Hetalia Kink meme part 9 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:02

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 9



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Are you my Daddy? [Prologue: Alaska's Introduction] anonymous January 29 2010, 01:03:57 UTC
Hello! My name is Alaska. I am fifty-years-old! But my mommy always says I hafta say I'm five.

Oh wait, let me try that again.

Hello! My name is Alaska. I am five-years-old! Except I'm weally fifty.

No, weally.

See, I'm not a human like you. I am the an-an-anthwo-anthwomophick pe-pew-peewsomificashun of a state. I have 49 bwazas and sissies.

That's a lot.

Everyone is lots older than me. 'Cept Hawaii. She's my wittle sissie. She's kinda annoying but she's weally nice. When she wants to be.

She's spoiled, y'know?

I have a weally great mommy. He's the anthwomophick persomificashun of the United States of Amewica. He's weeeeaaaally brave, and suuuuuper stwong. I wuve him lots.

I wuve my whole family lots. Even if they are a wittle crazy.

But my family's not complete yet. See, Alaska is still missing his Daddy.

Mommy won't tell me where my Daddy is. So, I'm going ta hafta find him myself.

Wish me luck!


Are you my Daddy? [Part 1A] anonymous January 29 2010, 01:25:58 UTC
-Phone call-

*beep* "Yes, hello! Hero speaking!"

"Yeah, hey Mom?"

"Oh, hey. Is this Washington? Hey! Long time, no talk!"


"Is something wrong? Y'know you can talk to good ol' Dad."

"Alaska's missing."


"Mom, ya still there?"

"I'm sorry. There must be a bad connection."

"Somehow I doubt that. You're on the White House phone, right?"

"Then I've gone deaf."


"Alright! Alright!"


"Did he leave a note? Anything?"

"Actually, yeah. Hang on a sec, it's kinda hard to read. I think it says..."

"Dear Mommy,

I went to find Daddy.
Don't worry about me.
I'll be back soon.

Alaska."Mom ( ... )


OP here~ anonymous January 30 2010, 03:31:41 UTC
Yay! That was really fast!

I'm absolutely loving it so far Anon! I really love the way you wrote how Alaska speaks.

I'm kind of curious to why Washington was the one who found the note (and was able to read it), or do they all know? Either way, America's in for a long ride.

I can't wait for the next part!


Author-Anon here. anonymous January 30 2010, 05:28:58 UTC
Ack! Sorry! If I could take this down, i would >.<

I was going to make a few revisions. Nothing plot changing, just something to make the writing seem smoother. I am never writing while half asleep, ever!!

But, yeah. I'll update soon. I'll post a different version of the prolouge and the first chapter on the fill list. Just to edit out all the grammer mistakes and iffy things that are really just me being anal.

Recaptacha seems to be on to me: adriatic news


Re: Are you my Daddy? [Part 1A] anonymous May 25 2011, 17:24:28 UTC

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