Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Like, Totally Manry (2/?) anonymous November 13 2009, 17:51:13 UTC
A half hour later, Canada found his way out of the kitchen with a half eaten plate of lukewarm pizza rolly goodness ( ... )


OP, OP anonymous November 18 2009, 23:34:11 UTC

Poor Germany.

LOL at America still being badass enough to catch the three of them even when high. So much love for this fic!

I vote for Truth or Dare.


Re: Like, Totally Manry (5/?) anonymous November 19 2009, 02:41:11 UTC
Not-OP is loving this fic, and votes for Truth or Dare!


Re: Like, Totally Manry (5/?) anonymous November 19 2009, 02:47:43 UTC
Oh writer!anon, you marvelous person you. Let me offer you my soul and undying love for this amazing fill. You had this anon loling in the middle of a public library with that scene of France and England. Needless to say anon but, you've just gained a new stalker. <3

(I vote for truth or dare.) XD


Re: Like, Totally Manry (5/?) anonymous November 19 2009, 05:13:49 UTC
I am really enjoying this fill so far anon, but I have a suggestion for you if you don't mind. Mark the scene changes with something other than a sudden jump in character names (like a couple of dashes separating sentences or something). It's really kind of confusing without it.

I actually vote for Spin the Bottle


Re: Like, Totally Manry (5/?) anonymous November 19 2009, 05:52:57 UTC
Thanks for the suggestion. I don't mind it at all. I will certainly do that from now on.


Re: Like, Totally Manry (5/?) anonymous November 20 2009, 17:15:18 UTC
Truth or Dare!

Looks like being high (and having little girl braids) just makes America more freakishly strong than ever.

Loving this fill, bookmarked and f5ing for moar!


writernon anonymous November 20 2009, 19:46:29 UTC
I would take anything Prussia says with a grain of salt. He's trying to retain what little awesomeness he has left.

In truth, they were so scared when America ran out with a green face and little girl braids in his hair, that they just couldn't get away in time

And, you know, lack of restraint. Yup. All this time, he's just been holding back.

Truth or Dare it is!


Re: Like, Totally Manry (5/?) anonymous November 20 2009, 22:27:45 UTC
In love with this. Oh God, my OTPs of all the time. I love you.

I side with Canada in this matter! 7 minutes is heaven, plz.


Like, Totally Manry (6/?) anonymous November 21 2009, 06:03:34 UTC
Germany sighed as he walked down the lane, with Italy hanging on his arm, trying not to slip on the surface in his platforms. When England and France knocked over the pins, they had triggered the machine to replace the pins ( ... )


Like, Totally Manry (6b/?) anonymous November 21 2009, 06:04:07 UTC
"Alright then, Prussia. Truth or dare?"

Prussia looked to the side as America and an untied Russia came out of the bathroom. America was wearing Russia's boxers on his head like it was a natural thing to do. He then looked back to Lithuania.


Lithuania grinned and pulled out a bottle.

"I'm going to spin this bottle, and you have to go in the closet with whoever it lands on for 7 minutes."

Prussia narrowed his eyes. "Alright then." Ok, so he had to sit in a closet for a few minutes. With...one of these girly guys. Great. This is could be bad.

Lithuania set the bottle down and everyone watched it spin until it came to a stop. Prussia followed the trail until he found that he was looking at Canada. Alright. At least it would be someone safe.

Poland and America started squealing when they realized who it landed on. What was their problem. He looked at Canada again and swallowed heavily as he noticed the predatory look he was getting.

Maybe it wasn't so safe after all.


OP anonymous November 21 2009, 14:44:07 UTC

The whole thing is just...the images it produces in my head are all things of beauty. Germany stomping down the lane, Prussia's frustration, America sitting in Russia's lap and Russia clearly enjoying it (curious about what went on in that bathroom though), the way you've melded more then one game together.

Just perfect! :-)


Re: Like, Totally Manry (6b/?) anonymous November 23 2009, 05:51:20 UTC

Everyone in this is so much win. More please!


Like, Totally Manry (7/7) anonymous November 29 2009, 21:06:06 UTC
Germany walked up to Canada's door and frowned slightly as the scent of smoke wafted into his nose. Great, not only did he have to convince the police not to arrest the nations for public nuisance...again...but he was going to be dealing with a bunch of high, immature nations. It was no surprise Prussia never made it back. He knocked and waited ( ... )


Re: Like, Totally Manry (7/7) anonymous November 29 2009, 21:21:05 UTC
Canada had prussia tied up in the closet...
Anon needs a moment to wrap her brain around this mental image
Yes, very much so...

Author!anon, have I told you that I love you?


Re: Like, Totally Manry (7/7) anonymous November 30 2009, 00:42:34 UTC
Even if you did, I'll accept it a second time. ;D

Glad you were able to wrap your brain around that image. It's a nice one, isn't it?


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