Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Mmm... Kinky [1/1] anonymous February 7 2010, 20:52:37 UTC
Yay! My first fill!
Hope OP and other WriterAnon don't mind another fill. I saw "asks Nation B to help act out their dream" and thought of GerIta. Saw the potential. Couldn't resist!


Germany woke with a start as a hand reached out and gripped his arm tightly. Next to him, a sleeping Italy let out a moan.

Quickly taking in the heated flush on his lover's face, Germany shook Italy awake. Had he fallen ill? The economy was bad, but not that bad!

Italy blinked his eyes slowly as he rose to consciousness. It took him a moment to sort out the memories of Germany leaning over him in his dream and the image of Germany leaning over him now.

“Are you alright, Italia? Do you have a fever?” Germany was close to panicking. It was too soon in their relationship for something terrible to happen. They'd barely been together for a few months.

Sitting up, Italy flushed when he felt the wet spot and the contents of the dream came floating back. A flutter of fabric-white and black and silky smooth. Something rough and hard rubbing ( ... )


Re: Mmm... Kinky [EPILOGUE] anonymous February 7 2010, 20:54:49 UTC
Switzerland covered Liechtenstein's eyes with one arm, and pointed a gun at the man running across his yard with the other.

Italy ran towards Germany in nothing but boxers and the German's shirt. He almost dropped the sewing machine and fabrics cradled in his arms as the morning cold (and bullets) made him sprint.

The Swiss man finally lowered the gun as Italy faded from sight. He would be speaking to Germany about this situation later.

But not right now. He was not about to interrupt whatever kinky shit they were going to do.


Re: Mmm... Kinky [EPILOGUE] anonymous February 7 2010, 21:23:31 UTC
This anon wants to know what kinky they're doing...

Laughing my ass off author anon. That was awesome

Recaptcha says: Ceremonies indulge...whats wrong with this thing?


OP anonymous February 8 2010, 00:40:16 UTC

This is awesome. It totally catches the GerIta spirit, and Italy...just so cute. Running across Switzerland's law in his boxers and Germnay's shirt carrying a sewing machine. BEST. IMAGE. EVER.


AuthorAnon! anonymous February 8 2010, 21:28:13 UTC

Soooo happy you liked it! ^.^


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