have been honest ( ... )


Re: silent&cold [1c/1] anonymous February 8 2010, 21:13:11 UTC
Anon here remembers the accident. And wants to say, aww. :')

Thank you for not making Finland be all about Sweden, when Estonia needs attention too. And that bit about how Russia might have been sympatethic, if Estonia had had got his call - that was sweet.


OP anonymous February 8 2010, 22:28:41 UTC
Oh anon this was just lovely. So quiet and sad and so them...both so stoic and solid and not saying much even in the best of times. But...I don't think that there needed to be words between them here they gathered their comfort just by being together.

Just perfect, thank you!


Re: silent&cold [1c/1] anonymous February 9 2010, 01:37:20 UTC
Okay. Let's see. One: this is infinitely better than anything this anon could ever have written, so she's glad she didn't try. Two: It's wonderful. Three: It's just what it needed to be.

I'd offer cake, but that doesn't feel enough. So. How about the internet?

(You do get cake for using Estonia's POV, however.)


Re: silent&cold [1c/1] anonymous February 9 2010, 15:16:14 UTC
This Finnish anon remembers the accident well (and being a sensitive seven-year-old back then, had nightmares about it for years...)

*showers author!anon with lots and lots of love* Thank you. It was a lovely, lovely fill. So warm and gentle (despite the cold, ahem). And I love your description of the three together. Oh and the effect the accident had on the nations makes perfect sense to me. I think you did a great job describing Estonia's pains and feelings.

Also there simply is NOT enough fic about Estonia. (sob my second fav. character) So thank you so much.


Re: silent&cold [1c/1] anonymous February 10 2010, 12:08:16 UTC
This was beautiful.


Re: silent&cold [1c/1] anonymous February 24 2010, 17:43:51 UTC
I had hoped someone would fill this, and fill it well. You certainly delivered.


author!anon anonymous February 25 2010, 07:06:51 UTC
Ah~ Wow! So unexpected! Thank you so much for all the positive comments! This was my first Hetalia fic ever, and not even in my first language, so I'm really, really glad for the feedback. I'll try to write more, when I have the time! :)

Maybe with Estonia again. I hadn't really thought about him before picking this up, but I definetly love him now. ♥ And he does need more love!


Re: silent&cold [1c/1] anonymous February 26 2010, 22:06:01 UTC
This is a really rare topic you've taken anon. And very rare pairing as well. The fic in general was very sweet.

Also I know a second fanart to this topic:http://sweetpinkstuff.deviantart.com/art/APH-28-September-150608466


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