Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child 1/? anonymous November 19 2009, 05:48:57 UTC
((Anon is not the same anon who expressed interest earlier...I kinda found this and was like: "MUST WRITE!!" And then proceeded to tap out this entire story over the course of....six or seven hours....@_@ Please enjoy ( ... )


Re: Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child 2/3 anonymous November 19 2009, 05:50:59 UTC
“Do not…ever…make the mistake of bringing my other son into this,” France hissed, forgetting in his anger to drop random French into his sentence just to piss the others off ( ... )


Re: Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child 3/3 anonymous November 19 2009, 05:51:56 UTC
North Italy whimpered ( ... )


Re: Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child 3/3 anonymous November 19 2009, 06:01:45 UTC
((Gah...I tried to get what you were aiming for, OP, but I think I failed...^^; ))

Eh...translation notes?

'rosbif': "Roast beef"- As far as can tell, a French insult to the British. Yup. If I got that wrong...well...uh...I'm a stupid American?

'Mon ami, Prusse': "My friend Prussia"

'Dieu'- "God"

'NE TOUCHEZ PAS MES FILS!'- "DO NOT TOUCH MY SONS!" Oh~ Papa France is angry~

'Fratello'- "Brother" Once again, this is using my lame-ass American-language-deduction skills, so...

'Angleterre'- "England"

'Avec plaisir'- "With pleasure"

'petit frère'- "little brother"

Gah, my life would be so much easier if France just kept his mouth shut....;-;


not OP anonymous November 19 2009, 19:43:42 UTC
Gah! OMG I want a squeal now~ This was just perfect. thank you.


Re: not OP anonymous November 20 2009, 00:46:24 UTC
Aw, thanks~ I wasn't really sure where to go with it, but then the story just sort of took over my hands...(Most of my stories seem to do that...orz)


Re: Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child 3/3 anonymous November 20 2009, 15:44:25 UTC
I'm so glad this got filled. Thank you!


Re: Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child 3/3 anonymous November 22 2009, 05:06:08 UTC
Heh....glad you liked. ^_^ I had fun writing it and, seeing as I'm not much of a strategist, it gave my brain quite the workout.


Re: Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child 3/3 anonymous June 10 2010, 21:43:46 UTC
THANK YOU. I always disliked the Financial Gangbang comics where England and France were involved in doing that to America, after all if England didn't shoot America in the middle of a war when he was the ruthless British Empire or do anything during the Great Depression, why would he rape him over a recession? But then again it could be my England/America fan girl coming out
And you handled this really well, like how the other nations start to realise that England and France were world powers once too and how N.Italy couldn't go through with it.
It was so sweet how France and England were planning on taking everything for their old colonies.


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