Hetalia Kink meme part 9 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:02

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 9



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[Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [1/?] anonymous January 10 2010, 11:01:42 UTC
It was an unpleasant meeting.

England sat cross-legged, curtly sipping tea while Denmark and Iceland sat opposite. England put the tea cup down with a sigh. “Denmark, why are you even here? This matter is clearly between myself and Iceland.”

“I thought I could assist in the negations - "

“There is nothing to negotiate,” England snapped. “This Icesave Bank fiasco has gone on long enough. My people are owed four billion pounds and I demand a resolution nowIceland’s face burned with shame. He couldn’t even look at England. He was in a deeper mess than he had ever been in his life. Tears threatened the corners of his eyes ( ... )


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [1/?] anonymous January 10 2010, 13:41:33 UTC
An Iceland fic that doesn't pair him up with Norway?
And including icesave as well! *is happy now* :3

Just wanted to add that most Icelanders are opposed to EU-membership. Currently it's mainly the (social democratic) government that is trying to join the EU, not the people. They wanted to join after the crisis had hit them but now they are mostly back to their anti-EU stance.
But that's just a small detail, I love your fic! Please continue


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [1/?] anonymous January 11 2010, 01:51:35 UTC
Yeah? What's gonna be the next?


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [2a/?] - The Icesave Bank agreement anonymous January 11 2010, 10:59:48 UTC
A/N: The solution to the Icesave Bank saga is not technically accurate as I’m a bit of a finance-phobe so I improvised though retained the (real) main solution ( ... )


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [2b/?] - The Icesave Bank agreement anonymous January 11 2010, 11:04:09 UTC
THWACK! “What is the total of the British deposits which the Icesave Bank has squandered?”

Iceland’s body heaved and he was sobbing so much he could barely make his voice work. Not receiving a response, England ran the cane over Iceland’s backside. “Do I have to ask again...?” he taunted.

Iceland choked back his tears. “Four billion pounds ... sir,” he blubbed.

“Correct.” THWACK!

Iceland crumbled into the chair as he pulled at his blonde hair in frustration. “Please England, no more...” he begged in halting breaths.

THWACK! England sneered at the defeated nation. “I will tell you when it’s enough!” THWACK! “You’ve enjoyed the spoils of your little venture but now you are unable to bear the burden!” THWACK! Iceland reeled as England continued, “You have cheated honest men and women of their life savings!” THWACK! “And yet you provide no solution on how to fix your mess!” THWACK!

“I-I’ll fix it! I’ll fix it!” cried Iceland. “Just tell me how!”

THWACK! “No!” growled England. “You just don’t get it! It is not up ( ... )


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [2b/?] - The Icesave Bank agreement anonymous January 11 2010, 13:16:31 UTC
O-oh god, this is so fucking hot! I love you writer!anon! *__*


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [3/?] – Iceland’s confession anonymous January 12 2010, 09:56:22 UTC
A/N: This part applies to both endings ( ... )


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [4a/?] - Sweet ending anonymous January 13 2010, 09:47:06 UTC
To his great surprise, England chuckled. “I didn’t think you were charmed,” he said. Iceland looked confused. “Magical, I mean, like me or Norway.”

“I’m not as good as Norway,” Iceland said. “I can’t really control it. Like now with the weather. It just sort of ... happened.”

“It just happened?” Iceland nodded. “So it came out ... involuntarily?” Iceland nodded again.

“And I don’t know how to stop it ... and neither does Norway - ”

“Are you sleeping with Norway?” interrupted England.

Iceland baulked, “What? No way! He’s my brother! We don’t do that sort of stuff!” he cried. “And besides, he’s with Denmark”, he added quietly. He was painfully aware that he was the only Nordic without a lover. He was already the youngest and this extra fact made him feel like a little kid compared to the others.

“And Denmark,” pressed England. “You’ve never ...”

Iceland glared at him. What exactly did England think the Nordics did when they were together? “No,” he said curtly. “I am not sleeping with Denmark. I merely live ( ... )


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [4a/?] - Sweet ending anonymous January 14 2010, 12:31:45 UTC


I love how England did that sneaky talk-Iceland-into-sex thing.
I hope he at least give the poor boy a good first time <3


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [4b/?] - Sweet ending pt 2 anonymous January 17 2010, 08:53:28 UTC
Sweet ending continued ( ... )


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [4c/?] - Sweet ending pt 3 anonymous January 17 2010, 08:55:40 UTC
England felt Iceland’s body tense suddenly and he sat back up. “You okay?” he asked softly ( ... )


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [4d/?] - Sweet ending pt 4 (conclusion) anonymous January 17 2010, 08:58:51 UTC
Iceland woke up around an hour later. He felt a little sore and when he saw England sitting up in the bed next to him reading a book, he blushed deeply ( ... )


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [4d/?] - Sweet ending pt 4 (conclusion) anonymous January 17 2010, 21:07:29 UTC
I can't wait to see the angsty part!!! I'm just a mean person like that! XD

I love how you've written this so far! Icey needs more fandom love!!! {:


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [4d/?] - Sweet ending pt 4 (conclusion) anonymous January 20 2010, 01:00:01 UTC
I like this ending the way it is so. ^^


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [4d/?] - Sweet ending pt 4 (conclusion) anonymous January 21 2010, 17:29:06 UTC
Can't wait for the angsty part! 8D


Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [5a/?] - Angsty ending pt 1 anonymous January 25 2010, 04:50:25 UTC
England stared at him, stunned. “You’re charmed?” he scoffed. Iceland looked confused and scared. The news that Iceland was covering his country in snow was bound to be an unpleasant one, especially as England had been bitching for days about the weather. “Magical - like me, or Norway,” he continued ( ... )


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