England stared, ran a hand through his bangs, and stared some more. "I knew that you were emotionally stunted," he finally said in a slow and very deliberate voice, "but that it was so bad that you're even incapable of love - "
"Don't be a brute," said France with a sniff, "how would it do for the country of love to be incapable of that very feeling? I'll have you know that I am most capable of it even if it doesn't do it for me in bed."
"What are you on about?" said England as he put down his beer with a slightly uncoordinated motion
"I like sex," said France simply, "there's nothing saying I can't like sex just because I never have understood that whole business with infatuation and falling in love. And even if I've never felt particularly attracted to others, even you must admit that making it a shared experience is better than your right hand. And I have standards."
"You're not making sense," England complained
( ... )
England stared, ran a hand through his bangs, and stared some more. "I knew that you were emotionally stunted," he finally said in a slow and very deliberate voice, "but that it was so bad that you're even incapable of love - "
"Don't be a brute," said France with a sniff, "how would it do for the country of love to be incapable of that very feeling? I'll have you know that I am most capable of it even if it doesn't do it for me in bed."
"What are you on about?" said England as he put down his beer with a slightly uncoordinated motion
"I like sex," said France simply, "there's nothing saying I can't like sex just because I never have understood that whole business with infatuation and falling in love. And even if I've never felt particularly attracted to others, even you must admit that making it a shared experience is better than your right hand. And I have standards."
"You're not making sense," England complained ( ... )
Short, sweet, and to the point. I love it. France, why must you be at your most sexy when you aren't trying to be?
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