Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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[a Pseudo-fill] Sexy(?) Language Meeting - Part 1 anonymous February 6 2010, 21:06:45 UTC
This was going to be a quicky since it doesn't seem to be exactly what you wanted, kind OP... but it is rapidly proliferating on my laptop. There is some language kink action popping up, later on... so hopefully this will be a good appetizer before your main course provided by another filler. :)England stood in front of the podium and cleared his throat before banging his hand against the hard, lacquered wood. “Gentlemen and lady,” he said with a slight head nod to Portugal, “I would like to call this meeting of the Beautiful Languages Sub-Committee to order. If you look at the packets in front of you, you shall find the itinerary ( ... )


Re: [a Pseudo-fill] Sexy(?) Language Meeting - Part 1 anonymous February 6 2010, 22:02:17 UTC
haha good job anon! When I first read the prompt, I wasn't sure whose English would be the correct one since there are so many completely different dialects. This is a great way to fit all the major ones in there. Except wouldn't Canada be there for the French too? Ah well, some of these languages have far too many countries that speak them... I'm looking at you, Spain.

Please continue! Just don't forget to include Finland because out of this list, he's my favorite <3


Writer!anon anonymous February 6 2010, 22:11:06 UTC
Except wouldn't Canada be there for the French too?
Looks like you've read America's my mind. ;)

don't forget to include Finland
As a Finnish-American!anon, I promise you I will try my best!


Re: Writer!anon anonymous February 7 2010, 07:14:19 UTC
except canadian french isnt exactly know for its beauty.....


Re: Writer!anon rudimentree February 8 2010, 08:53:08 UTC
ffff better than verlan! lol


Spanish anon offers her servicesXD anonymous February 7 2010, 04:17:54 UTC
I almost orgasmed when I saw Egypt's line. I'm not kidding. I don't know about talked languages, but nobody surpases Arabic's beauty in written form. It's GORGEOUS ( ... )


Writer!anon anonymous February 16 2010, 02:32:48 UTC
I wonder, how many Spanish speaking countries are present?
It is a small room, so only Spain.

I'd also like to offer my assistance where Spanish is concerned, so that Antonio doesn't end up talking South Americna Spanish like in most fics. Unless you already know Spain's Spanish, of course ^^
Muchas gracias! Fui a España dos veces en escuela secondaria, ocho anos pasado... asi... I'm a little rusty. I'm also unfamiliar with how accents are typically conveyed in Spanish writing. I know how Mexican, Castillian, and Colombian (one of my profs) sound different, but I'm not sure how that would work out differently when written typically. Would the Castillian "Gracias" be "Grathias"? *sigh* If I could find a good translator, I would just be lazy and have him speak Catalan, since that version doesn't seem to be in the Western Hemisphere though it is in France, isn't it?


Spanish!anon anonymous February 16 2010, 23:23:02 UTC
Wow, so you visited at some point ( ... )


Different!anon anonymous February 17 2010, 23:43:54 UTC
Um, I thought Catalan was spoken in France? Just a tiny piece, though. And it's the official language of Andorra....

Yes, just checked Wikipedia, and Catalan is spoken in some parts of Spain, a bit of France, one city in Sardinia (Italy), and is the official and national language of Andorra. And 9.2 million people speak it. And it's not a language-dialect, but a full language.


Sorry if I sounded rude for correcting, but I thought it'd be better than wrong information.... *embarrassed*


Spanishanon just checked Spanish wiki for this... anonymous February 18 2010, 05:08:49 UTC
Ok, Spanish anon just checked the Spanish entry for "lengua catalana" in Wikipedia (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idioma_catal%C3%A1n), and there's 7,7 millions of people who speak it (only 4,4 people speak it regularly). It being geographically and culturally closer to the source, I'd stick with this before the English entry.

Now, it's the official language in Andorra, barely spoken in France (and definitely not recognized as any official language there), and recognized as one of the five official languages in Spain, of which Castillian is overwhelmingly more spoken than any other.

It's a language dialect in roots, though it's offical status as full language is recognized by the fact that there exists literature and other forms of written development in catalan dating back to the middle ages, as well as dialects derived from it (valenciano and mallorquín, among others less known)


as a conclusion, Spanish!anon has a too-big mouth anonymous February 18 2010, 05:11:34 UTC
(it's been way too long since I took Spain's language sin class >.<, Spanish!anon shouldn't open her mouth just like that without checking...but well, catalan is really in no condition to represent Spain's language anyway ^^U)


[a Pseudo-fill] Sexy(?) Language Meeting - Part 2 anonymous February 14 2010, 06:47:12 UTC
“Why din’t you just say so in the first place, mate?” Australia asked with a gleaming white smile. He gave North Italy a good-natured pat on the back. The force was enough to send the Italian reeling into the wall ( ... )


Re: [a Pseudo-fill] Sexy(?) Language Meeting - Part 2 anonymous February 14 2010, 08:56:32 UTC
Colonials degraded English? I take is Arthur has never been to Newcastle then


Re: [a Pseudo-fill] Sexy(?) Language Meeting - Part 2 anonymous February 14 2010, 19:09:42 UTC
Or Liverpool.


Writer!anon anonymous February 16 2010, 06:14:45 UTC
Nah. It's totally ok when his people are degrading modifying the language.

That's the privilege of being the parent. You get to be a hypocrite... when it is for their own good... or to prevent you from looking bad... yeah!


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