Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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England and Edward anonymous December 14 2009, 17:11:26 UTC
"Edward!" England burst through the tent "Scotland's picking on me again!"

"Well tell him to stop, I'm busy"

England frowned for a moment "But he's attacking the borders! Again!"

Edward looked up "Oh, it's you England"

"Who did you think it was!" England stamped his foot.

"Well then, what is it that you want?"

England scowled "I just told you! Scotland is picking on me again!"

"Don't worry" Edward patted the top of the scowling boy's head "My army will defeat him. Robert the Bruce's army is tiny compared to ours"

"But he's planning something! I know it!"

"We'll beat him. don't worry. We'll be arriving at Stirling tomorrow. We'll beat him then. They will be no match for us"

"If you say so"

It would be years before Scotland would stop laughing at England, and then America made that bloody movie. So Scotland started laughing again, just this time at America as well. The boy never did do well at history.

Sorry, I know it was crappy but I had to write something for this prompt. So behold my crappy charactisation and history ( ... )


Re: England and Edward anonymous December 15 2009, 14:12:47 UTC
Ha ha, very nice!


OP is very surprised and also very late! anonymous December 23 2009, 19:05:41 UTC
OP did not expect anyone to ever fill this one (m-my requests have never been filled before. ;__; )!Thank you so much for the pleasant surprise! <3333

(Even though OP has never seen the movie, she knows the one you're talking about. :D This is an adorable fill, thank you again!)


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