Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Hepetarchy (1a/?) anonymous July 26 2010, 22:00:57 UTC
The first one to see the boy was Cent, although it hadn’t been much of a sighting. A glimpse of green eyes under heavy eyebrows peering out from some bushes, that vanished from sight when her king called her.

The next was East Englarice, who got a better look at him. There had been a battle and she and her boss had been the victors, although at a price. She’d gone down to the river to wash the blood off and there he was, sitting on the opposite bank. He was barely more than a baby and stared at her with wide green eyes. She’d frowned and wondered who was foolish enough to let their son run around that close to a battlefield, even if there was a river between him and it, but hadn’t had the time or inclination to investigate, not when there were more important matters at hand.


Hepetarchy (1b/?) anonymous July 26 2010, 22:02:25 UTC
The third one to see him had been Derenrice. It had happened shortly after his and Beornice’s king had become overking after they’d defeated Westseaxna rīce, which Dererice felt very proud about. He liked Edwin and not just because he’d provided him with plenty of opportunities to indulge in his favorite activity, namely fighting, and vastly extended his territory in the process (the fact that this involved taking a sizable chunk of Myrce’s territory and resulted in assorted kingdoms and sub-kingdoms ending up as servants in his house was a definite bonus), although admittedly that was the main reason. Westseaxna wasn’t in his house, but his new king had to answer to Derenrice’s king, so he could still boss him around and he’d got to kick his arse on the battlefield, so he was happy. In hindsight though, he might have overdone the celebrating a bit. Deciding that at bit of fresh air would go a long way towards combating the lingering effects of too much mead, he sent out on a walk through the forest surrounding his house ( ... )


Re: Hepetarchy (1/?) Notes anonymous July 26 2010, 22:08:14 UTC
The term 'hepetarchy' refers to the seven major kingdoms that made up the bulk of England before it was England, although there is some debate as to how accurate it is ( ... )


OP anonymous July 26 2010, 22:35:19 UTC
I was so excited to see another fill for this and have not been disappointed. Excellent start anon, and so interesting with the author's notes. Looking forward to more :3


Re: OP anonymous July 26 2010, 23:10:38 UTC
Thanks. Glad you liked it. Updates will be as and when I think of something. Information on the Anglo-Saxon period is pretty sparce and I want any future chapters to have a good balance of what's inside my head and actual history, which is going to take time.


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