Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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La Madrastra [1a/?] anonymous December 2 2009, 16:15:11 UTC
I'M SO FILLING THIS. Not the anon from above, though.
I hope you like it >.< I'm not the best writer out there ( ... )


Re: La Madrastra [1b/?] anonymous December 2 2009, 16:20:53 UTC
His first clue that this was God getting back at him was the airport the jet left them at. It was practically bursting with people, all mostly with dark hair, very much like Antonio's own, and skin a shade darker than Antonio's. Lovino noted they were speaking in Spanish, however they spoke with a different accent that Antonio's own accent. It was a bit clearer and not as fast, and Lovino had the feeling something about some words they said but that he had heard Antonio say were being pronounced quite strangely. And they were all rather happy and cheerful, like Antonio, and even a little bit more warm.

His second clue came when a girl in the crowd suddenly yelled, "PAPÁ!" And before Lovino could even blink, Antonio was nearly tackled to the floor by said girl, as she gave him a bone-crushing hug that the surprised Spaniard returned after a few seconds, chuckling. Lovino was too shocked by this to even be jealous and try to pull them apart, but he wasn't too shocked to not notice a boy around the same age as the girl, with tanned skin ( ... )


Re: La Madrastra [1b/?] anonymous December 21 2009, 16:20:45 UTC
OH GOD!!! I love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anon please don't stop there! This is really interesting!!!

maybe, you forgot to post this in the fill section and that's why not many people have seen this yet?

I'm sure that if some people I know, were to see this they'd be just as enthusiastic for you to continue *hinthint*!!!!!!


Re: La Madrastra [1b/?] anonymous December 28 2009, 04:35:04 UTC
The Anon up there is right! I found this at random browsing through the fills (no, I'm not desperate for more Spain/Romano, what makes you think that) and I fell in love with it. You are even using the Latin American characters from the community here on LJ! Asdf, please continue~

You speak Spanish, right Author!Anon?


Re: La Madrastra [1b/?] anonymous April 23 2010, 01:38:50 UTC
Dear Author!Anon, wolud you plese continue, pretty please??
And, are you by any chance in latin_hetalia????


Re: La Madrastra [1b/?] anonymous May 16 2010, 23:50:49 UTC
Oh anon this have so much potencial.

You're in latin hetalia anon? Are you latin american because your title made me laugh it's the really good title for any tasty latin telenovela filled with anger and family and weddings and epic win ^^^

I can't wait to see more, also I love Lovino in here


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