Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Yandere!Spain/England anonymous November 4 2009, 09:41:23 UTC
So we all knew that Spain lose against England. But what if the opposite happen? Spain win and managed to conquer England in the end? This anon wants to see Spain with England~ Smut is okay too.


Mi Inglaterra Prologue [1/2] anonymous November 4 2009, 21:09:13 UTC
England looked pale, Spain noticed as he traced his finger down the curve of England’s jaw, feeling the smaller nation shiver ( ... )


Mi Inglaterra Prologue [2/2] anonymous November 4 2009, 21:11:34 UTC
The fires were reflected in England’s eyes, themselves the colour of grass, as the Heretic, rebel, daughter of King Henry VIII, the woman who might have been Queen, burned ( ... )


Re: Mi Inglaterra Prologue [2/2] anonymous November 5 2009, 05:26:49 UTC
This wasn't an awful start, authornon. I look forward to more :)


OP anonymous November 5 2009, 09:42:11 UTC
-Nearly fall from the chair in happiness- You done it really good, Author!Anon! Even when this didn't exactly what this OP has in mind when she make the request, you still make an awesome fill! -Showers Author!Anon with love-


Re: Mi Inglaterra Prologue [2/2] anonymous November 6 2009, 14:38:03 UTC
i loved the prologue, this promises to be amazing!keep going! :D


Mi Inglaterra [1/?] anonymous November 16 2009, 22:05:33 UTC
(A/N Urgh, sorry it's been a while between fills, I was sick, then I got writers blocks, then school swamped me, then I got a better idea for the next chapter, so I re-wrote it and...

Orz)Spain softly stroked the trails of tears that had run down England’s cheek. The blonde nation flinched slightly from Spain’s touch, his manacled wrists limp in his laps as he knelt on the cold stone floor ( ... )


OP anonymous November 17 2009, 09:52:46 UTC
G-God... OP is so happy you updated again! -Hug Author!Anon- This OP is kind of worried that you drop the story... But, nonetheless, this is another good part!


Re: Mi Inglaterra [1/?] anonymous November 18 2009, 01:08:14 UTC
A-an update. I'm kind of pleased. ♥♥ I like England fumbling with Spanish a lot, a lot, and probably Spain thinking it a characteristic of his possession of England. Really good.


Mi Inglaterra [2/?] anonymous November 19 2009, 21:41:44 UTC
(A/N Guys, I don't deserve your praise. Again, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Not much happens, but it's important to set the scene.)England had to admit that his new cell was an improvement, even if it could hardly be called a cell ( ... )


OP anonymous November 20 2009, 09:56:31 UTC
You are really good, author!anon! You really deserved to be praised! And another good part~


Re: Mi Inglaterra [2/?] anonymous November 20 2009, 18:48:51 UTC
Awesome!! anon loves anything related with Spain and England <3


Re: Mi Inglaterra [2/?] anonymous January 26 2013, 06:46:34 UTC
Oh yes! This is awesome and it's worth remembering that although England beat Spain's armada, Spain promptly beat England's Counter Armada in actual history so maybe he did some of this in real life as his way of getting even. ;)


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