Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



New fills for this part go HERE.
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Just Like Her (Part 1/5) anonymous November 9 2009, 03:39:20 UTC
((This is my first fill... ^^;;; I hope I do the request justice!))Cool blue eyes watched with adoration as a young girl came bounding up from the crystal clear water with her newest prize. “Papa! Papa! I caught one ( ... )


Just Like Her (Part 2/5) anonymous November 9 2009, 03:41:52 UTC
Seychelles was swimming again, in her tropical paradise she called home. Diving under the water, she opened her eyes to watch the slightly marred and pale back of her beloved Frenchman. She would have sighed if she had not been underwater- New feelings developing in her now developed chest. The small island nation wasn’t so small anymore and she had been trying to explain that to Francis for a while now (she had refused to call Francis Papa again ever since these feelings started to develop). But every time she brought up the subject of them becoming closer, he would shrug it off- Saying that things were fine how they were ( ... )


Re: Just Like Her (Part 3/5) anonymous November 9 2009, 03:48:13 UTC
It had been three months since the French Republic had heard from his ex-colony. There had been no word since that fateful day where he had denied her advances and he was wondering now why he had. He had attempted to call her a few times only to be sent immediately to voicemail ( ... )


Re: Just Like Her (Part 4/5) anonymous November 9 2009, 03:49:41 UTC
The small island nation sat up and wiped un-shed tears from her eyes. Alfred wasn’t him- He wasn’t even close. But she couldn’t go back, he had pushed her away- He didn’t love her like that, she reminded herself needlessly. Seychelles had avoided the Frenchman as much as she could, to embarrassed and hurt to face him. Alfred had been there as someone to make her laugh, he had been charming at first ( ... )


Just Like Her (Part 5/5) anonymous November 9 2009, 03:52:25 UTC
“Please Francis… I’ve been waiting for so long,” Seychelles struggled out of the embrace and hopped down, taking the larger, rough hand in her own smaller one. She pulled him upstairs to her bedroom, to finish what she started on the beach to long ago ( ... )


Re: Just Like Her (Part 5/5) anonymous December 31 2009, 00:15:48 UTC
This is fantastic, anon! <3 I don't understand why this doesn't have more reviews; I thought it was great. : )


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