Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Touchy Feely Alfred Request anonymous February 5 2010, 23:01:02 UTC
In hopes of re-establishing their platonic, brotherly love relationship, Arthur makes a potion and gives it to Alfred. Alfred drinks it. The problem? Alfred is now ridiculously flirtatious and touchy-feely towards Arthur to the point that Alfred is probably worse than Francis. Whether it's onmomom-ing on Arthur's sweater vest to groping Arthur's rump, Alfred just can't keep his hands off of him. Arthur is confused as all hell as to what went wrong and what to do.

Now here's the challenge: NO SMUT. That's right writer!anons. No smut or allusions to smut. I just want some US->UK fun. Let's have something different for a change. :D

Pairing: US->UK then eventual USUK
Other characters: writer!anon can include as many as he or she wishes. Human names please though.
Bonus: If Arthur wakes up to find a sleeping Alfred on his chest. The fu- how did the git get into my hotel room?! LOL. U KNOW IT'LL BE AWESOME. >8D
Super Bonus: If this is a multi-fill. 8D


And now I need to find something to fill lol.


anonymous February 5 2010, 23:36:01 UTC
Be Careful What You Wish For 1/? anonymous February 6 2010, 06:39:40 UTC
He hadn’t always been lonely ( ... )


Be Careful What You Wish For 1b/? anonymous February 6 2010, 06:40:11 UTC
“Oi. Git. Take this,” Arthur grunted as he thrust the McDonald’s bag and soda cup forward ( ... )


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 1b/? anonymous February 6 2010, 07:52:07 UTC

Now I can't wait to see when things start to go awry XD
It's cute when a tiny little kid clings to you and nuzzles you and never wants to be away from you, but I imagine it's different when a full-grown super-strengthed nation is the one acting like that ;)


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 1b/? anonymous February 6 2010, 08:01:06 UTC
Oh, England. This does not bode well. When are you going to learn not to spike America's soda with your potions? Meanwhile, anon will enjoy reading about your folly. ^_^ I hope to see more soon!


OP is very happy anonymous February 6 2010, 08:06:09 UTC

Holy crap, this is everything I wanted and MORE. I can't wait to read the next update!!! LOL, I love how Arthur thinks everything is perfect now. The poor gentleman doesn't know what's in store for him. XD;;;

I need this like air. THIS FIC IS MY AIR. @A@


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 1b/? anonymous February 6 2010, 09:26:42 UTC

You dont know how I scream when I read this
Poor or not poor Arthur
All he waits for is brotherly love but there is more for him

F5 like crazy!


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 1b/? anonymous February 7 2010, 01:55:23 UTC
Alfred is so cute~ I bet Arthur agrees at the moment. But I can't wait for the moment when he'll be all "Wait...this is a bit too affectionate..." Awesome job so far, anon!


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 1b/? anonymous February 7 2010, 03:40:05 UTC
Og, God, I might be reading too much into this, but my senses are tingling: Arthur, yeah, Alfred still loved you. But I don't think it's the kind of platonic love you thought xD

How long will it take for him to be overwhelmed by the physical need for affection? just form five minute separation, such a reaction. prepare yourself, ArthurXD


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 1b/? anonymous February 7 2010, 12:43:19 UTC
Holy crap! Alfred's re-entry made me laugh so hard!! Too cute!! Tooooo cute!!! >w


Be Careful What You Wish For 2a/? anonymous February 9 2010, 03:56:09 UTC
Alfred had insisted that they sit next to each other during the meeting, but due to Ludwig’s implementation of assigned seating after a fiasco with Yong Soo, Yao and Francis, Arthur had to decline and assure Alfred that they’d be together after the meeting as they separated to take their respective seats. He couldn’t really focus on what was being discussed, because he kept gazing over at Alfred, who was fidgeting and staring anxiously at Arthur every time he looked over. Arthur felt guilty at leaving poor Alfred alone so soon after their long awaited emotional reunion. The lunch break couldn’t come soon enough ( ... )


Be Careful What You Wish For 2b/? anonymous February 9 2010, 03:56:40 UTC
He knew he’d find Alfred out in the fields, the boy’s spirit too free to be satisfied indoors, and so he trudged through the tall grass looking for a sign of blond hair.

He didn’t need to look for very long before a voice was calling, “Engwaaaaand!”

He turned and immediately swept the boy running towards him up in his arms, both of them laughing as Arthur spun Alfred around. “I missed you, my boy,” Arthur said fondly.

Alfred’s little hands clutched at his face, a surprisingly somber expression on his face. “Do you wuv me, Engwand?”

Arthur smiled warmly and rubbed his nose against Alfred’s, reveling in the boy’s delighted laughter. “Of course I love you. More than anything.”


Arthur blinked his eyes open, adjusting to the bright light streaming in the large balcony doors, and sighed. It had been awhile since he’d dreamed about that, and he faintly wondered why he’d remember that now.

He started to move to stretch when he realized that there was something…no, someone on top of him. He froze, wondering if Francis had followed ( ... )


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 2b/? anonymous February 9 2010, 05:16:24 UTC
Lmao, nice end line!

Still enjoying this, hope for more soon.


OP is in heaven! anonymous February 9 2010, 05:30:04 UTC

OP has been F5-ing for the past couple of days lol. XD That last line was perfect!!! I can't wait to see Alfred's immediate gradual touchy-feely times to turn sensual. Ah, and you included others countries in the mix~! <3 This fill is amazing.



Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 2b/? anonymous February 10 2010, 19:01:20 UTC
XDD!! I am loving this fill!! It's so hilariously adorable


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