Hetalia Kink meme part 9 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:02

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 9



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Re: [Part 9] England teaches financial responsibility - [3/?] – Iceland’s confession anonymous January 12 2010, 09:56:22 UTC
A/N: This part applies to both endings...


Iceland felt relieved that this ordeal was finally over, and especially that Norway and Finland’s ‘financial gang bang’ theory turned out to be a big fat crock. He pulled up his trousers as best he could over his welted rear end, sucking his breath in sharply as the fabric slid over his punishment, reminding him of England’s lesson. A few feet away, the other nation leant against his desk, watching him dress. England’s eyes roamed over the younger man’s body, taking in his untouched white skin, his boyish demeanour, his shy actions.

As Iceland worked his boots, his mind drifted back to their earlier conversation with Denmark in England’s sitting room. “Um, England?” he asked quietly.

The other nation seemed lost in his thoughts, though his eyes were still fixed firmly on Iceland. “Hmm?”

“I was j-just wondering whether ... you know ... if this agreement has changed your mind about me ... and the EU?”

England pondered a moment and then actually gave a small smile. “I think the agreement has shown that you are willing to take better responsibility for your actions. I guess I could let your application pass...”

Iceland suppressed a smile and returned to lacing his boots, afraid to show too much enthusiasm in front of England. After all, he wanted to leave here with England thinking he had grown from the experience, not that he was an excitable child. “Um, England?” he asked again.


“Um, I’m s-sorry I’ve caused you so much bother recently,” he stammered. “I mean with this Icesave business and the weather and all - ” Iceland stopped dead. Denmark had warned him earlier not to mention the weather incident. After all, England didn’t know -

“Oh, it’s fine now,” murmured England, his eyes watching the pale youth kneeling on his bedroom floor. “Once you write up that Bill, I think ... ” England trailed off suddenly, his brow furrowing.

Iceland could practically hear the cogs whirling in England’s head and he started pulling his boots on in haste so that he could leave. Why the hell had he undone the laces so much? Oh, right, to delay his ass getting flamed from England’s cane. He felt the other nation’s heavy foot steps coming towards him but he kept his eyes down, determined to get his boots on and depart.

“What did you say?” asked England. His voice was even and Iceland was unable to read whether he had picked up Iceland’s slip up. “About the weather. What did you say about the weather?”

Iceland felt England’s hand rest on his head but he wouldn’t respond.

“Stand up,” ordered England, softly.

Iceland’s heart dropped as he reluctantly put his boot aside and obeyed England. He couldn’t look the other nation in the eye, afraid if he did, he would give away his secret.

“The weather,” commented England in that same eerily low voice. “The snow which encases my country ... you did it, didn’t you?”

The room was deathly still. England’s face was mere inches away from Iceland’s. He could feel the older nation’s breath, each one accentuating the passage of time as they stood in silence. Iceland finally spoke: “Yes.” It was less than a whisper, his lips barely moving as he confessed his crime. He didn’t even want to think about how England would punish him now.


A/N: And now the ending splits into two alternative directions. Will England be pissed? Or will he react in another way? Stay tuned!


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