Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:33

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And it's all nice and cute, working for the UN... not. [1/11] anonymous February 4 2010, 15:22:03 UTC
I decided to give this prompt a try. I am not sure I managed that well, but who cares. As long as OP likes, I guess… there are a bit of pairings mentioned. Ok, quite a lot. Inability to put all the bonuses in, though… sorry.Pushing the door open, the secretary of the vice-president in charge for the UN list of monthly meetings hesitantly looked around, eyes checking the room for a person he knew should be there, but wasn’t ( ... )


And it's all nice and cute, working for the UN... not. [2/11] anonymous February 4 2010, 15:23:07 UTC
“You, do you recognise this great me?”

As the kid spoke, Lucas couldn’t but stare in amazement at those eyebrows. Seeing them this close, they were truly big…

“I asked you if you recognise me!” now he was pouting, but Lucas had no time to play around with kids.

“I’m sorry, boy, I’m searching for Mr. Tino Va… V…” oh, damn it -he gave up! “I’m searching for a person and I don’t have time to play with you”.

The kid threw a glance at his paper and read the name he couldn’t pronounce; his face scrunched up in surprise.

“Mama? Why would you search for mama?” the kid turned to share a look with the other boy, who shrugged and looked to the side. “He’s not here, he promised me he’d bake me something good and went to the kitchen!”

Lucas frowned. As far as he knew, the kitchens were out of limits to the dignitaries coming for the meetings…

‘Still -mama?’“Let’s go, Raivis” the Kirkland kid poked his friend with a finger, making him break into shivers, and completely ignoring Lucas he moved away, bouncing happily. The other kid, Raivis, ( ... )


And it's all nice and cute, working for the UN... not. [3/11] anonymous February 4 2010, 15:24:13 UTC
Unfortunately, not fast enough not to hear the last comment from the blond transvestite.

“Come on! I, like, bet we can finish before it reaches the twentieth floor!”


“Third floor… what corridor was it again?” Lucas mumbled, looking around.

The UN headquarter wasn’t entirely a maze, but it was big, and composed by four buildings, one of which (the one he was in currently) had 39 floors; Lucas had prided himself to know most of his way around, but of course, after his mind had been plagued by the knowledge that the elevator was being used right now as a kink setting for a gay couple…

He wasn’t sure if they idea just plainly shocked him, or if he was kind of intrigued by their daring attitude.

Surely he wasn’t disgusted, when he’d been younger he’d fooled around as well, but still… it was public property… soiling elevators… oh, God ( ... )


And it's all nice and cute, working for the UN... not. [4/11] anonymous February 4 2010, 15:24:53 UTC
Still, was it allowed for people to bring pets in the UN building? What were the guards at the entrance doing? with all the attacks and the fear for the politicians and diplomats’ lives, it was a wonder the entrances were so poorly guarded that they allowed a clearly insane woman with a knife and a deranged man with a bird to go around ( ... )


And it's all nice and cute, working for the UN... not. [5/11] anonymous February 4 2010, 15:25:55 UTC
‘Aw, damn it, they’re so cute together. There should be something about them on newspapers, I’m sure it would make people rethink their hatred for gays…’

Lucas was startled out of his strange thoughts and turned to the side, grimacing. What was that again? Was everybody in the UN having gay diplomats?!

Was he turning into one himself?

Cheeks tinged with a healthy shade of both pink and green, Lucas shuddered.

He had to get out of there -clearly there was no Mr. Tino anywhere… he had to move on.

“Ve~ Ludwig? Do you want to…” a finger pressed against the German’s chest “make love here?”

“F-Feliciano!” cheeks flushed, shuddering at the mental thoughts, Mr. Ludwig quickly lost his mental battle on whether it was right or wrong when the Italian wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

“Come on… you know, I could let you tie me up on the table…”

Lucas closed the door and ran away, before he could be tempted into just staying for a bit more to watch. He really didn’t want to be turning into a pervert, either!

‘What were those rolling ( ... )


And it's all nice and cute, working for the UN... not. [6/11] anonymous February 4 2010, 15:26:36 UTC
Yao, lost his angered features, turned towards him and smiled, offering him a hand. Once he was standing, Lucas found a bun ready for him, and he denied it with a small gesture. “Mr. Yao, who were you… chasing?”

A fleeting expression of annoyance appeared on the young man’s face. Just this once, Lucas didn’t think anything of it, if only because he was aware that Asiatic people had the gift of never really looking old, despite their age, so probably Mr. Yao was past his thirties, whilst still looking a twenty years old man.

“My… I mean, Im Yong Soo, the delegate from Korea” he mumbled, sighing. “He was groping my…” he turned flustered, waving his arms around “nothing, nothing aru! It wasn’t worth chasing him, aru!”

Lucas had just a bad feeling about that.

Were really all those delegates gay ( ... )


And it's all nice and cute, working for the UN... not. [7/11] anonymous February 4 2010, 15:27:39 UTC
“Mr. Alfred?” Lucas’ eyes widened in surprise. He had not expected to see the USA representative this early in the morning -usually Mr. Jones arrived later, around midday, munching on his burgers, yelling and bouncing around, making the life of all workers in the four buildings a living hell. “What are you doing here at this ( ... )


And it's all nice and cute, working for the UN... not. [8/11] anonymous February 4 2010, 15:28:36 UTC
Rooted to the spot, he could only stare, eyes as wide as saucer plates, at the sight in front of him.

They were all -they were all foreign diplomats. All the six… seven of them. Lucas’ barely working brain recognised who some of them were, and was left even more scarred than before, especially considering what they were doing.

There was the infamous French representative (the one who had clearly some problems in decency, since he was often seen gliding through the buildings with no clothes on bare a small red rose on his privates) on top of Mr. Arthur, who was on all fours on the floor, and he was -they were having… they were…

“Come on, Angleterre… you know you’re enjoying this…” he punctuated his speech with loud, rhythmic slaps, hands dripping lower, where Lucas thankfully couldn’t see- “You’re a pervert, after all ( ... )


And it's all nice and cute, working for the UN... not. [9/11] anonymous February 4 2010, 15:29:40 UTC
Head spinning, Lucas backed away from the room, shutting the door close with an inaudible click, and pressed both of his palms on his eyes.

This was just…

It was…

“Ahhhh! Fra-aaah“Move your ass you two, France looks like he’s going to win ( ... )


And it's all nice and cute, working for the UN... not. [10/11] anonymous February 4 2010, 15:30:55 UTC
If possible, Lucas had the definite impression that the Russian’s face had turned darker, almost menacing. “You can always try, but in the end, I will be on top…” his smirk widened, so much it looked like it would split his face in half, and he started uttering “Kolkolkolkolkol” whilst towering on the American, who was apparently blind to the strange, threatening attitude of the Russian and instead just patted him on the chest ( ... )


And it's all nice and cute, working for the UN... not. [11/11] anonymous February 4 2010, 15:32:50 UTC
“I can’t!” he whined, knowing he shouldn’t be pouring his problems on this poor (and damn, so young!) lad, but… “I’ve been sent around to search for Mr. Tino V…. Va… V… I cannot even pronounce his name, damn it -and he’s nowhere to be found, and he should have been signing documents in my boss’ office for whatever thing he’s needed for, and it’s been hours I am walking everywhere, watching people have sex and starting to find it arousing, and yet he’s still nowhere to be found! This is not how a proper diplomat should work! And here no one seems to be working seriously, either ( ... )


Re: And it's all nice and cute, working for the UN... not. [11/11] anonymous February 4 2010, 17:51:56 UTC
This. This was absolutely amazing. Excellently written, so in character, and just... cboweubcduoqewbxiuqwb.


Re: And it's all nice and cute, working for the UN... not. [11/11] anonymous February 4 2010, 18:52:12 UTC
I don't have any words for this. I'm... speechless.

Please don't lock your door tonight. I want to stalk you.

And oh God I love Lucas. Poor guy...


OP anonymous February 4 2010, 20:06:02 UTC
This...this...OP can't really put into word how very NOT FAIL you and this are, authoranon. This is exactly what OP wanted. Exactly. With a few gorgeous extras.

Lucas is so amusing and cute! you really can't help but feel for the guy...I believe, if we were to work alongside this madhouse of a cast, we wouldn't be squeeing like we do in fan modeXD.
Meeting Berwald first set the mood perfectly for further fear and brainbleaching. He's one of the ones that just can't pretend, eh?XD About three slips in one sentence. And listening to Caramelldansen. Marry me, authoranon ♥

Unconsciously bullyish Sealand was loveXD. Lucas' wonderment at his eyebrows had me laughing because, yeah, huge. And doesn't even seem to bother with pretending to be a normal boy ( ... )


OP (continuation) anonymous February 4 2010, 20:07:39 UTC
Awww, Korea was, agressively cuteXD. The Korean drama reference was win! China being polite and making conversation with everyone and trying to speak with all N workers somehow seems very appropiate ^^

And poor Canada! Not even when exposed to regular humans does he get a break. Confused with America and ignored/forgotten again xD. But he was so polite and helpful, and such a sweetheart &hearts. He's one of the ones that try to pretend normality the most, but he should leave Kuma back homeXD; I lol'd at how hard Lucas was trying to pretend that nothing weird was going on with the talking polar bearXD (isn't that how we usually deal with things like these?)
Also, Denmark. Can we say psychotic? He should meet BelarusXD ( ... )


author!anon LOVES you OP anonymous February 4 2010, 20:30:55 UTC
god, that was the best comment i've ever received.

you just caught everything i had wanted to add (the gerita dynamics, the ruame dynamics, the slips with the bad friends trio, canada, everything), and GHH thanks for liking so much! i was terribly afraid of not doing it well :D

on the account of the trio, the real bet was whoever could have their uke come first would win. of course you can't demand proper slow sex when you're in a bet, right? :D i'd think france won, but with prussia you never know, he could easily cheat (like yelling something similar to "your cooking sucks!" and/or "i put sugar on your tomatoes" to distract, ahem, his opponents). we might never know XDD

and just so you know, lucas didn't see it, but there was japan hiding somewhere in the kitchen to watch what happened in there when he ran away :D.

all in all, i love you :D i'm terribly happy and i'll go bounce away now X3


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