Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:33

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Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [1/?] anonymous March 20 2010, 20:07:02 UTC
orignal request:

Our modern, stressed and shattering Liet is somehow switched with his medieval self (Tony? is that you? or maybe Britannia Angel?). You know, the guy that kick-Teutonic-ass. Of course- this is causing a lot of confusion to the world-and mostly to medieval!Liet himself ("America? Who is that? Never heard of him."- "Prussia, how many times do I have to kick your ass away so you get it and leave us alone?!"-"what do you mean I have brothers?!" and so on.)

[Author's notes: 1. Title is a line from the Lithuanian national anthem (see for full lyrics). 2. Vodka has about ten times as much alcohol by volume as beer. 3. The Lithuanian language ( ... )


Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [2/?] anonymous March 20 2010, 20:16:54 UTC
"What? Don't look at me. This is not my fault ( ... )


Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [3/?] anonymous March 20 2010, 20:17:43 UTC

England bit his lip and suddenly found the interesting tiled border on the other side of France's kitchen very interesting indeed. "A year or two, but that's hardly relevant, it can't have been the potion! Look, I gave him the recipe at the Olympics, that was weeks ago. Why didn't he lose his memory weeks ago -"

"A year?" Lithuania suddenly thumped a fist on the counter. That was new. "How am I supposed to go on like this for a year? What if there's a battle ( ... )


Re: Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [3/?] anonymous March 20 2010, 20:57:23 UTC
I love you so much for this. ♥

Also, is that FrUK I smell? =D

Can't wait to read more, I hope you update soon!


Re: Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [3/?] anonymous March 20 2010, 21:13:26 UTC
Op Anon is so happy!

I'm so glad someone finally is filling this! My first fill, yay! ^___^ *going to bake Author!Anon some cookies*

So far I really like it, and also it seems you know what you are writing about on the medieval Lithuania topic, which is absolutely awesome, too. I can't wait for more!

reCaptcha says: the accuracy. I think it likes your fic, too!


Re: Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [3/?] anonymous March 20 2010, 21:26:49 UTC
I'm loving this this far... please continue X3!!


Re: Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [3/?] anonymous March 20 2010, 22:02:15 UTC
I'm so glad someone is filling this. This anon hopes for some LietPol and FrUk. Also having Norway involved would just be to awesome.

I agree with the following anon that you seem to have done reserach on the topic which makes me really happy since historical fills are mostly filled with win.
Also medival Lithuania is badass.

Captcha: Gaged Prauge.
Well maybe not in that way captcha


Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [4/?] anonymous March 20 2010, 22:44:03 UTC
[Thanks for the kind comments, everyone. Yes, you did see FrUK; they were indulging in the English vice last night and England's back has not yet healed, which is why he freaked about the coffee. Poor Liet will get to be badass once he's done twitching at all the shiny lights.]At least Liet was letting Poland hold his hand. He held it like he was afraid he was going to drop it, too, so tight he could feel his bones grinding together ( ... )


Re: Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [4/?] anonymous March 20 2010, 23:02:45 UTC
Chapter 4 already up! LietPol is really cute and seeing confused but still somewhat certain Lithuania is really nice. The change is there even if it's not to apperant. Keep working author anon, we'll be right here reading.


Re: Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [4/?] anonymous March 21 2010, 01:02:27 UTC
Both my OTPs in one fic for what I think is the first time ever. Anon, I love you for all the silliest reasons ♥ but I really do like this story, with all the quirky little details and Lithuania's confusion about the modern world. And Estonia's eardrum-piercing cough in particulary :)


Re: Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [4/?] anonymous March 21 2010, 04:00:08 UTC
I love you, anon. <3 I can't wait for more.

And hearing Poland sum up the American revolution in one sentence was epic awesome


Re: Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [4/?] anonymous March 21 2010, 06:32:58 UTC
Op is here again, and I like it more and more every single line of it I read!

First thing- Poland? Dude, I should tape-record his dialog. It's made out of pure win! I was giggling like a nutcase… I really like the way you are writing him, and the part he tries to avoid the topic of the Polish-Lithuanian war? perfection. I wonder how memory-reversed Liet will find out… and react.

Second- Love Estonia XD never thought I would say that for a character so minor in a fic but still- "Holiday in Uruguay. Harder to get back from in a hurry. Worse phone service." XDXDXD

Last thing- I like the way your Liet is acting, it's very realistic- which is great. It's very nice to read and see the little differences, and, well- I can already see how after some time to adjust He'll get all ass-kicking-awesome.

Still waiting for more! *cheers*


Re: Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [4/?] anonymous March 21 2010, 19:30:00 UTC
THIS. I LOVE IT. It's so cute and funny and well-characterized!

And I have to agree with the other anons who commented on how good your Estonia is :3 Looking forward to seeing more of confident!Liet!


Re: Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [4/?] anonymous March 24 2010, 23:43:46 UTC
UKSRUGLIREUHLVHALGE!!!!!!!!! This! This! I cannot sufficiently express my love for something so amazing!

I love Lietpol. I love medieval!Liet. I love historical accuracy. I love this fic. UAKGEUEURLGVAI

"When we get to my place. I've got a place in Paris. My boss doesn't know about it." Somehow, I'm not surprised. I'll bet he got it during the Napoleonic Era, considering loads of Poles fled to France then.

Maybe they should switch to Polish just for safety's sake? Nobody here spoke medieval Polish. For some reason, I found this line extremely funny.

This is A+ work. I love it so much. Please please please update soon!!!!!!


Re: Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [4/?] anonymous March 25 2010, 01:04:50 UTC
I'll bet he got it during the Napoleonic Era, considering loads of Poles fled to France then.
Sometime around then, yeah. Fanon seems to have him living with Austria after the partitions, but in my headcanon, having his territory divided three ways meant Austria, Russia, and Prussia all assumed he was living with one of the other two, and he took the opportunity to head off to first Italy, and join the Polish Legions, then France, where he settled down for some time and hung out with the emigrants. And he hasn't redecorated in a hundred years. Literally. He keeps meaning to get around to it, but by now t's gone past 'dated' to 'nostalgic'. I don't know if thiis will come up in the story, but that's the background I use. (capthca says 'that migrated'. Correct, captcha!)

I have so much fun with languages in this fandom. ^^

Glad you enjoyed it. I've been busy with my other ongoing fill, but the update is in the works!


Re: Let your sons draw their strength from our past experience [4/?] anonymous March 29 2010, 17:28:10 UTC
I can't even begin to express how much WIN this fill is. o__o♥ Omg, you seem to know what you're talking about so well too and the reactions are realistic, or seem that way to me. *bookmarked so hard*

W-would you mind if I asked if you're a Lithuanian yourself, writeranon?


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