Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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The Dark Knight (1/1) anonymous November 13 2009, 04:24:10 UTC
Alfred ran down the hall, holding his video watch to his wrist. "Ivan!"

Ivan sighed as his face appeared on the video screen. "...Da. Everything is ready for you..."

Alfred grinned and pushed the otherwise invisible button next to the actual elevator button. A super secret elevator (just for him) opened and he got in, hitting the button with a picture of a bat on it.

When he got off the elevator, fully in costume, Peter and Matthew Robin and Batgirl were waiting for him.

Robin jumped up and down. "Let's go kick some ass! Can I drive? Can I drive? You said I could drive this time!"

Batgirl groaned a bit as heshe turned, heading for the batmobile. "Why do I have to be BatgirlAlfred rolled his eyes as he hopped into the driver seat. "Because I'm Batman. Duh ( ... )


Re: The Dark Knight (1/1) anonymous November 13 2009, 13:00:09 UTC
...Pfffffft. Niiice.


OP anonymous November 14 2009, 00:29:42 UTC
so, author!anon, what do yiu want? My soul, my first born, internets my eternal love (well yoiu've already got that), because this fill was EPIC


writernon anonymous November 14 2009, 06:32:36 UTC
Oh wow, OP. I'm flattered, but you should save all that for someone who truly deserves it.

I should be thanking you for the request, because writing that made my bad day a million times better yesterday. ^_^

Glad you liked my randomness~


Re: The Dark Knight (1/1) anonymous November 14 2009, 09:42:41 UTC
Frickin loling my ass off here, writer!anon!! For some reason, while reading this fill, I imagined the characters as the old, original TV Batman series, with Alfred as Adam West!Batman... and Arthur as Eartha Kitt!Catwoman...

... and now I can't get the image of Arthur saying "Purrrrfect!" out of my head. THANK YOU!


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